Sandbox Locked Out

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Gunnergrunt, Mar 21, 2009.



  1. Weapons

    2 vote(s)
  2. Gameplay

    5 vote(s)
  3. Looks

    4 vote(s)
  4. Spawns

    2 vote(s)
  1. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    haha! don't worry, it happens to the best of us... but yeah, once i added the banshee platform, i had to take both those openings into careful consideration. I left them open for several reasons. The shotgun hole has to be there to prevent players from hugging the wall while being sniped in bottom middle. That line of sight in very important in keeping the classic lockout feeling that blackout killed. I left the elbow opening as it is for the banshee. The banshee can shoot in, and players can shoot out, that simple. If items weren't a problem, i'd add a railing to that opening so players wouldn't walk about backwards. But once you know there's a drop there, you'll learn to take that opening into consideration whilst in combat.

    Yep, there is no shotgun on the map. In all my testing, it was never overpowering. But i understand that some weapons get more attention depending on the tone of the game. But who says you have to kill the sword guy with a shotgun? I recall being stuck by plasmas while i had sword, but thats just me. I have tried the laser in several locations. I placed it where it is in the end because it keeps the power weapons evenly distributed throughout the map. And its far enough from the banshee that it would be unlikey to make it to the banshee with it without an enemy encounter.

    Nope, no roof on the library. I'm glad you enjoyed that! Sitting up there will leave you very exposed; you either jump down or die, really. So its not a problem.

    I'm glad you took the time to give me your opinions and feedback after playing the map! Those type of comments are much more valuable than reviewing the map by looks alone. I would enjoy playing some double team on this map with you, good sir. Thanks again
    #61 Gunnergrunt, Mar 22, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2009
  2. Captain Night

    Captain Night Ancient
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    I like how when you fall of the map it takes a while for you to die unlike most of the maps where you instantly die. Feels really weird. I like what you did by making this your own with banshee and laser but now there is nothing to balance out the sword with. Good job though. 4.5/5
  3. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    I built the entire map high above the grid just for that reason. I wanted to give players a feeling similar to that of falling off lockout. Also, it gives the banshee plenty of room to fly under the structure of the map for cover if needed (and not have to worry about falling through the death barrier). On one game, someone actually managed to through a grenade back onto the map when they fell off, and it stuck me. Totally lockout no? Just as told penguin asassin, there are plenty of other ways to kill a sword wielding enemy. It does not have as much power as you'd assume. Thanks for the concern!

    i'm off for the night, but feel free to post! i will check this first thing tomorrow. A big thank you to all who commented and downloaded! 100 + downloads, 1600 views, and 63 comments in one day!
    #63 Gunnergrunt, Mar 22, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2009
  4. Killex

    Killex Ancient
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    I like what you have done, but it just seems to be missing a point. We already have a lockout remake done by Bungie and theirs does have the gravity lift room.

    Overall though, this is some rather good forging.
  5. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
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    It looks ok but im kinda dissapointed that it doesnt have a lift room or elbow. Im afraid that the map wont play well without those 2 parts to it :(

    Other than that this map looks pretty good, just probably not for competitive play because of the banshee.
  6. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Well its definitely a different experience, but you'll be suprised how much this map plays like lockout. You'll encounter several of the classic lockout situations (as seen in a few of the action pictures). For example, trying to snipe someone from the bottom of the sniper tower. You have the same line of sight, from one end to the other, as lockout. Something that was sorely missed on blackout. Most of the jumps are the same as well, such as the jump from the middle platform to the ramp of the sniper tower. Other classic battles also occur, such as fights from BR tower to sniper tower. I guaruntee you're gonna feel a bit of deja vu while playing Locked Out. As for the banshee, it simply adds something new to the gameplay. Its on 150 respawn so you only see it a few times per game. And if you go with my suggestions, you'll start with SMG's to repel it if you get caught on top of the map (we all know that SMG's rip up a banshee right?). And there are plenty of other ways to take it down as well. But hey, why not just board it instead? So you may find the banshee changes the gameplay in a unique way, but you're still gonna get the feeling that you're playing on lockout.

