Debate Creation or Evolution?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by God Of Forge, Sep 18, 2008.

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  1. Azrius

    Azrius Ancient
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    How about this? How exactly did God create us? And don't just say something like "God Willed us into being" or crap like that. Tell me the EXACT process he went through in creating us, step-by step.

    ....You can't, can you? I'm too tired at the moment, but I'm sure someone else can try once again to explain how we evolved from single-celled organisms.
  2. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    Lucy - An archeological find that was thought to prove the theory of evolution.
    Lucy - Has the EXACT same bone fragments as a 3 foot chimpanzee.

    Nebraska Man - Was another archeological find thought to prove evolution
    Nebraska Man - A fake skeleton constructed around a tooth of an extinct pig

    Neanderthal Man - An archeological find thought to prove the theory of evolution
    Neanderthal Man - A complete skeleton constructed from the skull of an arthritic french man.

    Now, on to common sense.

    Do you really believe that your ancestor was a single cell that became because it was floating in a pool of slime that got struck by lightning?

    If it only took us 4 billion years to go through thousands of stages of evolution to what we are today, why aren't we progressing into other transitional forms between humans and whatever comes next?

    If we all came from one single cell that reproduced itself, why are we all different instead of the same?

    If we came from a single cell that could just reproduce itself, why do we need two separate sexes to reproduce?

    If, like the single cell, our only goal in life is to reproduce, why do we have feelings for people of the opposite/same sex?

    If we've actually been alive for 4 billion years, why are we only at this point of technology? Shouldn't we have learned and remembered before we became humans?

    If the big bang created us, why haven't we seen it happen again?

    If we experienced the changes of evolution, why did we not remember/record the experience?

    Why were humans the first on the evolutionary chain to be smart enough to create a system of writing?

    If we believe charles darwin's theory of evolution, and believe he was one of the greatest minds on earth, why did he declare that evolution was a lie on his deathbed?

    Why did we have religions before the theory of evolution?

    Why are there so many people that believe in evolution, but when asked about it they don't know anything?

    Why is it that if you ask Religious people about the creation of the earth, all of them can tell you with precise detail?

    Why do we have a conscience? Where did it come from?

    How is it by chance that our body systems work together to make our body work?

    Where is your evidence of transitional forms that hasn't been disproved?

    Where is the evidence the Bible is accurate?

    How did people come up with a "God" theory?

    Was Jesus real?

    How did Darwin come up with the theory of evolution?

    How is it I'm asking questions like this?

    Do you believe religion is just a lie someone made up and passed down through the generations?

    The answers to these questions just skim the top of the evidence I have. Too bad for me, I left my Science binder at school, so I can't get your irrefutable evidence, or my homework done :(
    My science teacher hates me too... so yeah. I'm screwed.


    Reply to Azrius:
    And I quote:
    "Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

    Gen 1:2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

    Gen 1:3 And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.
    Gen 1:4 God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness.
    Gen 1:5 God called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night." And there was evening, and there was morning-the first day.

    Gen 1:6 And God said, "Let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water."
    Gen 1:7 So God made the expanse and separated the water under the expanse from the water above it. And it was so.
    Gen 1:8 God called the expanse "sky." And there was evening, and there was morning-the second day.

    Gen 1:9 And God said, "Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear." And it was so.
    Gen 1:10 God called the dry ground "land," and the gathered waters he called "seas." And God saw that it was good.

    Gen 1:11 Then God said, "Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds." And it was so.
    Gen 1:12 The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.
    Gen 1:13 And there was evening, and there was morning-the third day.

    Gen 1:14 And God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years,
    Gen 1:15 and let them be lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth." And it was so.
    Gen 1:16 God made two great lights-the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars.
    Gen 1:17 God set them in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth,
    Gen 1:18 to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good.
    Gen 1:19 And there was evening, and there was morning-the fourth day.

    Gen 1:20 And God said, "Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky."
    Gen 1:21 So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.
    Gen 1:22 God blessed them and said, "Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase on the earth."
    Gen 1:23 And there was evening, and there was morning-the fifth day.

    Gen 1:24 And God said, "Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind." And it was so.
    Gen 1:25 God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.

