Debate God

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Dec 17, 2008.

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  1. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    Lol. Its not a matter the Jewish people can be right over, and there was never a transition to Sunday, people just keep thinking Sunday is the last day of the week. Just because we can't do bad things doesn't mean we don't have free will in Heaven. And honestly I just went over this with a friend and i'd like to restate it but basically when satan started tempting man he started to take over the earth and you must remember that in the garden of eden God forbid the act of eating from that evil tree. When they did it, he was disappointed and a curse came upon them. Satan took over, thus comes fall of man. God can still come back at any time, but the natural view of things is ungodly. Why would you want to commit adultery in Heaven, may I ask? Heaven is basically everything that was supposed to happen before the fall of man. In Heaven everything is how God's original plan/intent was.
  2. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    If you ever read the thing that you are insulting, you'd know easily.

    2. In fact, I actually have a girlfriend that's worth something. I don't use "submission" on her because she's not my WIFE!

    3. Actually, 87% of the Black person enslavement was treacherous. Only 43% of Biblical enslavement was. Which one was more brutal now?

    I'm not saying it is right to enslave people. And, the bible is not supporting slavery there at all. It is giving the slaves advice. Is that really bad?

    5. In fact, the ignorant are the ones that go to hell. This is because they are too ignorant to accept God for God. They need proof. Their ignorance robs them of their eternity. Are you simply ignorant? Or do you have faith.
    Atheists are the most miserable people in the world. They have nothing to live for. Christians, and other religious peoples, believe that they have a spot in the "Afterlife" for them. They have something to look for. And if any of you ignorant morons ever read the bible. There's one simple step to getting into heaven. As my teacher calls it, A "Get out of hell free card". You just have to throw your ignorance down, and accept that Jesus is your lord and savior. You don't have to do anything else! And, If you'd rather go to be tortured for eternity, so be it. God loves us all. He gives us one simple task to complete while we're on the earth. And, the ignorant of us can't complete it. He will let us in to live in happiness for eternity for just accepting the truth. Over 67% of the population decide to throw that away.

    And one question for you. How do atheists believe the world was created?
  3. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
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    2. So what? If you get married are you just gonna crack out the whip and say "That's it, we've tied the knot. On your knees, woman!"?

    3. And your proof exists where?

    5. BS. As an Atheist I am one of the happiest people on the planet; free of worrying for my whole life about what I'm doing wrong in the eyes of some deity, happy in the knowledge that I am nowhere gullible enough to follow some book of fiction, just because the rest of society did. Yeah, that's right; if the people close to you had been atheists, you'd be one too.

    The saddest thing is that when you die, you won't be able to realise that you were wrong for your whole life. Your point of view will just be passed on to the next-born person and you'll see life from their eyes, with no recollection of your previous misguided life.

    Oh, and "Love thy neighbour"! You don't seem to be doing so at this point in time.

    Thank you for reminding me.
    Nobody knows for sure how this place was created, which is an excuse for religion. People can't handle not knowing how everything started, so they make excuses in religion.
    (Sorry, it's been explained better but I couldn't phrase it as well as the other person.)

    Anyway, as plausible as the big bang theory is (And now spontaneous matter apparition has been explained), I find the expansion theory makes more sense to me, so I'm sticking wit that until someone comes up with a better suggestion.
    #683 GoodWhaleSushi, Mar 26, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2009
  4. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    Don't attack the person(s), attack the problem. Its against the rules.

    And, I am not hating anyone, nor romantically loving anyone here. I'm "loving" as in respecting them for who they are. I can't convince you because of your ignorance. That's not an insult, that's the truth. You're not open-minded enough to hear me out, so you come back at me with insults and unnecessary immaturity.

