Debate God

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Dec 17, 2008.

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  1. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    To answer your questions.

    1. How can you take this as racism? He freaking cast out the demon!

    2. To my point below. Sin is genetic. Women sinned first, so in God's eyes, the man is better than the woman.

    3. "Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh."
    That is not supporting slavery, it is merely saying that slaves are like children to their masters, and they should respect and honor them.
    Also, In the bible, it never says slavery is bad, unless, they are treated as if they are not humans.

    4. Sin is transferred genetically. It is like a disease that goes through each of us. At least once in each of our lives we break all 10 of the commandments. (Including Murder, ever stomped an ant? That counts to God.) Throughout our lives, we mature and learn to control this sin. In some cases, people cant. Thats where you get murderers from.

    5. He gave us free choice. He confronts us with choices in life, and we make the decisions. In short, he didn't want to force himself on us, instead, slowly introduce himself to you. The only real choice we have is weather we want do die in a dark maze of confusion and death, or walking with God himself and enjoying the eternity our souls must endure.

    1. The ark specifications are actually in the bible. And as many people think its not, its been proven that a "boat" of those proportions is unsinkable. And, as said in the bible, the earth was changed A LOT after the flood, pangea wasn't pangea anymore. More species were created from the breeding of animals and "Micro-Evolution". Micro Evolution is something that a majority of christians (like me) believe in. Things such as genetics are examples of this. Micro evolution is still happening today. Macro evolution is the "Fish-Apes-Humans" version of evolution. It's got so many "Missing Links" that it is utterly retarded. And Charles Darwin is a sexist and a racist. In his theory of evolution that everyone is so fond of, he stated that anyone that isn't white, is less evolved. And he also stated that men can beat women at anything if they wanted to. Now, both of those are wrong. And none of the so called "Missing Links" that have been found such as "Lucy" or "Neandrathal Man" were made out of old bone discoveries that aren't accurate. Lucy is an entire skeleton made from an extinct pig's tooth. And Neandrathal man was made from the skull of an arthritic frenchman. How can you belive in evolution now?

    2. Actually, no. Most Christians/Creationists DONT believe in a young earth theory. The bible says 7 days it took to create the earth. Who knows how long God's days were? And, Nobody can tell the date the earth was created and how long ago this was. The way that the "bright" person came up with this was using ancient hebrew family records. He claimed he traced his family all the way back to adam and eve, and found the year they were created. But, what most people don't know is that in hebrew geneolagy, they left out the names and years of people that didn't contribute something great to the population. In doing this, you can never trace your family back to adam and eve. ****in hebrews. In conclusion, the earth could be ****ing 900 googalplex years old. Who knows?
  2. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    God Damn!

    So in your eyes discrimination, misogyny, and chauvinism are not only right but also characteristics of your god as well.

    So owning slaves(people that work for nothing without a choice) is fine as long as you are not mean to them. What about keeping them against their will and forcing them to work? Does that seem kind to you?

    I would choose a maze of confusion over walking next to a sexist, slave endorsing asshole.
  3. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    I totally 100% disagree with that statement. Christians have something to look forward to. They have faith and hope and I believe that atheists have nothing to look forward to, they have no faith, and no hope, its like they have no purpose in life. I believe that life is a test to get to heaven, or if you fail you simply go to hell. Christians tend to be happier people, as i said, they have something to look forward to.
  4. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    Okay, let me rephrase some of these for your obviously infantile mind.

    2. Sin is genetic, and because women sinned first, sin is stronger in their genetic line. God loves us all equally, but he is kinda pissed that we sinned. The result of this is not death anymore, but pity. And also, the whole, "Wives submit to your husbands" thing is a sign of respect, not sexism. Same with the whole women should cover their heads thing. God's not a sexist, he just wants respect.

    3. If you learned something about the times back then, then you'd know that being a slave was usually better than owning your own home and having your own "Free" family. As a slave, you didn't work for nothing. You worked for shelter, food, etc. But as a "free" person, you had to make enough money to pay for everything. As a slave, your master would pay for everything.
    And one reason the bible tells them to do this, is because if a slave were to disobey his master, he/she'd usually end up dead. So, in short God is trying to let them lead a better life, not treacherous.

    5. Okay, so you'd want to run around in complete darkness being chased by actual demons that want to hurt you. Okay, well that's your decision. I actually would rather stroll on streets of gold and actually get to SEE my friends again.

    PS: Contrary to popular belief, hell is a black pit of treachery. There is no light in hell because everyone there is separated from God.
  5. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    So who is your primary source for all this?
    Unless the Devil invited you to run around in Hell for a couple minutes...?

    Oh yeah, wait... being a slave was good? So then why did the slaves rebel in any case involving slavery?
    #645 EonsAgo, Mar 25, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2009
  6. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    1. The Bible, God is light, and if Hell is separated from God, there is no Light in hell. All those Lava pit things you read are just metaphors.

    2. In those times they didn't, they would just shut up and do the work. They didn't want to get in trouble with the person that supplied their food/water/shelter.
  7. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    Digging Deeper

    You are just digging yourself deeper into a treacherous pit of ignorant quicksand.