    Gen 1:26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, [2] and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

    Gen 1:27 So God created man in his own image,
    in the image of God he created him;
    male and female he created them.

    Gen 1:28 God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."

    Gen 1:29 Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.
    Gen 1:30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground-everything that has the breath of life in it-I give every green plant for food." And it was so.

    Gen 1:31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning-the sixth day."
    #262 stickmanmeyhem, Mar 26, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2009
  3. P3P5I

    P3P5I Ancient
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  4. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    5 Minutes

    Here is all of evolution condensed into 5 minutes.

    Notice that the whole point is that through microevolution(the concept you say is real) is exactly how the whole process moves forward. A series of small changes add up collectively to form large changes. Period. How can you believe in small changes but not large? Small Changes + Time = Large Changes
  5. P3P5I

    P3P5I Ancient
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    Stickmanmeyhem, are you trying to prove your point by quoting the bible? Since when was the Bible a credible source? In order to prove creationism, you need factual evidence. Factual Evidence. Quoting random verses in the bible is not in any way, shape, or form a credible source. I will get back to answering your questions sometime later.
    #265 P3P5I, Mar 26, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2009
  6. Azrius

    Azrius Ancient
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    Stickmanmayhem, I would like to see proof of these falsities you're quoting, beyond simply your word. I want you to PROVE to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that every single fossil ever discovered by scientists was nothing more than a hoax.

    Furthermore,your bible verses detail what he did, NOT how he did it. Exactly what I said NOT to do. I was challenging Amoeba's ordering evolutionary proponents to explain the process of evolution by telling the people on your side to explain creationism.

    And you still haven't.
  7. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    All bolded sections are your questions.

    #267 EonsAgo, Mar 26, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2009
  8. theheat

    theheat Ancient
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    Answering all your question that are for Creation.

    #268 theheat, Mar 26, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2009
  9. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    Creationists: Please read the past few pages before you ask questions.
    Also, look up questions you have on Google before you ask us. I'm sick of creationists asking 'How did we evolve from monkeys??' or 'why aren't we still evolving??' over and over again.
  10. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
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    Exaggeration is exaggerated.
  11. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
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    Those two examples were the exact same thing. They adapted into what we are now.
  12. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Oh this will be fun won't it?

    Do you really believe that your ancestor was a single cell that became because it was floating in a pool of slime that got struck by lightning?
    Nope, nobody believes that as you've phrased it. Try looking up a few abiogenesis(life coming from non-life) theories before you make stuff up and claim that we believe that. That's called a straw man argument, and it is a debate fallacy. There are many, many hypotheses about how abiogenesis could have happened, but none are commonly accepted theories. It doesn't matter anyway, because evolution only explains how life became so diverse after it began.

    If it only took us 4 billion years to go through thousands of stages of evolution to what we are today, why aren't we progressing into other transitional forms between humans and whatever comes next?
    I've said it before and I'll say it again, but in bold this time so maybe you'll read it. Evolution does not move in any particular direction, and it has no goals. Evolution does not reach a point and then stop, with everything in between being incomplete. Everything can be described as a transitional form in evolution in the same way that you are a transitional form between your parents and your children. Evolution in humans has been slowed by the fact that we evolved the intelligence to make technology, so we are not as strongly subject to natural selection as wild animals.

    If we all came from one single cell that reproduced itself, why are we all different instead of the same?
    Populations become separated, most commonly by geographical distance. When they do, the two populations are subject to different natural selection pressures according to their different environments. Over a huge number of generations, the gradual changes add up to the point where the two species are no longer the same species. This is actually the biggest observation Darwin made in support of evolution, the various species of finch in the Galapagos islands all had slightly different characteristics more suitable to the island they lived on, but they were separated by the water between islands so they did not remain one population.

    If we came from a single cell that could just reproduce itself, why do we need two separate sexes to reproduce?
    The evolution of the sexes came first from asexual organisms. Then, over time, some species became hermaphroditic, but they were still asexual and fertilized their own eggs. This was an advantageous adaptation because sexual randomization in the genome causes greater variation, and more errors that produce mutation. Thus, asexual hermaphrodites evolved more quickly. Eventually, these hermaphrodites evolved the ability to fertilize each other's eggs rather than just their own, and even greater randomization was evolved. Over time, specialization between sexes evolved where the females had bodies specialized for childbirth and childcare, and the males have bodies specialized to mate with as many females as possible.