    And your proof exists where?
    #684 stickmanmeyhem, Mar 26, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2009
  5. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
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    Sorry, that's not how it was supposed to come out. I meant that, for me, it's a very difficult religion to follow, and not because of the requirements, but because in my opinion it's very out-there and nonsensical, and follows none of the guidelines and logic by which I have been raised. I could so easily be saying something different, and so could you. It's just the way I think.
    Nowhere, it just seems to make sense. I mean, what else would happen? It wouldn't be complete nothingness; we'd have to switch to another place at another point in time to occupy that space. Why do we have no recollection of years of blackness before our lives started? We don't sit around in nothingness before and after life.
    #685 GoodWhaleSushi, Mar 26, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2009
  6. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    Yes, but you have no actual proof to support your "Fact" given. That's why I never say "God is real" because someone will ask me for proof. I can't give it to them. I have a little something called faith.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Sure is propaganda in here.
  8. Azrius

    Azrius Ancient
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    Newbamoeba, my apologies- I simply read your response to me as containing some degree of hostility.

    Personal insults. Your argument and all that will follow are now invalid. I've browsed over your posts, and I can safely say that you are incredibly arrogant and needlessly condescending- you're really acting like the ignorant one here. If you can't handle people disagreeing with you, you should not be here.

    Furthermore, I'm honestly sick and ****ing tired of the whole "If you don't believe in God, you go to hell" argument. You're trying to THREATEN and FRIGHTEN people into believing something, or acting the way you want them to act, no matter how you look at it. And guess what, that can easily be considered terrorism. So congratulations to all the people who say the nonbelievers burn in hell, you are all terrorists. Just give it a rest, 'kay? If God is so amazing and brilliant, all us nonbelievers'll convert over to your religion soon enough- we'll discover it on our own without you forcing it onto us.

    And I will save any respondents some valuable time by saying: Yes, I am a prick. But truthfully, I'm simply responding in kind.

    .....And I STILL haven't seen any real responses to my argument against the existence of God, a few pages back.
  9. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    Yeah! You tell him. He should stick with logical debate, and leave personal insults out of it. You know who else you should tell that to? Yourself.

    Jesus would be proud. Also, you are still trying to justify slavery saying that it wasn't as bad as African American slavery. The point is that if your God was anything worth worshiping he would have clearly stated that it was wrong to own people. Period. He would not just throw in a little tip for slaves so that they avoid some ass whippings by submitting to their masters.

    Here is an abridged version:

    Around 14 billion years ago, all of the matter in the universe existed as a tiny point called a singularity. This singularity of incredible density exploded, and everything began to expand outward. Initially, the universe consisted of mainly gases and dust. Over long periods of time the dust and gases were drawn together by the power of gravity. As these gases condense in giant Nebulae the pressure that built up started nuclear fusion reactions all over the universe creating stars and our sun. Heavier elements were forged in these solar furnaces and when the stars would die and explode they would release these heavier elements into space. As the heavy elements are pulled together by gravity they form planets and moons that, again due to gravity, begin orbiting their local star.

    About 4.5 billion years ago, one of these planets(The Earth), began to cool down from a molten rock. It had been struck early in its life by an extremely large object causing a large portion of both objects' debree to be flung into orbit around the lava covered Earth. As that debris began to condense our moon was born. The exterior of the Earth cooled sufficiently, but the interior remains a molten core of spinning iron. It is the spinning core that protects us from solar radiation in the form of a magnetic shield. Comets were likely the main importers of water to the surface of our planet, they may have also brought the organic building blocks for life to develop. As various gases evaporated into the air above our planet another protective layer called the atmosphere was created. Life's likeliest starting point was deep in the oceans at the venting sites of underwater volcanoes. Over long periods of time and under ideal conditions amino acids combining with energy from these vents began to create proteins with every increasing complexity until the first single cellular organisms took form.

    Next came Evolution......but there is already a debate for that topic. We can talk about it there.

    How do you think the universe was created?
    #689 makisupa007, Mar 26, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2009
  10. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    Well if no one can be right over when the Sabbath actually is, how can we know when to pray without God punishing us later?

    If we can't do bad things in Heaven, that means we have been stripped of our capability to do evil, no? Having that ability is what gives us free-will. If we didn't, there would be no good and bad, dark and light; things would just be. No choice. We go through life making right decisions and then when we die, we lose that ability to choose completely on our own? If God can do that, why not just make us all good now?

