Heroes Discussion Thread (May Contain Spoilers) This is the official Heroes discussion thread. If you've never seen the show, it airs Mondays at 9pm on NBC. Discuss away ForgeHubbers. WARNING: THIS THREAD MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR ANYBODY THAT HASN'T SEEN THE LATEST EPISODE
There's no way in hell Tracy survived that, she turned herself to Ice and Denko shattered her, therefore, she's dead.
But after that, they showed a piece of her frozen face and it blinked and a tear came out... you never know. And I had a hunch the Mica was rebel cause my mom noticed the actor's name as a special guest star at the beginning. And he has his technology power thing so that's how he kept hacking into Danko and Petrelli's network.
Ya, I had a feeling it was Micah, but ya I am pretty sure that Tracy is dead. She got frozen and shattered. But there is one thing I do not understand. If she was shot and the pieces flew everywhere, wouldn't you see like intestines and blood all over the floor?
You know what I am thinking, I think that her powers are far more advanced than she relized and she escaped the exosceloton of the ice. IDK just a theory
When's the new series aired in Britain? I can't get into Heroes, but I do enjoy watching the odd episode...
Yeah that sounds like something the directors would do. They'll probably bring her back 5 episodes from now and we'll be all like "WTF didn't she freeze herself???"
The only person I remember that dies on heroes and doesn't come back to life is micah's mom. I can not think of anything else.... can you?
You know, it would be pretty good if sylar just stormed the base of operations for the project, but of course that would end the season lol.
At the end of the last show, they showed a preview of next week. They showed Sylar talking to Danko in a car about something. Maybe they're joining together?
I like Tracy. I hope she comes back but as of this moment I am sold on the fact that she died. When she was talking to Micah it sounded like she knew she was going to die... What I'm psyched about is how Nathan is on Peter's side now, or at least I am assuming that because Peter was flying...this volume is by far the best. And who feels so bad for Matt Parkman? The guy's dream said they would be together and everything he was trying to do, didn't come true...I feel bad for him.
ya that part was emotional. I was like wtf how is he flying but then I figured it out and as i figured it out she was like "drop me". Also ya I forgot about micah's dad, but I forgot how he died. Hmm... ya bad news next week's episode featured syler talking to denko ... bad news lol
Micah's dad got shot by Linderman I think way back at the end of season one. That part was sad. And Daphne had to go and die. Great job Danko.
Heroes is an awesome show!! I like Hiro! He makes me laugh, at least he did in the first season. Anyways, the plot so far is really good. In the last episode, they didn't show or talk about Nathan..........I know the episode before he was pushed out a window and was "caught" flying. It's getting really good.
It tends to do that... it focuses on a few characters or groups of characters each episode. I kinda like how it does that. Keeps you watching.
I actually thought he was sylar at first, but then we wondered how he was flying... He seemed kinda weird