    If, like the single cell, our only goal in life is to reproduce, why do we have feelings for people of the opposite/same sex?
    You're missing a word there. Life's only goal is to reproduce successfully. Developing feelings for our mates is good for the raising of our children, and thus spreading our genes because our children will eventually mate and spread them even more. Basically humans have a quality approach to reproductive success rather than a quantity one. We ensure that when we do reproduce, our offspring live to reproduce themselves, rather than just screwing everything and getting as many women pregnant as possible in the hopes that a few of them will survive.

    It's actually more complicated than that, but I could write a whole essay on this topic so I'll elaborate more if you can't see the logic in what I've already said.

    If we've actually been alive for 4 billion years, why are we only at this point of technology? Shouldn't we have learned and remembered before we became humans?
    You're ignoring the fact that humans were hunter-gatherers for most of our history. When your life revolves around constantly moving, and every single member of society has to work all day just go get enough food to live on, there isn't any time to actually discover something, let alone do any scientific-styled studying of anything.

    It was only about 10,000 years ago in the Neolithic Revolution that domesticating plants&animals was invented, so farming could begin. With farming, not every member of society is needed to actually was needed to make food, so something like civilizations began, knowledge began to be accumulated more quickly, and technology exploded.

    If the big bang created us, why haven't we seen it happen again?
    We don't know. That doesn't make you right because the theory that there is a God in the sky who sent his son who is really himself to die as a sacrifice to himself so he would stop sending people to hell for a sin they were born with because he put a tree in the garden knowing Eve would eat from it because he's omniscient, and he created everything in 7 days, is a myth.

    If we experienced the changes of evolution, why did we not remember/record the experience?
    You seem to think that evolution happens like pokemon. It doesn't, we don't "experience changes." Organisms are born slightly, usually imperceptibly, different from their ancestors. You call this microevolution, people who actually know how evolution works call it one step in a several thousand or million year process.

    Why were humans the first on the evolutionary chain to be smart enough to create a system of writing?
    We have writing because we have language, which is because we are the most intelligent.

    If we believe charles darwin's theory of evolution, and believe he was one of the greatest minds on earth, why did he declare that evolution was a lie on his deathbed?
    He ****ing didn't stop spreading lies. I'm so tired of this excuse. And guess what? Evolution does not depend in any way whatsoever on Darwin. We just respect him for being the first one to put forth the theory of evolution by natural selection, but we don't take his word for it any more than we take the Bible's word for what it says. We've looked at evidence and concluded that Darwin was right about the general gist of evolution, but wrong on many details.

    Here, I'll even my source, something which you've never ever done for a source besides the Bible. Answers in Genesis, a website that exists solely to spread biblical young earth creationist propaganda, satates flatly that Darwin did not recant on his death bed, and creationists should not use that argument in debate.

    Why did we have religions before the theory of evolution?
    My favorite theory for why people make stuff up and spread it to other people in the form of religion is because we're a species that demands explanation for everything. If we don't understand stuff, we make up a reason that seems OK at the time. Then, people who make a profit spreading these stories add things like heaven and hell to put fear into their followers and stop them from leaving the fold, and over a few thousand years, we end up with modern religion. Funny how the evolution of religion from polytheistic nature god belief systems where everything from the sun to the wind is caused by a god, down to modern monotheistic religions where God mostly just takes us after we die, and put us here in the first place isn't it? As people gained more and more understanding that the sun is not a fiery chariot pulled by a god, that lightning wasn't thrown by Zeus, and that human sacrifice doesn't do **** to make it rain more, people threw out those ideas. Now all that's left is to throw away the one final god that exists solely to make people think they're going to live forever, and replace him with understanding that we probably won't ever discover the cause of the universe, but we know really well what happened after, and accept that when we die we're just dead.

    Why are there so many people that believe in evolution, but when asked about it they don't know anything?
    If you expect everyone to have a knowledge of the subject as in depth as the people in this debate forum, you're being unrealistic. What I would rather hear is why so many people DON'T believe in evolution, and don't know anything about it either. When over 99% of scientists believe something has happened, generally you should trust the consensus, and that is what people who accept evolution but don't know much about it are probably thinking.