    Just say this guy got sick of living with his wife through eternity. What if he just wanted to "chill" with some other girl for a little while? No choice = no freedom.
    Going along with that, what if someone screws up again in Heaven? (The way things were before Adam and Eve?) Do we all go back to Earth and start the cycle again?

    "Eons, God would obviously just punish the evildoers."
    So then why didn't he just do that with Adam and Eve?

    HAHAHAHA! Assumptions, as you should have already learned, are getting you nowhere my friend! I was a devout Christian before I came to this site, and I have read the bible. Plus, I am not "insulting" the bible by making an argument against it; this process you are in is called "debating". This is not "Yell your opinion until it is law" time.

    Some say the Big Bang, others have different variations of that process such as the Big Crunch. Here is the thing though: Science can admit that it is fallible in that we are all human and science is our product (of study and learning I might add). Religion casts itself to its followers as divine truth with barely a fact to back it up. That is why faith is required in religions; otherwise, there is no reason to believe religions as truth.
  11. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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  12. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    1. But I thought God said "keep holy the Sabbath day" and that you can't work on the Sabbath? When does this important day occur? Saturday? Sunday? It doesn't matter? If so, then who decides which of God's rules we can bend and which we should follow?

    2. Yes it does mean we don't have real free will. Not being able to do something means we have lost our ability to choose doing a bad thing. This is exemplified by:

    3. So what if the wife got mad at the husband for going with someone else? Would they be unable to argue? Would the wife be unable to become angry at the husband because no evil can be done in Heaven? ...

    4. God just punished Adam and Eve. Really? So why do we have the burden of original sin? It's just Adam and Eve's fault. What did we do?
  13. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Bible scholars debate frequently. The fact that the bible is open for interpretation ensures that personal preferences will always guide the reader. You may see one verse as literal where as another sees it as metaphorical.

    Well tell her when you get married exactly how you plan on making her show you respect. If she stays with you even after you saying "you will submit to me" then she is far more desperate than any girl I've ever met.

    Women deserve respect and equal treatment. They are not inferior or a subordinate placed on this earth to make babies. Without women you are nothing.

    Oh gee I wonder why-. Assuming for a moment that this statistic is true, which I am naturally skeptical of at the moment, did you ever stop to think of the circumstances of the time?

    God specifically endorsed the slavery the Jews had. God gave no mention of slavery in the Americas so the claim it is against god to runaway was harder to make to any Christian or Jewish slaves.

    The slaves under the Jews had only two places to run, their captor's neighbors or the desert. The fact that 43% wanted to try their luck is astounding. Slaves in the Americas had allies all over the country who wanted to help, not to mention fertile lands all the way to the North. The Underground Railroad and Frederick Douglas, does any of this come to mind? Think about the Romans, they made their slaves fight in gladiatorial combat but I doubt their attrition rate was higher than 87%. Plus those figures could be coming from the chaotic times of the civil war when slaves were getting the heck out of dodge.

    The god of the bible specifically endorses the beating of slaves and tells us if they die two days after a beating its OK because they were his property. Do you know how bad you have to beat someone so they'll die? This obviously was an issue because they had to set a marker for the length of time from when it was to be determined as murder or just an accident. If slave beatings and a death correlation were not spotted, it would indicate they weren't beating them very much but because it is mentioned and specific markers are given it shows that death from beatings were a common event and guidelines had to be set for the masters punishment or lack there of.

    Giving the slaves advice? Drive an awl through the ear of your slave not yourself is the bible verse. The bible specifically endorses slavery and how to beat, sell and trade, and inherit slaves.

