Made By: SpEcTaCuLar Ra Description: This map is by far my best racetrack that I have ever made. This racetrack took the longest to make out of all the tracks I made. This track has a lot of geomerges and looks pretty sick. This map is very smooth and is difficult to drive in very few parts of the track and also has an uncheatable destination. The track is very fun for all battletracks gametypes especially for battlesnipes and battlelasers. The track took about a week and a half to make(not working on it all day) and was also assisted by iTz Flair. The bridge part looks a little weird but is very smooth. Please give good and constructive criticism and enjoy the map!!!! Pics: Start Geomerged ramp Geomerged stairs and box turn Fence Wall ramp Wall Corner and wall Bank turn Double Box Bank turn Wall Bank turn Destination Box turn and Bridge Hill Turn after bridge Ground Straightaway Turn and Back to start Well That's It. Hope You Like the Map!!!! Download Map Halo 3 File Details Download Battletracks Halo 3 File Details Download Racetracks Halo 3 File Details
I'll just copy/paste my message from forginggrounds This map is awsome. I'm glad that I got the opporunity to help you make this Here are my personal thoughts on the racetrack: -pretty long for a Foundry racetrack -all completely smooth and well forged -completely cheatproof -extremely fun to race on -nice geo-merging, it spices up the map -the first turn is a bit awkward coming down to the floor so hard and imediatly having to turn -the bridge part does look sloppy but it actually very smooth -just about perfect bordering for a BT map, the odd signs in the middle provide a second of cover, which can be good and bad -shield doors are placed perfectly, honestly don't know how you could make them better Overall, this map is awsome and deserves a 4.5/5 rating due to very few and small flaws. Nice job Spectac (and me for assisting )
I would have to agree that this is your best track. iTz Flair is 100% correct in his list. This is a very smooth track due to the superb interlocking, and the shield doors are placed perfectly to aid in the turns. You did a great job making the bordering nice and neat. I don't really know what else to say. It's just a wonderful racetrack. Aesthetics: 9/10 Gameplay: 10/10 Creativity: 8/10
wow, this is by far the greatest map in the spectac series. i've played on all of them, and once i downloaded this and played on it, this is one of my favorite foundry races. the geomerging is solid, the stair + box part is great. insane map, great to play with battletracks and at least 6 people.
This definitely isn't your best map in the series. The layout is kind of unoriginal and some parts are sloppy. It's still good though. The downhill bridge part is the really sloppy part.
The track seems to flow near to perfectly. You did a nice job with the geomerging albeit there only being a little of it on the track that actually affects it. The interlocking on the banked turns looks nice, which is mirrored onto how they play. I am looking forward to seeing what you make (if you do) on Sandbox.