    Why is it that if you ask Religious people about the creation of the earth, all of them can tell you with precise detail?
    I really don't see why this is important. People who can recite a very simple, very short story aren't innately correct because they know how the story goes. And guess what? The story isn't exactly precise detail either. All it says is God created...

    Why do we have a conscience? Where did it come from?
    The need to get along within our social groups. Done, that's why we have a conscience. Scratch my back I'll scratch yours is a much better system than I'll stab your back somebody else stab mine, and it is evolutionarily advantageous.

    How is it by chance that our body systems work together to make our body work?
    It isn't by chance. It is a gradual accumulation of complexity from the single self replicating molecule to life as we know it today. If any system didn't work, the individual with the faulty system would have died, while those with systems that do work together live and reproduce. Maybe acquiring the mutations needed to produce the system is by chance, but keeping it is not. It would be like rolling 100 dice and getting 100 number sixes, but every time you roll and it isn't a 6, you reroll until you get it. Each 6 was a chance event, but getting 100 of the number six was the opposite of chance, and that is why evolution is not chance.

    Where is your evidence of transitional forms that hasn't been disproved?
    No transitional forms, go away. Evolution is not a discrete step by step species A to species B to species C chain. Evolution is more like the progression from infant to toddler to child to adolescent to adult to old fart. Toddlers are transitions from infants to children, but children are transitions from toddler to adolescent and so on. There is no specific point where every day before that the person was an adolescent and every day after that they were an adult, just like in evolution there is no point where everything before was an ape, and everything after was human.

    Where is the evidence the Bible is accurate?
    There isn't anything that confirms the bible is anything but some stories.

    How did people come up with a "God" theory?
    Addressed above, people didn't understand things like wind or the sun that seemed to move with intent, so they assumed there was an intent and attributed it to God.

    Was Jesus real?
    I doubt that he was, but it remains unknown. Even if a person named Jesus Christ of Nazareth existed, he would have been just a preacher, and could not have done any miracles because they are impossible by definition.

    How did Darwin come up with the theory of evolution?
    Took a trip to the Galapagos islands, and observed that birds on different islands had different traits benefiting their specific island. He came up with his theory of natural selection based on that, and observed that the fact that the bird populations are separated by water so the traits stay isolated within the population. He extrapolated that variation in finches to all life, and came up with the theory of evolution by natural selection, where populations become separated and evolve differently.

    How is it I'm asking questions like this?

    Do you believe religion is just a lie someone made up and passed down through the generations?
    I do believe that. But you believe it too. What do you think of the Aztec gods, the Greek gods, or any other non-Abrahamic religion? Clearly you believe them to be false, which means you don't believe they are divinely inspired or supported, which makes them made up. Why don't you take that standard of skepticism and attach it to your own dogma?

    #272 Ladnil, Mar 27, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2009
  13. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    No. A bird can grow a longer beak to catch prey. But it will not grow so many of these little things that it will turn into another species. When you say common ancestor, 40 million years, and minor adaptations adding up to major ones I get this:

    So we all have a common ancestor. There is a cousin between humanity and apes, for example. That cousin we have not yet found. And if you claim that birds don't evolve into fish, how does a single celled organism evolve into everything?
  14. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Why do all of your posts in this forum break down into this?

    "I don't understand evolution, therefore evolution is false."

    At the very least go find a creationist website and find what people who have actually bothered to learn what evolution is are saying.
  15. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    I've said it before and I'll say it again, but in bold this time so maybe you'll read it. Evolution does not move in any particular direction, and it has no goals. Evolution does not reach a point and then stop, with everything in between being incomplete. Everything can be described as a transitional form in evolution in the same way that you are a transitional form between your parents and your children. Evolution in humans has been slowed by the fact that we evolved the intelligence to make technology, so we are not as strongly subject to natural selection as wild animals.
    Populations become separated, most commonly by geographical distance. When they do, the two populations are subject to different natural selection pressures according to their different environments. Over a huge number of generations, the gradual changes add up to the point where the two species are no longer the same species. This is actually the biggest observation Darwin made in support of evolution, the various species of finch in the Galapagos islands all had slightly different characteristics more suitable to the island they lived on, but they were separated by the water between islands so they did not remain one population.

