Heres the battle. 2 of them actually. Battle 1. We each made a sig from a stock. Battle 2. We each made a sig out of a theme : ODST YOUR VOTE WILL NOT BE COUNTED IF YOU DO NOT POST A LEGITIMATE REASON WHY YOU LIKE ONE ABOVE THE OTHER. IF YOU KNOW OUR STYLES, AND SPOT THEM, PLEASE CONTINUE TO VOTE WITHOUT BIAS
Stock: Top one, the scan lines in the other one kinda ruins the stock and flow of the sig, neither of them is very good. Theme: Top one, better blending flow look and the bg of the other just doesn't go with the ODST...
EDIT: Oh but to vote, Stock 1: Sig 1: Although I don't really like monotone sigs, I like the sharp, rusting look to the sig. Stock 2: Sig 1: I really like the white effects used here, definitely well done and great BG, although the border is a killer...
Wow fail on our parts, hopefully people can just be unbiased and be honest enough to figure out. And maybe they are not smart enough to figure it out but most people on FH are very smart.
Stock: top one though there's no depth at all, the bottom one has no flow, blending, and i hate the size. Render: top one pretty decent effects, but off focal for a render like that, and the bottom one has no depth, effects, blending, or flow.
Sig 1: I quite like the sharp, monotone. However, it is a bit bland. Sig 2: I prefer the modern, blue theme of it. Sig 3: Look, I'll come right out and say it. It's too choppy, and the border ruins it. Sig 4: I really don't like this one, because the background does not blend in at all. It makes the ODST look totally out of place.
I know for a fact that my second sig isn't all that great. But I sure do wish people would read the title of the the thread lol. Ok I guess a CnC is alright lol
Battle 1: Sig 1- although neither of them were great, the colours of this one drew me in more, and also the second one was kinda ugly size wise. the sharpening was pretty good and the BG waasnt too bad for being abstract. Battle 2: Sig 1 (or 3 if you are counting from the top)- First off, the second one was horrible. No depth, blending, and the BG was out of place. The first one at least used a BG that was somewhat interesting and worked with the sig. also, it was blended well.
Battle 1: The bottom ones lines ruin all flow and colors of the sig. The top one is the winner and has good contrast and colors blend nicely. Battle 2: The top one is amazing. it has a nice dark depth and beautiful contrast with great blending colors. It really features the ODST character with great detail and C4d's The bottom one I feel is too plain. I see what you went for but you did nothing to the ODST character and nothing enough to blend the colors with the background. The top one is the winner here.
Battle 1 Sig 1 because I don't see much excitement from sig 2 and the old effect really fits the arbiter. Battle 2 Sig 1. Although the render may be a bit over-used, the ODST really looks good with the urban background. Sig 2 somewhat looks unprofessional, but it still is professional!
in your vote for the first battle, you either voted for the wrong one or have issues. the top one doesn't have any lines in it. that's the bottom one.