Debate God

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Dec 17, 2008.

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  1. RacoonSniper 13

    RacoonSniper 13 Ancient
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    Um...We are on our way to Pluto...and we have to travel faster then light to get to the end of the Universe.
  2. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    Well actually that might be closer than you think. I don't have the links or anything, but I remember reading about how spaceships, within the next 20 years or so, will become accessible to the public for trips out of earth. They are already in testing for these types of ships. Of course itll be very expensive, but the fact that people can leave earth whenever they want I think is astounding. By the turn of the century people could be walking on mars, for their summer vacation.

    If humanity survives to the end of the suns life is impossible, since the sun would first become a red giant and engulf the earth way before it actually dies out, but how long into the future the earth and humanity can survive is really in our hands for the most part I think...

    of course, this is all getting way off topic... so I'll stop lol
  3. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    My bad I didn't mean to say pluto. I dont know why I put pluto there.. hmm...

    But ya its impossible to reach the end of the universe, as you said you have to travel faster than light, I dont know what is faster...

    Also I don't think it is possible to create a time machine. I dont think it is possible to go relive what has already happened
  4. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    I was being facetious lol.. I just meant like, I don't think technology will really pick up too much pace from where it already is unless something big happens.
  5. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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  6. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Nothing is faster than the speed of light. E=MC2 (Energy = Mass x The Constant 2) The constant is the speed of light. Nothing is faster than the speed of light. Humans could never reach the speed of light. You would die way before you got close. However, we could probably reach maybe 50% of the speed of light. In that case we could reach the outer planets in our solor system in like a few days.
  7. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    1. Fine. I guess Christians don't have to treat the Sabbath day as sacred as the Jews do. This was not the point; I'll just drop it. I was using this to ask why some people decide some of God's rules can be bent.

    2. You've missed my point. I don't care if there is no sin in Heaven; my point is that we won't have any choice to be good or not. Haven't we proven ourselves good by going to Heaven? Why does God now take away our power of choice we've had our whole lives? I don't want sin to be in Heaven, all I'm saying is we ought to have free choice.

    3. Same as above.

    4. It's not the child's fault that anyone got raped, is it? We are not the result of their sin (which was eating from the tree). We are the result of what they did after they sinned. Regardless of whether even making kids was a sin for Adam and Eve, why should the kids get blamed too?

    Believe me, I am just as bewildered as you are.
    #707 EonsAgo, Mar 26, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2009
  8. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    I'm not insulting. I'm telling the truth. Most Atheists are too ignorant to listen to anyone about religion.

    Okay, God doesn't believe owning people is morally wrong, or a sin. Unless, they are treated as if they are not humans. This may make you think that God is a complete asshole, but he isn't. He's telling us to submit to a higher power, just like the sexism dispute with the bible. God put man over woman, he wants you to submit to your higher power. Take it as if he's saying "Respect and follow your regional manager". It's the exact same.
    He's not supporting slavery. It's pretty ****ing easy to understand it.

    How do you think the universe was created?
    I think it was created by God in seven separate intervals. I could quote from the bible, but you'd start questioning everything instead of actually reading.

    I'm not gonna say " you will submit to me" I just want to be respected. Not treated like dirt. As I said above. By this God means, "Respect the higher power".

    I will respect my wife as much as she respects me. And I might respect her more if she doesn't respect me very much.

    He did not "endorse" the slavery. The jews did it themselves.

    We're not talking about the romans, we're talking about the jews.

    How does he endorse beating?

    Tell me the verse again. Please. I will probably read the entire chapter and find out that God was not actually telling people to do that. That's the problem. People judge the bible from one verse alone. But truthfully, you need read a lot to get it.

    It's a good argument. I don't need proof to believe in God, as I said, I have faith.
    And explain this to me:
    There was a girl in a conference I was at that had a tumor on the outside of her arm that was eventually going to kill her. She was going for Therapy and she just wanted to be prayed for. When she went on to the stage over 200 people prayed for her at the same time. At that moment, the tumor actually fell off of her arm and onto the stage. Everyone was silent as people called an ambulance. They wrapped up the hole in the girl's arm and took the tumor to be tested. They sent her a letter a week later. It explained that there was no reason why why the tumor just dropped off, it was what the doctor called "A miracle".

    "Eye witness testimony is the least relied upon in a court of law."
    How does this relate?

    I am a Christian. No, you're ignorant for not listening to their beliefs and trying to understand. I do try, but I cant understand. And again, it's not ignorant to believe one is, and another one isn't.
    I think you're the one throwing ignorance around.

    I think you should read your bible. John 3:16.
    That's all you have to know.
  9. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    2. This is a tad difficult to explain. We all can do things, but they are all in the likeness of God. We never had free will to begin with.

    3. Same as above.

    4. I forget what this is about, i'll edit in a min.

    I frown at this.

    No matter if you believe Jesus is the son of God, you're not going into Heaven. Even satan believes and knows Jesus is the son of God, yet he's not in Heaven. And that's not because he has already fallen. You don't need to be baptised either, all it is is simply leaving your old self behind. To go to Heaven you must believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is the Lord and died for your sins. Not that he's simply God.
    #709 aMoeba, Mar 26, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2009
  10. idiotninja

    idiotninja Ancient
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    I could just as easily say that the truth is that you are ignorant because you will not listen to any Atheist about God. That does not excuse it for being a personal attack.