    Also, i tried to glitch past the OLN this morning. All attempts failed. Unless i can find another way to try and get past the OLN, this is the final version of the map. I will be playing this map, along with valley forge v2, this week if anyone would like to join. But please continue to comment (or complain about the banshee) on this map! I appreciate the comments this far. While playing several games over the past two hours, I took kept all the suggestions and complaints in mind. I am considering blocking off the door that leads to the elbow, but nothing else.
    #66 Gunnergrunt, Mar 23, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2009
  7. Sidneykylebowman1

    Senior Member

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    I like it. Yes, yes it's a bit small, but that's wonderfully great. The Banshee is a great addition, and I like how you suspended the map in the air to give it a more "lockout" style death if you so carelessly fall over the edge. I will play this quite a few times, I can guarantee it. 4.6/5
  8. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The banshee seems like a good addition to the ma, it's just that the map seems a bit open (obviously) for it. but it can play well. Gunner, nice job on this awesome remake. i wish i had the maps when you were forging this; i couldve helped you! :(
  9. AcHiLLeZ SH

    AcHiLLeZ SH Ancient
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    And who were the people putting me down for wanting to remake Lockout?!
  10. Arc7ic

    Arc7ic Ancient
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    I think it'd play better without the banshee, no weapons to counter it
  11. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    gunner i think the ultimate budget glitch might help you its in forging 101
  12. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the suggestion man but I hit the OLN budget, not the normal one. I still have some money left in my budget but i can not use any of it because I already have too many items placed on the map.

    Haha well look who's laughin now!

    Actually, there are several weapons to counter it! Such as the spartan laser, plasma pistol, and SMG. And if you play this map with SMG starts (like i suggested), the banshee will not be overpowered i assure you.
    #72 Gunnergrunt, Mar 26, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2009
  13. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    what about a brute shot? a brute shot would be perfect for holding off the banshee in medium/close range, and you could put 1 or 2 brute shots on with 1 or zero extra clips and take off a few weapons that would overpower/effect the gameplay if the banshee is not being used.
  14. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Brute shots are commonly referred to as "map breakers" around here. It might allow players to reach areas which would otherwise be inaccessible.

    Just food for thought.
  15. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
    Senior Member

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    oh, yeah.

    but it does not seem like there are a lot of places that you could get to by brute shot.
    this is what i think the wapon layout should be:

    2 BRS
    2 Carbines
    1 brute shot (1 extra clip) (90 respawn)
    2 plasma pistols
    1 sniper (120 respawn)
    2 smgs
    1 sword (120 respawn)
    1 splaser (150 respawn)
    1 needler (120 repawn)

    starting weapons SMG and plasma pistol
    #75 R0FLninja, Mar 26, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2009
  16. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i think a bruteshot might be a good addition, so i'll go add one and give it a few tests. I'm not going to remove any of the power weapons though i'm afraid. As for breaking the map, I don't think breaking this map is even possible. There's nowhere to break out of, or any place you should not be able to reach (with the banshee). Anyone can get on top of the library with the banshee but there's nothing to do up there but die (this has already been covered). But draw the line has a point. A bruteshot might make it possible to get up there too easily without the banshee. I'm gonnna give the bruteshot a try, but no promises.

    Also, I just played fight night (a classic game from halo 2. Plasma pistols only. Turn off vehicles) with six people on this map. It was a blast, and i highly recommend it!

    EDIT: The bruteshot for Locked Out is fail. Times two.
    #76 Gunnergrunt, Mar 27, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2009
  17. g35cpe

    g35cpe Ancient
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    That is one good remake. Kudos.
  18. Asthetik

    Asthetik Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I know this remake is really nice... but you dont have to be so harsh on bungie... BTW good job... I was waiting for a good remake of lockout.
  19. i B Dominic

    i B Dominic Ancient
    Senior Member

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    beautifully done
    nothing bad to say at all except for no lift room
  20. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
    Senior Member

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    For those off you that do not find the banshee to be a good addition to the map, I have good news! The second version of Locked Out is complete and will be posted later this week. The new version includes:

    No banshee
    A mancannon at the end of the former banshee platform
    No laser
    Shotgun hole sealed
    Elbow opening also sealed
    Additional roofing in the library
    SMG moved slightly
    BR moved slightly
    Bubble sheild removed

    If thats what you want to see on this map, be on the lookout for the new version of Locked Out! For those of you that like the first version, i encourage you to at least try the next one, but i am glad that this one worked for you. Also, the new version of Locked Out will be tested throughout the next few days. If anyone would like to join, feel free to join or send a PM. Thank you for all the comments up to this point, they were most useful. From this point on, all complaints will be ignored, save them for the v2. Thanks again!

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