    This answer doesn't still explain how each human is different. Sure, they all have different genetic material in the nucleus of our cells, but, how did this genetic material evolve? How Did it change for every human being?

    The evolution of the sexes came first from asexual organisms. Then, over time, some species became hermaphroditic, but they were still asexual and fertilized their own eggs. This was an advantageous adaptation because sexual randomization in the genome causes greater variation, and more errors that produce mutation. Thus, asexual hermaphrodites evolved more quickly. Eventually, these hermaphrodites evolved the ability to fertilize each other's eggs rather than just their own, and even greater randomization was evolved. Over time, specialization between sexes evolved where the females had bodies specialized for childbirth and childcare, and the males have bodies specialized to mate with as many females as possible.

    If different sexes came from asexual organisims, why did they. Obviously being asexual was more convenient and overall better, so why did they transform into two different sexes?

    You're missing a word there. Life's only goal is to reproduce successfully. Developing feelings for our mates is good for the raising of our children, and thus spreading our genes because our children will eventually mate and spread them even more. Basically humans have a quality approach to reproductive success rather than a quantity one. We ensure that when we do reproduce, our offspring live to reproduce themselves, rather than just screwing everything and getting as many women pregnant as possible in the hopes that a few of them will survive.

    It's actually more complicated than that, but I could write a whole essay on this topic so I'll elaborate more if you can't see the logic in what I've already said.

    Actually, no. It's not more complicated. You're saying that we develop feelings for the good of our offspring. Why didn't cells do this? If we evolved from some lifeless feelingless amoeba, why and how did we start to develop feelings?

    t that humans were hunter-gatherers for most of our history. When your life revolves around constantly moving, and every single member of society has to work all day just go get enough food to live on, there isn't any time to actually discover something, let alone do any scientific-styled studying of anything.

    It was only about 10,000 years ago in the Neolithic Revolution that domesticating plants&animals was invented, so farming could begin. With farming, not every member of society is needed to actually was needed to make food, so something like civilizations began, knowledge began to be accumulated more quickly, and technology exploded.

    That doesn't actually answer my question. I'm asking why it took that long to make technology. So, I'm also asking why it took that long to be able to domesticate plants and animals.

    We don't know.

    There. That's the answer to the overall question that everyone is asking here: Is there really an omniscient being that created the universe?

    That doesn't make you right because the theory that there is a God in the sky who sent his son who is really himself to die as a sacrifice to himself so he would stop sending people to hell for a sin they were born with because he put a tree in the garden knowing Eve would eat from it because he's omniscient, and he created everything in 7 days, is a myth.

    Let me ask, Where is your proof?

    You seem to think that evolution happens like pokemon. It doesn't, we don't "experience changes." Organisms are born slightly, usually imperceptibly, different from their ancestors. You call this microevolution, people who actually know how evolution works call it one step in a several thousand or million year process.

    We have writing because we have language, which is because we are the most intelligent.

    Why and how are humans the most intelligent?

    My favorite theory for why people make stuff up and spread it to other people in the form of religion is because we're a species that demands explanation for everything. If we don't understand stuff, we make up a reason that seems OK at the time. Then, people who make a profit spreading these stories add things like heaven and hell to put fear into their followers and stop them from leaving the fold, and over a few thousand years, we end up with modern religion. Funny how the evolution of religion from polytheistic nature god belief systems where everything from the sun to the wind is caused by a god, down to modern monotheistic religions where God mostly just takes us after we die, and put us here in the first place isn't it? As people gained more and more understanding that the sun is not a fiery chariot pulled by a god, that lightning wasn't thrown by Zeus, and that human sacrifice doesn't do **** to make it rain more, people threw out those ideas. Now all that's left is to throw away the one final god that exists solely to make people think they're going to live forever, and replace him with understanding that we probably won't ever discover the cause of the universe, but we know really well what happened after, and accept that when we die we're just dead.

    So, Religion is a scam to you? A way to make money off of soft minded people? And atheists are the smartest people in the world?