    Well, you are using the word "rephrase" very loosely. Your exact quote about your God's views of women was "To my point below. Sin is genetic. Women sinned first, so in God's eyes, the man is better than the woman." Saying sin is stronger in women's blood lines is somewhat less offensive than just saying man is better than woman, but it is still a bigoted point of view that you share with your invisible God. Respect should be mutual between men and women. Why didn't God say "Husbands submit to thy Wives"? Lastly, are you agreeing with the practice of women being forced to cover their bodies in Burkas and other dress in order to be respectful to God? Let me rephrase what you've said all together about women:

    1. Men are better than women - God thinks so
    2. Women have more sin contained in their blood
    3. Women should submit to their husbands out of respect
    4. Women should cover their heads out of respect

    Here's what you have said about slavery and God's views of it:

    1. Being a slave was better than owning a home and having a free family
    2. God was trying to protect slaves' lives by telling them to submit to their masters

    You understand that you believe in your religion so much that you have somehow justified defending slavery in order to stay aligned with your God.

    Your Afterlife:

    Hell - involves running, darkness, actual demons with harmful intent, a maze

    Heaven - involves walking, God at your side, golden streets, friends are visible

    Where are you getting some of this stuff? Envisioning a silly afterlife where you will be happy forever with all of your friends and copious amounts of golden cobblestones is just fine by me. It's your delusion. In your case religion and faith in God is causing you to try and justify sexism and slavery as respect and luxury, though. That is the darker side of what religion can do to people, and why I think it can be dangerous.
    #647 makisupa007, Mar 25, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2009
  8. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    I hate to break it to you all but god does not actually exist. Humans made up the concept of god because we are a selfish and primitive organism. Before humans evolved from chimps, was there a need for god then? No. Because chimps could not have gave a ****. Now that we have an evolved brain, we are looking for these grand answers that don't exist. There always seems to be a motive for why believe in god. Examples of this are; To see loved ones again that have passed, to get all the things you want out of life, for someone to watch over and protect you from an insane world, etc.

    Religion has killed more people than all the natural disasters of the world combined. I just wish religion would die already so we can move on with humanity. People should be focusing on medicine and the economy and the environment more, then at least we can change the course of our lives for the better. I am an atheist to the bone. Don't try to change my mind either. I know more about the bible and religion than most people do. It's just a decision I made a while back. Thank you and good day.
    #648 x DREAM 76 x, Mar 25, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2009
  9. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Are you serious? Proof Please?

    You have no evidence for your statement, you posted that in format like its a fact and it really isn't.

    Ok so I say,

    I hate to break it to you all but your all wrong and God exists.

    Thats basically what you said your supported the other side. I think that the world doesn't matter that much. If we are spending like an average of 70 years on the earth or something like that and we are spending eternity in heaven I would rather worry about heaven than earth.
  10. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    If we don't worry about the Earth and focus our time on real issues Humanity will not make it very far. I had a friend like you that is currently going to college with an aviation degree. He invited me to take a ride in a small plane with him a few weeks ago. It was one of the scariest moments of my life. I was sitting next to a person that had both of our lives in his hands. My views on crashing into the side of a mountain were extremely bad, the end of my existence. To him, if he sharers your view of living, when he crashes he gets to be in Heaven for eternity. I can't truly trust a person like that.

    To you life is a throw away pop-quiz, a tiny fraction of the time you actually exist, a quick round of moral speed dating with god.

    To me life is something to be cherished every second, a brief chance to exist and experience the universe around you, a beautiful finite gift that will never be given again.
    #650 makisupa007, Mar 25, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2009
  11. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Nice try man. Why just quote one line of my post to try to support your point. I don't feel that I have to supply any proof. Open your eyes. That's my proof.

    People like you scare me and are just proof that if enough people think like you do, then we are really headed down the toilet.
    #651 x DREAM 76 x, Mar 25, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2009
  12. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    So basically you are saying that you are afraid of death? I think I would trust him if i was his friend even if he is christian or not. If the plane crashes, well guess what the plane crashes.
  13. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Ok then I will quote the whole post then. I didn't want to quote the wall of text but I guess I have to since it seems to make you look bad?

    But ya so basically I conclude what you said is.
    God doesnt exist and he was made up by humans? Still you stated that as a fact and it isn't a fact since you have no proof or it
  14. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    It is not a fact. It is my opinion. I feel that humas made up the concept of god and religion to make their lives more enriched and give them false hope. I can never supply the proof you want. So just let it go dude.
  15. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Ok so basically say instead of, "Sorry to break it to you, God doesn't exist." Say, " Sorry to break it to you, but I believe that God doesn't exist?

    I really dont get it. So there is no proof that doesn't exist?

    Then how can you say, he doesn't exist? Ok and I know someone will quote this saying, "Well where is your proof that god exists. Well ya I have no proof except the bible and perhaps the arc?

    Its something I believe in. I wasn't pursuing a huge argument with you.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    On topic, heaven and hell can't exist, I will expand when I have some more time.
  17. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Ok I will wait for your brilliant proof to prove that heaven and hell do not exist. In the mean time..


    I said ya in my posts is there seriously a problem with saying "ya"?
  18. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    In our Atheist Bible it is a crime punishable by a thousand bee stings to ever utter the phrase "Ya". It is blasphemy! You have no respect for our Atheist traditions.
  19. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    I have no idea what that means but I am pretty sure that you just insulted Christians in general. Here you go for now on I will say yes instead of ya. Is that enough respect for your tradition?
  20. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    So who decides which stories are literal or metaphorical?
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