Charged Charged is an asymmetrical map which was built specifically for asymmetrical gametypes. Both the Attacker's and Defender's base design was influenced by structures on Headlong. The map provides a good mix of gameplay and teamwork is required. The Defender's base ,although quite large, can be vulnerable if it is not defended as there are many enterances. The map is quite open although there is a suitable amount of cover placed strategically around the map. Note: This map is only compatible with the following gametypes: One Flag One Bomb Territories One Sided VIP This map has the ability to support the symmetrical versions of the above gametypes although it is strongly recommended that players stick to the asymmetrical ones. Recommended Gametype: One Flag 4 vs 4 Weapon Loadout: 6 x Battle Rifle 5 x Covenant Carbine 1 x Machine Gun Turret 1 x Rocket Launcher 2 x Sniper Rifle 2 x Shotgun 2 x Brute Shot 1 x Needler 2 x SMG 2 x Plasma Rifle 2 x Plasma Pistol Equipment Loadout: 1 x Active Camo 2 x Bubble Shield 2 x Trip Mine Frag and Plasma grenades have been placed suitably around the map. Vehicle Loadout: Attacker's: 1 x Warthog 1 x Ghost 2 x Mongoose Defender's: 1 x Warthog 2 x Mongoose Map Screenshots Overview Attacker's Base Undeer Attacker's Base Right Side of Attacker's Base Left Side Of Attacker's Base Defender's Base Behind Defender's Base View Inside Defender's Base 1 View Inside Defender's Base 2 Walkway Around Defender's Base Left Side Of Defender's Base Middle Structure Action Screenshots Download Charged Here!
Correct me if Im wrong, but one base seems a wwwwweeeee bit bigger than the other. It might just be me but...Im just saying, if your going to build an asymmetrical map, make sure the bases are fair. A good example is project Z. It's a great map and all, but the base by the backhall will win 90% of the time in CCTF, just because it's better built.
Excellent looking map. I especially love the way you merged the Red and blue columns with the obelisks, nice thinking.
You may have misunderstood the term: Asymmetrical. This is a map for one sided match types such as One Flag, etc. The defender's base was purposely built to be stronger than the attacker's base.
looks really good. i will definitely download when i can. i love the balance and the fact that you dont have like 3 RL and 10 shotties like sme people do. anyway, the only thing i suggest taking out is probably one of the shotguns. unless you give one to each base, then its perfect. oh yeah, you should put some AR's on the map too. i dont use them either, but some people prefer them over BR's. also you may consider a higher sniper tower, with some cover. like a medieval tower sorta. but with a hole in the middle so you can take cover and whatever. anyway, great job and cant wait for mythics so i can download
Wow, your pumping out loads of maps! This one has a great design, looks very cleanly forged and I like the base design. The only issue I have is with the teleporters to the small towers. There open but there is only one way up to them via the map. Other things like jumping off a person/vehicle shouldn't have to happen. Maybe a crate or small block would be good.
I didn't want the Sniper Rifle to be overpowered so that's the reason for the teleporters. There are brute shots right next to the Sniper Rifle towers so you could alway use it to jump up there. Someone also mentioned the Sniper Rifle tower design. This map currently uses the maximum object limit and so any changes can't really be made without altering something else on the map. Someone mentioned the Shotguns and asked if there was 1 on each side. There is one shotgun on each side of the map, so one for the Attackers and one for the Defenders. Once again, thanks for the comments, i appreciate the advice given!
Your defensive structure is fantastic. It looks perfect for one sided games ie: multiple entry ways each having pros and cons. The rest of the map seems to lack that unifying quality the defensive base has. The map may play well, but it looks very chaotic. It might be worth going back and editing the structures so the map has a more uniform look. Overall it looks like it will play fairly well, assuming spawns work as they should.
This map is awsome. You did an excellent job on it. It feels like an bungie made map. Its clean and you put in good cover. The bases are supurb and weapon layout is good too. Maybe add some ARs but still very cool. 10/10 very good map I hope it gets featured.
Big base looks gorgeous. Rest of the map? Remarkably bland, in my opinion. I'd suggest starting over with the defender's base built...and then model the rest of the map off of that same ingenuity. I don't know, it just feels really bare and uncreative. =/
looks fun, objective games are the best. especially one sided maps to go with a one sided game. I would suggest adding a roof to the defenders base, just so people dont find an advantage to getting to the top from the inside, and the lights look much better when they are put in a closed-dark room instead of shining outside.
I like the look of the defenders base however i think it would look better with a roof, I don't know if you intended it to be that way or just didn't have enough resources to do it. Anyway looks pretty good. 7.5/10
so many side bases and mini strutures, i swear, not to be rude, but in the first pic it looks like an amusement park, the defenders base is beutifly crafted tho, not messy, but mini bases are just strewn EVERYWHERE. looks like fun tho, according to the film clip, will dl actualy out of curiosity. a v2 would be sweet forging: 4.5/5 layout: 4.25/5 overall: 4.35/5
What's with the freaking ratings without playing! I feel like hiring someone to tell people not to rate maps unless they've actually played them, for me, lol. Of course I've played it and Charged is a lot of fun. We played a 1 Flag game and never did anything feel randomly thrown about, or anything really out of place. The only real problem I had was the one that Lance pretty much nailed (again). The defending base is pretty epic, but the other parts feel too much like a rush game with not a lot of viable options. Now to say it was bad, not at all. It just wasn't quite on par with the epicness of the defensive side. The attacking base is quite goodbut could certainly be better. The only times I really felt like I had a decision that had pros and cons was on the defense base. Supercompetitively, it wouldn't be too great, but because we were just playing casually, it was quite enjoyable. Though the map did play quite fun, I could see an even more epic v2, something that uses more of the perfectly balanced (as far as I could tell at elast) Defensive base-like risk and reward, pro and con, etc. More to come when I play it a little more, though
First of all I love the design for the defenders base it looks like a castle or some thing but of the other side the attackers base isn't so apiling to the eye but this map has great replay value
Great job Mini Waz I say I think this is your best map on sandbox but i also do like Myjor and Highway AE I give this map a 9.9/10 GREAT JOB
Its no doubt that you know what gameplay is all about in Halo 3. You perfected it in this map. In my opinion, this should be a standard map for match making. Really good job on this dude, Im impressed. I mean, the weapon scheme, first of all, is the best thing about this map and that always leads to fun gameplay. It has shelter, but not too much so the game isn't ruled by the sniper. It also has a level variation that is very impressive. 5 Stars man, I could go rambling on, but Ive got more maps to check out.