    If you expect everyone to have a knowledge of the subject as in depth as the people in this debate forum, you're being unrealistic. What I would rather hear is why so many people DON'T believe in evolution, and don't know anything about it either. When over 99% of scientists believe something has happened, generally you should trust the consensus, and that is what people who accept evolution but don't know much about it are probably thinking.

    I don't expect everyone to have as much knowledge as the people in the debate forum. I'm talking about the over 70% of people who believe in evolution who can't answer the question "How do we evolve?"

    I really don't see why this is important. People who can recite a very simple, very short story aren't innately correct because they know how the story goes. And guess what? The story isn't exactly precise detail either. All it says is God created...

    At least they know Something about they way they believe the earth, and universe, was created.

    The need to get along within our social groups. Done, that's why we have a conscience. Scratch my back I'll scratch yours is a much better system than I'll stab your back somebody else stab mine, and it is evolutionarily advantageous.

    So you're saying, as we evolved, we planted a mental note that stuck in our heads that tells us what's right and what's wrong?
    If so, why didn't we place a mental note in our heads of how we changed over the years?

    It isn't by chance. It is a gradual accumulation of complexity from the single self replicating molecule to life as we know it today. If any system didn't work, the individual with the faulty system would have died, while those with systems that do work together live and reproduce. Maybe acquiring the mutations needed to produce the system is by chance, but keeping it is not. It would be like rolling 100 dice and getting 100 number sixes, but every time you roll and it isn't a 6, you reroll until you get it. Each 6 was a chance event, but getting 100 of the number six was the opposite of chance, and that is why evolution is not chance.

    So, you're saying the cells were intelligent enough to create an entire body that needs every part working to work properly? I thought you said humans were the most intelligent.

    No transitional forms go away. Evolution is not a discrete step by step species A to species B to species C chain. Evolution is more like the progression from infant to toddler to child to adolescent to adult to old fart. Toddlers are transitions from infants to children, but children are transitions from toddler to adolescent and so on. There is no specific point where every day before that the person was an adolescent and every day after that they were an adult, just like in evolution there is no point where everything before was an ape, and everything after was human.

    Your analogy is bad, because it ends. Use one that supports what you're saying.

    There isn't anything that confirms the bible is anything but some stories.

    Actually, there is more evidence supporting the bible than any other religion or evolution. There are over 7000000000 (billion) historical records that confirm the bible, its contents, and its writers.

    I doubt that he was, but it remains unknown. Even if a person named Jesus Christ of Nazareth existed, he would have been just a preacher, and could not have done any miracles because they are impossible by definition.

    As stated above. There are records of a "Jesus of Nazareth" entering towns that are listed in the bible. Also, they found the records of many, and almost all, of the miracles/sermons Jesus performed.

    Took a trip to the Galapagos islands, and observed that birds on different islands had different traits benefiting their specific island. He came up with his theory of natural selection based on that, and observed that the fact that the bird populations are separated by water so the traits stay isolated within the population. He extrapolated that variation in finches to all life, and came up with the theory of evolution by natural selection, where populations become separated and evolve differently.

    So darwin compared us to birds? Interesting. I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that apparently black people are not as advanced as us, or how women can be beat by men at anything.

    I do believe that. But you believe it too. What do you think of the Aztec gods, the Greek gods, or any other non-Abrahamic religion? Clearly you believe them to be false, which means you don't believe they are divinely inspired or supported, which makes them made up. Why don't you take that standard of skepticism and attach it to your own dogma?

    Actually, I don't believe it to be false. I believe they all experienced the SAME God, but they interpreted it the wrong way.

    Reply to
    "Listen up, creationists are delusional. Every single one of them, but they don't realise this and they never will. There is no point in arguing with them because they will cling to what mummy and daddy told them. Their arguments consist of misunderstanding the theory of evolution, providing their bullshit opinion and then pretend they know some SUPAR SEKRET. Have you ever seen a creationist prove their belief? No, they can't; they can only make up facts to try and "disprove" evolution."
    #1 Give me irrefutable proof evolution is real
    #2 Don't insult the people, insult the problem. In this case. You're the problem
    #3 Shut the **** up, the debate thread is just to stir up conversaiton.
    #275 stickmanmeyhem, Mar 27, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2009
  16. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Really, Hotpokkaminny? We're supposed to be arguing from the rational side of this debate, and you have to bust out the ad homenim, sweet idea, why didn't I come up with it first?

