Authors: AZN FTW, RightSideTheory Map Name: The Cellars Map Canvas: Rats Nest Map Size: Medium Player Count: 4-16 Supported Gametypes: Conquest Video: The Cellars __________________________________________________ Description: For those that don't know The Cellars was the map that introduced the gametype Conquest to the world. You can follow the link if you don't know what Conquest is or would like to know how to build a proper map for it[/b]. Enough of Conquest, on to the map... Here is the long lost map post for when The Cellars was first introduced on Forgehub: Quite the flashback eh? Well this was all done LONG before interlocking and geomerging were ever discovered as forging techniques. At the time we had to resort to blocking off things with crates and immovable objects. Well times have changed, and so now The Cellars must follow. In the older version you were able to break out at certain points. Either the side doors in each of the tunnels (if you were ever to trigger the crates' respawn) or you could simply jump out through a few little holes in the center bridge (or also use the crate respawning trick). This caused problems to where players could get out and contest territories indefinitely. Thanks to geomerging and my good friend RightSideTheory(RST) we were able to block off those side entryways effectively with double boxes. Another thing we did was move the spike grenades back a territory (as seen above) because they were too close to the center and that in turn meant that if you controlled the center you controlled both sets of spike grenades... which isn't good since they are considered a power weapon for Conquest. Now for the center we used a different tactic. Another thing that we saw was a big problem was that in the fight for the center territory people could jump onto the door ledges and hide there waiting for the other team to inevitably walk past and scoring yourself an assasination... this is fine for your particular territories, but for the center we wanted straight brute force to triumph rather than trickery. So we solved this and the breaking out problem by creating a "house" type area with bridges and blocking the door ledges with barriers supported by weapon holders... it works out nicely. Also we added man cannons to block the little holes and to add a nice little blue glow to the room. So we (myself, RightSideTheory, Coyote, Zak, and the rest of the XForgery crew that helped me test it) hope you like the final version. We felt that the map that started all the Conquest Craze deserved recognition and a redecorating of sorts, especially with it still being one of the most solid Conquest maps to date and the fact that it is in an aesthetically unique setting. I will be posting more maps in the future that are remakes of old favorites and utilize some current techniques to spice them up and make them better than before. Why do I plan on doing this? Well here is a quote that speaks nothing but the truth and inspires me as a forger: Also this is the reason that I do not support version numbers. Once you have a new version the old one is obsolete and thrown out. I have no reason to go back to a previous version, so I am replacing it all together. The same goes for the new Conquest, it may not have v4 attached to it... but it is definitely a new and improved version. Again head here for a full description of it, or just download it below: Download The Cellars v2 Download Conquest v4 --------------------------------------------------------EDIT----------------------------------------------------- A lot of people have or haven't noticed there is a new Conquest with this new Cellars. Here are the biggest differences in Conquest (v4) (no version number because it is now standardized): I kept the no friendly fire that is present in v2 and v3 because with choke points controlling friendly fire is difficult, so I kept it removed I returned to the 75% weapon damage. Yes this may increase the amount of beatdowns, but the types of kills are not important. Due to overwhelming amounts of forces at a choke point one needs more meat to survive 2-4 people shooting at them. Also this removes the one headshot capabilities of sniper rifles. This makes snipers a support weapon rather than a power weapon. The Custom Power Up was changed from 30 sec invulnerability to 50% leech. The reason for this is that invulnerability makes it a one sided battle rather than just offering an advantage. 50% leech allows you to last a bit longer while attacking, but isn't as big of an advantage due to the fact that you will have multiple people shooting at you. However it is still an advantage. 75% damage and this both support the "more meat" factor that you need to survive long enough in a territory to enjoy the game and have an effect. Because Conquest is a team focused gametype, your respawns are synchronized with your team. If you die and a teammate is about to spawn in 3 seconds, you spawn with them. This increases both teamwork and bruteforce. Another respawn change is that you spawn whenever anyone captures a territory. What this does is reset the battlefield so that both teams have equal opportunity to attack the new frontline. However, the team that won the territory that caused the respawn has troops already at the next territory, that is your advantage for winning the last territory. Respawn time was increased to 10 secs as supposed to 5 due to the new respawn traits to give a team the reward for eliminating another team and having a bit more time to capture territories. Also here is a vid of basic gameplay if anyone wants to watch it, special thanks to Zackj: YouTube - The Cellars
Bravo. So this is what started the Conquest Craze? Wow. It looks great even now. Great job, even if it is two years late. The map might not look the best, but it sure is tactical. 9/10, because I love conquest.
Have you even played the map? lol... it looks great for conquest *phhh*... and there is interlocking... as well as geomerging... what people will do for a first post... And btw before anyone says anything everything was a straight copy paste from XF so the bolded links and stuff are staying that way
I loved the original Cellars but always thought why someone didn't remake it with merging and stuff to make in completely unbreakable, I had no problem with the weapons though but eh. GJ ^^^^^lol apparently they don't even know
Finally...I remember people breaking out of the crates in the mid-section. Rather irritating. I do hope that was part of the rendition.
