It was very difficult to comprehend your post. From my speculation the purpose of the game is to transport something from one point to another. Right? By the way, is erumption a spelling error of eruption? If not, hence the name erumption.
No no basically it's a science camp that has barrel filled wit diamonds rolling into a science lab that the camp has been over run....It's gonna be small and the name is not wrong it is Erumption...No one has used that name someone used Eruption has a king of the hill map. On this map it is gonna be so you can;t get in the volcano
Erm... diamonds aren't usally very common when volcanoes erupt, the pressure isn't great enough in the magma chamber. Anyway, seeing as your map idea (I think) is about scientists trying to get lots of diamonds a get rich from an errupting volcano, wouldn't Corruption be a better name? Why would you want an erupting volcano which you can't get to anyway? You'll just have less items for the actual map and in proper gameplay people very rarely look out at the scenery rather than going in to complete their objective.