    This answer doesn't still explain how each human is different. Sure, they all have different genetic material in the nucleus of our cells, but, how did this genetic material evolve? How Did it change for every human being?

    DNA is not copied perfectly every time. The mistakes, deletions, redundant copies of DNA sequences that occur randomly are what make offspring less than perfect copies of their parent or parents' DNA. The DNA doesn't change within a cell, it is when the cell is dividing itself to either produce a new fully functional cell or produce a gamete(sperm or egg) that these mistakes can happen. This causes birth defects sometimes, minor changes sometimes, but far more often it does nothing.

    If different sexes came from asexual organisims, why did they. Obviously being asexual was more convenient and overall better, so why did they transform into two different sexes?

    It was not "overall better." By combining DNA from two parents rather than cloning the single parent, more variation is introduced, which means the population can adapt more rapidly. An example of rapid variation producing a positive result is antibiotic resistant bacteria. Certain species of virus and bacteria are notorious for rapidly changing through the above mentioned mistakes, so when the chance mistake happens to be helpful it sticks and the species survives.

    Actually, no. It's not more complicated. You're saying that we develop feelings for the good of our offspring. Why didn't cells do this? If we evolved from some lifeless feelingless amoeba, why and how did we start to develop feelings?
    Amoebas don't have a nervous system, and they're asexual. Among sexually reproducing organisms without nervous systems sophisticated enough to have emotional responses, all go with the quantity strategy rather than the quality strategy for reproduction. Fish lay thousands of eggs rather than raising their young because they don't have those emotional feelings. And before you mistake me, the term strategy here is not meant to imply they consciously chose to do it, just that is how they are wired to behave.

    I recommend this video talking about the counterintuitive nature of the evolution of emotion. It isn't very long.

    That doesn't actually answer my question. I'm asking why it took that long to make technology. So, I'm also asking why it took that long to be able to domesticate plants and animals.
    It was probably a chance event that one person noticed they could plant crops and have them grow in the same place year after year, and chance events are notorious for not happening as quickly as we would like(try playing the lottery till you win, it won't be quick). Besides, the why has no bearing on the if it did happen. Archaeologicaly finds no evidence of farming or villages before that time, and then suddenly it sprang up everywhere.

    There. That's the answer to the overall question that everyone is asking here: Is there really an omniscient being that created the universe?

    If there is one, then it is not any of the ones described by any religion. All religions make claims that their god has done certain things in the past, and continues to do things today, and will do things in the future, yet none of these events ever happen. If God freed the Jews from Egyptian slavery in the way the bible describes, then Egyptian record-keepers would definitely have recorded the raining of frogs, the death of their first born, and the loss of all their slaves. If prayer has any effect today, then why have no studies of it proven that?

    Let me ask, Where is your proof?
    You're the one claiming that such a thing exists. All that you'd have to do to prove yourself right is get your god to actually do something otherwise impossible. Like create new life, for instance. If I claim I have the world's largest diamond, and then declare that I must be right because nobody can prove me wrong, who would believe me? Yet all I would have to do would be the same as you with your god, just show the thing and let that settle the issue.

    Why and how are humans the most intelligent?

    Why is because we have evolved the biggest brains. How is because larger brains were good for the survival of the human species. What exactly would be a good answer to your question here? Are you asking me to say that humans are special? We're a physically weak species that has become dominant over all the others because we've got brains, and the ability to communicate ideas through language. We just happen to have gotten there first.

    So, Religion is a scam to you? A way to make money off of soft minded people? And atheists are the smartest people in the world?
    I didn't say I thought atheists were the smartest people in the world, and I don't believe that modern religion is just a way to make money. I think that the people at the origins of the religion were adding things to make themselves more powerful, so yes, it was a scam back then. Now it is just the unfortunate effects of a scam that has convinced a great number of people.

