Key: (seed) team name + (seed) opponent __________________________________ (1) Str8 Rippin + (14) Xit Wounds __________ (9) Antigravity + (6) Carbon __________ (5) Classic + (11) Believe the Hype __________ (15) Heaven and Earth + (4) Triggers Down __________ (3) Final Boss + (13) The Incredibles __________ (10) Status Quo + (8) VG The New Order __________ (7) Ambush + (12) Darkest Hour __________ (16) The Riot + (2) Instinct __________ So what do you guys think about the new Ogre 1 team "the Incredibles?" Any thoughts and predictions on winners and losers? Anyone going? Best players on each team? Faults of each team? Don't spend too much money betting. :happy: Go to this weekend for the next few weeks; games are going to play live and a lot of bracket shows will come up to success the first one. I will update this thread regularly; if possible, can a mod make a temporary sticky to this thread until Meadowlands is over? Thanks! DISCUSS!
*Bold ones WIN* ( 1) Str8 Rippin + (14) Xit Wounds __________ (9) Antigravity + (6) Carbon __________ (5) Classic <-- They would probably win but I don't like them. + (11) Believe the Hype __________ (15) Heaven and Earth + (4) Triggers Down __________ (3) Final Boss + (13) The Incredibles __________ (10) Status Quo + (8) VG The New Order __________ (7) Ambush + (12) Darkest Hour __________ (16) The Riot + (1) Instinct *CORRECTION* - You put Instinct as #1 when they should be #2.
Edited. Instinct is the number 2 seed. This is interesting, I was putting my bets on Carbon, they've proven as rather solid teams, but they do have their bad games. This is gonna be one of the most interesting games by far especially since the seeds are so close.
Yea I think Instinct will do very well this year and so will Str8 rippin like always,and so will the incredibles,I seen some footage of them on youtube and they are looking real good
I think Carbon's going to do pretty well actually, as well as Status Quo. I hadn't heard of them until a month ago or so, but after watching some gameplays, they will certainly place high as well. (1) Str8 Rippin + (14) Xit Wounds __________ (9) Antigravity + (6) Carbon __________ (5) Classic + (11) Believe the Hype __________ (15) Heaven and Earth + (4) Triggers Down __________ (3) Final Boss + (13) The Incredibles __________ (10) Status Quo + (8) VG The New Order __________ (7) Ambush + (12) Darkest Hour __________ (16) The Riot + (2) Instinct I just don't see many upsets happening now.
Heinz is on Triggers Down. I think Status Quo is overrated, they will get like 8th, they will choke, I guarantee it. Maybe 2 or 3 events down the road they will be contenders, but at meadows they won't do well. No one other than Strongside has ever even made Top 8, so they just don't have the experience yet. There's a reason they're 10th seed, they don't have many points because they don't have much experience. Sure they've beaten other top teams, but they're supposed to, they're pro. The scores at their lans got closer and closer as the off-season progressed, and other teams will have passed them by now. I really don't think any team other than Str8, Instinct, tD or FB has any chance of winning whatsoever. Those are the top 4 teams, any one of them placing out of the Top 4 will be a fluke.