Theburnincheese requested it, I actually put burning instead of burnin (soz for that) Im pretty pleased with the results
I like it, but the right half feels too empty. I'd use a smaller canvas if I were you, or shift the focal over to the middle.
Yeah i agree that the right side is empty, but i do not agree on shifting the focal to the middle, that is a nono. Shrink the canvas a little and maybe move the focal over to the right a little but no in the center and add a few effects over to the right.
if you would actually pay attention, a lot really professional styles you see use a centered focal. the focal being centered doesn't make it ugly, it's symmetrical signatures that are ugly.
I never said, never have the focal centered, i said just for this one don't. You can try it if you want, but i don't think it'll work out.