    I don't expect everyone to have as much knowledge as the people in the debate forum. I'm talking about the over 70% of people who believe in evolution who can't answer the question "How do we evolve?"
    Species change over time, and evolve into new ones. Everyone knowing exactly how that happens would be nice, but unfortunately some things people just accept due to the number of other people that accept it, especially those close to them. That is how I think religion stays alive today, people who are raised with it and everyone they're with all the time is religious, so they never really question it.

    At least they know Something about they way they believe the earth, and universe, was created.
    So certainty is all by itself a positive thing? I always thought that it was being correct that was important.

    So you're saying, as we evolved, we planted a mental note that stuck in our heads that tells us what's right and what's wrong?
    If so, why didn't we place a mental note in our heads of how we changed over the years?

    No. I'm saying that we're genetically wired to behave that way. We evolved as a social species, so cooperation was important. Any group whose members cooperate will be more successful than random individuals, so the group with the genetic wiring that makes them cooperate will be the one that spreads its genes through the population.

    So, you're saying the cells were intelligent enough to create an entire body that needs every part working to work properly? I thought you said humans were the most intelligent.
    They aren't intelligent at all, they've just got a bunch of genetic code that has evolved through billions of years of mistakes, additions, deletions, and insertions to produce a well adapted organism.

    Your analogy is bad, because it ends. Use one that supports what you're saying.
    What, you can't extrapolate that analogy to include potentially infinite stages of life? We're constantly aging, and eventually the sum of the individual days we age produces a noticible difference. That is similar to how evolution works because the generation by generation changes are imperceptible, but over thousands of generations, drastic change can happen.

    Actually, there is more evidence supporting the bible than any other religion or evolution. There are over 7000000000 (billion) historical records that confirm the bible, its contents, and its writers.

    Find me even 1 example of a miracle from the bible that has clear, unambiguous evidence of its occurance and you can count me a convert. I hope you will pardon me if I don't take the bible itself as evidence, as then I would also have to take Harry Potter as evidence of Hogwarts.

    As stated above. There are records of a "Jesus of Nazareth" entering towns that are listed in the bible. Also, they found the records of many, and almost all, of the miracles/sermons Jesus performed.
    I don't know if Jesus was a real guy or not, because every time I try to research it, I can't seem to find a consensus among unbiased opinions. On one hand there are groups that set out from the start to prove that Jesus existed, and on the other hand there are groups that set out to prove he didn't. Their opinions don't count due to bias, because their findings always support their preconceptions. And among the few who come from an unbiased standpoint, they usually just say they can't say with any certainty either way.

    Either way, written accounts by the same people who wrote the bible don't count because they're obviously going to support their own story.

    So darwin compared us to birds? Interesting. I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that apparently black people are not as advanced as us, or how women can be beat by men at anything.

    Darwin's opinions on race don't matter. He was probably a racist, like most people of his time, but his word isn't the definition of evolution. He was just the first to get the general concept of natural selection right, nothing more. Women can't be beat by men at everything, but due to basic physiological differences, athletic competition is one place where men can beat women given the same training.

    And yea, Darwin took his ideas he got from birds and applied the to us, because we're animals too.

    Actually, I don't believe it to be false. I believe they all experienced the SAME God, but they interpreted it the wrong way.
    Well, since you're starting with the preconception that there is only one God, I suppose that follows the logic, so sure.
    #276 Ladnil, Mar 27, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2009

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    I could spend my time looking for evidence, but you would just spout some more bullshit. No, I am not the problem, YOU ARE, you refuse to accept the truth and you obviously never will.
  18. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    Its mostly that you're ignorant and making a generalization. I doubt you've read all of my posts in this forum, especially considering not all of my posts in debates have been in this thread. Lets not result to personal attacks, shall we?

    And please, answer my question, because I shouldn't have to look at a source to see your knowledge of the topic. It is also so that most atheists haven't taken the time to study the Bible yet they question it stupidly as well, so leave your comments to yourself.
  19. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    I was a Christian for 16 years. Even as an atheist I have continued to study Christianity. Not just by reading the bible but understanding its history and its formation. I, most likely, know more about the bible than you.

    If I take the time to reply to your post on evolution will you take the time to read it? Just wondering before I start.
  20. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    If its not enormously large.
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