    That is true, it is very true. Indeed all men are ignorant of something. What troubles me if you could have ended it there but you continued, -you said we want proof, implying that you have none of your own. That you don't need to proof to believe in god you believe him for no reason at all. Personal experience, divine revelation, and the bible all fall under the category of proof for any particular individual. This means that god to you have no effect on the earth, no effect on you, and no effect on others. If that is the case you are believing in something that you can't see and can't be felt in any possible way. It might as well be nonexistent. Disregarding all that, you are ignorant of the knowledge that there is no god. Here's a tip if any arguement that you use can be flipped around and be used against you, it's not a good arguement.

    Nah, I'm not miserable. Christians quite frequently tell me I have nothing to live for which I don't disagree with but the go on to say that I am lonely and miserable on the inside. That jives my jolly because its such a classic case of projection. My placebo isn't helping me so since you aren't taking any medication you must feel even worse. Maybe I simply don't have the disease you do. Life receives the blessing of purpose and meaningfulness and grace and happiness from urgency. It's urgency that drives us to make the best of our world and our life. You have no urgency because you have nothing to lose. Heaven or hell you've got eternity.

    Throw down my ignorance? Throw down yours! I know of two ways to reach god. The natural world he created, where I can study and learn and become closer to the universe and therefore god, and scripture where I can study and learn what men have written about god. Both ways bring you to 'a' god but one way leads you to 'the' god. I prefer not to have my information second hand. Eye witness testimony is the least relied upon in a court of law.

    Any answer other than "we don't" is incorrect. Atheism makes no mention of how the universe was formed. Now, atheists can point to the big bang or whatever they want to believe but that would simply be naturalism or another philosophy imposing itself over the atheist's views. Atheism has no dogma or creed or view point. Atheism is bulletproof.
  14. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    After all of that ignorance-tossing gibberish, let me ask you one question. Which religion do you believe? And whichever one you say, then wouldn't you be ignorant for not believing in the other ones? Or are you too ignorant to see that all religions are correct? Wait, wouldn't that contradict religion?

    Throwing the word ignorant around only makes your argument harder to follow, so stop it.
  15. RacoonSniper 13

    RacoonSniper 13 Ancient
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    If you are catholic, muslamic or jewish, you believe in one god. However, in some religions there are multiple dieties. Who's to say that christianity is the right belief beside its followers? I mean, the buddhists believe in rebirths and after life as one body. Who's to say their right beside their followers? If all religions speak of a god, but they all aren't the same, how can there be a god if it has led man to believe in many? Every outcome thought of within human comprehension, will ultimatly happen in a place of infinite time. The reason we don't know what happened before the big bang is that for 14 odd billion years, the universe has expanded fater then the speed of light. In the life time of our sun, we'll never find out if the progression of technology doesnt rapidly speed up.
  16. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    I just want to point out, but do you realize how fast technology has advanced within only a century?

    We went from decades and decades and what not of agricultural society, and carriages and ****, to cars, planes, space, Ipods, video games, the internet, phones...

    Technology is advancing every second at a rapid pace lol... I don't see how it can get too much faster unless someone suddenly invents a time machine...
  17. nsD Dictator

    nsD Dictator Ancient
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    thats not all u have to believe jesus is the son of god,have repentance,and be bapitized for the remission of ur sins,and if u didnt do this then jesus died for nothing.and by bapitized i dont mean the sprinkleing of water but the watery grave were ur old sin body dies and u arise a new life when u do this all ur sins are forgoten until u do more and then u get repentance of them so u can live in heaven READ UR BIBLE
  18. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Yes. This is all so sensible. I read a book so that the frowned upon aspects of my life will be taken away and I will live forever in eternity with a frighteningly selective being. Oh yeah. I also have to take a shower.

    Makes sense.
    #698 Norlinsky, Mar 26, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2009
  19. RacoonSniper 13

    RacoonSniper 13 Ancient
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    What i ment was that the human species isnt going to live to the end of the sun, and i mean, if it takes years to get to Pluto, no one will live to travel to the end of the Universe and nothing can hold enough supplies to get there.
  20. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    So basically we have to be able to travel at the speed of light. I took a class in 8th grade, and my teacher said the only way to travel at the speed of light is to well be light. So I don't think we will ever make it to Pluto.
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