    Most of the Atheists here have read most or all of the bible, myself included. We have seen the flaws from reading it, saying read it as a evidence instead of actually quoting it is not going to help your argument. Instead it will make people believe that you have no proof even from the bible.

    A couple things to cover here. First on the "miracle". The best part about science is that it does not claim to know everything. Assuming your story is 99% true (you should cite an article from a trusted source), just because we can not explain something right now, it does not make it a miracle. Two thing will eventually happen, research will be done and figure out what happened, or they will discover that they missed something that explain the peculiarity.

    The eye witness quote relates to how some people expect others to believe in God because they have "talked" to it. In a court that would not stand because there is no proof besides what the person says, and there is no way to confirm. It is better to just take all eye witness accounts with a grain of salt.

    Again how have you tried to listen to other beliefs? Atheists probably have the greatest span of religious knowledge because they have to cover most of the main religions before they can disbelieve in a God, or religions. I know I have looked into many religions before choosing Atheism, what have you done to try other religions? Also how is it not ignorant to believe in one religion while throwing away all the others?

    Do not just quote the bible, explain why you quote it.

  11. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    Okay, I'm throwing this out there and it might be taken as a lie, but it's true. I WAS an atheist, I thought anyone religious was a moron. Evolution made sense to me. That was all I needed. But, one day, someone called me on it. Like most people, I couldn't answer **** about it. So, I decided to take another whack about religion. I actually bought a Koran before a bible. I read it and listened to some stuff about Islam. But It was too sketchy for me. So I bought a Bible, expecting I would have the same experience, but I Believed it. I went to church with my friend and I felt a feeling unlike anything before. That's when I devoted my life to God and am a very strong christian.
    I have a very wide variety of knowledge of religion.
    And, It's not ignorant to believe one religion above the others if you have listened to/about other religions before you decided on a single one.
  12. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    Hmm, well you should have looked up info instead of conceding because you couldn't think of anything.
    Right, anyway. So you went to church and had this feeling. Fine, you believe because you experienced this "emotion" within you. That's perfectly ok.

    But this is a debate. Is there any other reason you believe? Any facts you can bring to the table to support the bible?
  13. idiotninja

    idiotninja Ancient
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    Just because you can not answer questions at the time does not mean you should have given it up. You should have looked for the answers based on facts. What could you not answer maybe we CAN. Also what happened to answering the rest of my post? The miracle, the eye witness, and the Atheists reading the bible?
  14. RacoonSniper 13

    RacoonSniper 13 Ancient
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    They call it a miracle yes? Does a miracle not have A chance of occuring, no matter how small a chance? If time was endless every event will happen that does not defy laws of science.
  15. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    To expand upon that argument:
    If you pray during every bad event in life, of course there will be instances where the desired outcome occurs.
  16. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Heh heh...

    Bible verses are as follows:

    God Supports Slavery: Lev. 25:44-6; Exod. 21:2-8; Eph. 6: 5.
    How to sell slaves: Exod. 21:7-8
    When to give severe or light beatings: Luke 12: 42-8
    OK to beat slaves as long as they don't die in 2 days: Exod. 21: 20-1.
    How to mark slaves: Deut. 15: 17

    This book is from god, divinely inspired by him. If this is unaccording to his character then, according to systematic theology, the whole bible is wrong. If this is his nature then I'd rather be in hell.

    Men are not higher powers. Men have a Y chromosome. You don't have to be treated like dirt. That's not what I'm advocating. I advocate a loving, healthy relationship where the woman and the man are on equal footing and neither of them can claim the "higher" power.

    I was talking about the attrition rates of slaves in the ancient and colonial world. They are directly relevant to the point I was making and the point you missed.

    Cool story. What was her name? Where was she from? What news station reported it? Did anyone attempt an investigation of what happened? Was eye witness testimony the only evidence given? Was there any refutation of the event given? Was it a cancerous tumor? Are there medical records confirming the cancer? Who was her doctor? What year was it? Where was she speaking? Was she Christian? Were all the prayers given by Christians? Why is god so fickle that he must hear the same prayer 200 times to act rather than once? If it was within his divine plan to cure her why was the prayer necessary? If it wasn't within his plan to cure her, why did he void his omniscience? Why did he give her a tumor in the first place? How many people die of cancer yearly? Why was she special? What is the highest number of prayers a person with a tumor has received? Was she the highest? Does god gauge a person based on their character, moral standing, and faith or by the amount of people praying for the person's health?

    I can go on. No really. I can. There are deeper questions that require a lot of thought and I doubt you can supply the answers to them.

    It relates to the point I was making about discovering god. You need to pay attention.

    You're an idiot if you think I'll let that slide.

    Give me some philosophies on atheism. Why did you believe religious people were morons? Explain evolution to me. Why did you stop at atheism and science? Why didn't you embrace the spirituality of the human experience without a belief in god?
  17. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
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    Ok nitrous, i dont get your point of view, so do you believe in god or not and if you do,then do you like him or not?
  18. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    No person should know or can know what a person truly believes. Why should I be required or expected to satisfy any preconceptions of what my beliefs are?

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    I highly doubt this, I'm being honest.
  20. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
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    Hypocritical statement is hypocritical.
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