S-s-s-spam? It actually looks pretty good if you go in a game and check it out. Nicely geomerged double boxes close off the doors (done by me ;P), the center is new and sexy, the back door ways are blocked off with colour coded boxes... its really good aesthetically for a rats nest map. Lazy. EDIT: Yes, that was what the man-cannons fixed.
The only weapon change was the spike grenades were moved to the second territory... cuz if you controlled the center you basically controlled both sets of spikes... we decided this wasn't good at all...
Yea, the crates on either side (1st territories) were replaced with geomerged double boxes with color coded powerups, in the center, the crates were replaces with mancannons, which also gives it a nice lighting effect.
Good thing it's you AZN, I was about to transform into Rad-Rad-Moderating Tank. It's nice to see that you brought some life back into this crusty(but still kick-ass) classic. Having played the original, I already know that good gameplay goes hand-in-hand with The Cellars, and said gamplay will only be improved with the new version. The Cellars is one of the pioneer maps for Conquest gametype, and truly set a standard for everything that came afterward, and it shows that sometimes, maps don't "N3ED MOAR INTERLOX". I will download the new version, and most likely be blown away by how awesome The Cellars really is, and will be. My Rating: A+ (10/10) Pros: - The Pioneer Map to Conquest. - Great Balanced, and Fast-Paced Gamplay - Still one of the best Conquest Maps to play on, even after a year. Cons: - Nothing Really (They were all fixed with the new version.)
Wait... just noticed when I went to DL there is Conquest v4????? since when.... Edit: Looked at the description of it and I can't find what was changed?
Yes, Conquest v4 is the newest official game type for conquest... And are you joking about not being able to find the differences? Basically every movable object was replaced with an immovable object, doors were geomerged into to lock up, the center is 100% different, even the weapon placement and spawn time is a little bit tweaked.
I don't know if you noticed, but we also released a new version of Conquest as well... Anyways here are the biggest differences in Conquest: I kept the no friendly fire that is present in v2 and v3 because with choke points controlling friendly fire is difficult, so I kept it removed I returned to the 75% weapon damage. Yes this may increase the amount of beatdowns, but the types of kills are not important. Due to overwhelming amounts of forces at a choke point one needs more meat to survive 2-4 people shooting at them. Also this removes the one headshot capabilities of sniper rifles. This makes snipers a support weapon rather than a power weapon. The Custom Power Up was changed from 30 sec invulnerability to 50% leech. The reason for this is that invulnerability makes it a one sided battle rather than just offering an advantage. 50% leech allows you to last a bit longer while attacking, but isn't as big of an advantage due to the fact that you will have multiple people shooting at you. However it is still an advantage. 75% damage and this both support the "more meat" factor that you need to survive long enough in a territory to enjoy the game and have an effect. Because Conquest is a team focused gametype, your respawns are synchronized with your team. If you die and a teammate is about to spawn in 3 seconds, you spawn with them. This increases both teamwork and bruteforce. Another respawn change is that you spawn whenever anyone captures a territory. What this does is reset the battlefield so that both teams have equal opportunity to attack the new frontline. However, the team that won the territory that caused the respawn has troops already at the next territory, that is your advantage for winning the last territory. Respawn time was increased to 10 secs as supposed to 5 due to the new respawn traits to give a team the reward for eliminating another team and having a bit more time to capture territories. For a full description go here: XF Official Gametype: Conquest I will add this to the OP... and I have a vid of the new gameplay... holdon...
No the differences between v4 and v3 lol ^^^ kk thanks AZN for the list of the changes in the gametype
OMG, I'm so glad that you finally posted this RST. You're one of my favorite forgers, and I'm so glad that this marvelous piece of work got released (again). Great gameplay and now great aesthetics! Thank You RST!
Everyone who already had Conquest needs to make sure that they Download this new version. It emphasizes the point of conquest more than the previous versions ever did. The "respawn with team" setting makes the game much more team based with squad combat and not a trickling line of soldiers. The change of the custom powerup from invincibility to vampirism takes away the "lone soldier" aspect and still upholds the team combat virtue as well as being a twist to "power weapons."
As I said in XF, I always enjoy a good game of Conquest. Great job reinvigorating the map that started it all without taking away any of its old charm. I have nothing more to say. You already know.
ROFL Release a map late 2007, and release the remake early 2009! That's something... As most of us are, I am glad you made a remake of it. Not that I am saying it needed one. The Cellars was a perfect conquest map in all aspects. It provides a basic layout that you did not even forge. Meaning, you used objects to block off certain parts of the map. That's one thing I like about this map, it uses the original map but only added some borders. There are a lot of maps like this, but most are forged from the ground-up. I loved the game play so much here. It is very fast-paced and forces players to use teamwork or lose. Great approach with using the advanced techniques on an old-school map.
Alright I just posted the link to the vid in the main post... are we still able to embed? Here it is for those who don't want to check the OP... it's just straight gameplay, no editting...
I just did a forgethrough and saw all the changes but, there is are containers in the hallway before the center. I hit it a few times but, didn't have the patience to let it respawn. I am wondering though when/if it respawns won't it be just like the crates and you will be able to get out of the map?????