If I remember it correctly, we either supported it from behind or we relied on the fact that bigger objects need to be moved A LOT more than standard size objects in order to respawn... I actually mentioned why I remade the map, it is late because i've been busy with life... I run by this quote:
Ok, it is like this: On foundry, if you hit a dumpster, it will not respawn. This is due to how the physics of Halo work. A dumpster is too heavy for a spartan to move by hitting it, no matter how many times you hit it, the dumpster will not move an inch, though, if you use a warthog, you move it in one smash. Why? Objects have weight. If it is too heavy to move, it will not be moved, and will not be bothered by, in this case a melee. The same is true for the container. Edit: Part 2: Objects also have a set disappearing time, I don't know the number for every object, but my studies have given my 30 seconds since interaction with dumpsters, and 10 for mongooses after exploding, larger objects have much longer times until they disappear.
Hmmm... nvm, I guess I lied... lolz. Leave it to a switch maker to correct me on object physics... anyways, thanks for the comments everyone, we hope you like the new map and gametype...
I remember this being my first Conquest map. I never played it until a few months ago, in one of Insane's TGIFs. Too much fun, it was hectic and extremely different from my usual style of play (more MLG-ish). I appreciate the fact that you redid this wonderful map, and am excited for the changes in both the Cellars and ConqV4!
I thought you weren't going to post this here. Well, I love the map and play it with my friends. I'm not gonna lie though, I like v3 of conquest better because I like normal damage and I'm more of an individual player but for any team player, you will love AZN's conquest by far. Glad you fixed the changes for the breakouts, but I'm not sure I dig the mancannons in the middle.
I wasn't going to, but with all the adoring fans I have and the fact that people need to know about the new conquest is why I just copy and pasted it... lolz... Anyways... I just want you to know DimmestBread that you should play Bungie's default gametype Flag Rally, minus grenades and tell me what it plays like... you guessed it... Conquest v3... of course it does have a few minor differences like no vehicle usage and CPU settings... but other than that Conquest v3 is just Flag Rally... so anyone that ever requests to play v3 I'm just going to load up Flag Rally and remove grenades... no offense, but I just noticed this. I don't need Conquest v3 to take up space in my HD if I can just make it in 2 secs instead... And as for the man cannons, we kinda sorta ran out of immovable stuff that looked nice to put there... lol... those blue lights were not intentional, they were a side effect...
Good job blah blah blah now come help me with my ****ing spawns, AZN! On like 3 of my maps: High ground, last resort, and ghost town! You pwomised....... :'(
True although I think territories capture slower in flag rally because I remember waiting top mid on narrows for like 25 seconds (then rocketed). And there are some other little things like no friendly fire. but you are sort of right. I guess it just suits me more (individual player). and it had SMG starts. or maybe I changed that . That stinks But we can't have everything now can we. I just don't like the noise they make and the blue glow they give off. Oh well, i've got both cellars now, muahahahahaha. EDIT: How come people always think I am high? EDIT2: XF 2v2, hope i get on your team. we would own.
You know Headless, I am always busy doing something... try pulling me aside... I barely see you online let alone asking me for help... lolz... Anyways, yeah Dimmest forgot the Friendly fire part as well... but yeah so 2 gameplay differences grenades and friendly fire... and it is 10 sec capture... we played flag rally on this map...
So...uh...since i'm the "conquest master," i guess i should say something wise and...conquesty, right? Haha, ya know, i had never played the original cellars until two TGIF's ago, after i built Of the Essence. But lemme tell ya, i was shocked when i first played conquest on the cellars. It was different than all the other conquest maps for some reason. It helped me understand why everyone was so flustered after the conquest forgeoff lol. I guess its hard to replicate! So, i'm glad you perfected the map (someone got out of the original map the first time i played it). I'll switch out the old version on my drive and keep this one now! You da man, AZN Oh, and i love the new variant! It works great on my conquest maps!
You do realize that you only got Conquest Master cuz I'm lazy to forge on Foundry right? lolz... congrats bro... I SO would have won if it was on any map... (my egotistical self) I have a great one planned for a couple of non-conventional maps... Anyways... glad you love the new variant, please spread the word on the new variant, I'm sure Forgehub Conquest enthusiasts would love it... thanks for the replies everyone... I love you guys...
Awhh AZN rehashing an old, tired map doesn't mean you get to keep your crown, sometimes you gotta pass it off to your "Disciples". I might have had some respect for what you did, had you not have made the post. I'm sure you'll come back with a rebuttle of "I was joking", but lol...I know how serious you really were.
Say what? Wow that was pretty rude coming from a colored... you do see a humorous tone in that right? And dude, the map's been done before the winner was ever announced. Disciples? Really? Can a moderator please remove both this comment and that comment... that is spam...
When i first saw the title, i thought a forgenub had resurrected the map cellars form it's grave. Looks like i was right. Just kidding. May i inquire why there are no pictures of the new version? i only see one in a quoted thread. I'm glad you brought this map back, I've always hated those spike grenades....
There are pictures did you see what was under the quote good sir? There are four of them... and 3 in the quote... lolz the spike grenades are stil there, they are just pushed back...
You apparently lack the foresight to see how incredibly rude and pompous your comment was to gunnergrunt. It wasn't spam, I was merely calling you on something that shouldn't have been said in the first place, "joking" or not. Oh and BTW, nice "discrete" advertising.
I'm sorry but has anyone EVER posted (my egotistical self) while being serious? If you were REALLY yelling at someone I don't think that you would put in a or call yourself egotistical. I am pretty sure that the only reason that you complained about that is because you were upset with his links (see below). And obviously Gunner Grunt didn't take offence, otherwise he would have posted, seriously take a break it is a forum, I didn't realize we can't joke around, and don't tell me you have never been sarcastic on these forums, because you have. You mean: Because as I look, I don't see this information on Forgehub, I didn't realize that it was against the law to provide more information on a gametype. The link takes you to a post that is a "newer" guide to Conquest creation. It also gives you a nice chart layout that shows all of the traits. I'm pretty sure that if it was on Forgehub, AZN would have linked it to that, but considering FH doesn't have a gametypes section, he can't do that. So, next time before you complain about a link, click it and see what it has to offer.
All I can say is wow this map is pretty fun looking I like how it's a very condensed map and I'm sure it would be fun for a very long time I will dl this and play it later 5/5
I think what he meant was all of the links in the OP that lead to another website, that is not allowed. AZN, if you want to keep this thread fom being locked or keep yourself from getting an infraction then I suggest you do some tinkering with the OP and anything else that leads back to any other websites. May I suggest copying the text from the other sites and pasting them in the OP inside of a spoiler tag? That would be the best thing to do and would eliminate any confusion. Consider this your warning though, I'll give you 24 hours to do it, after that you could be infracted.
Alright I posted all the information in this thread: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/62192-complete-gametype-description.html And thank you Creeping Death for your kind response...