Hero's Domain - Get your Screenshot Professionally Rated

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Screenshots' started by Hero, Mar 20, 2009.

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  1. vitorassoBR

    vitorassoBR Ancient
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    Screenshot title:
    ODST Firemen
    Map:Ghost Town
    Date screenshot was taken (not required):3-24-2009
    Was your screenshot staged:Yes
    Are you the sole creater of this screenshot:Yes
    Do you agree not to flame my rating:Yes
    Will you be patient with me to rate you:
    Gamtertag: vitorassoBR
  2. OMG Its Storm

    OMG Its Storm Ancient
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    Screenshot title: Pyro
    Map: Avalanche
    Was your screenshot staged: Yes
    Are you the sole creater of this screenshot: Yes
    Do you agree not to flame my rating: Yes
    Will you be patient with me to rate you: Yes
    Gamtertag: Zombiez R Us
    Etc: I took this when I was "Disturbed916" But I changed my name. And I am also the creater of this effect!
  3. Okage4

    Okage4 Ancient
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    Screenshot title: War Torn
    Map: Snowbound
    Was your screenshot staged: No
    Are you the sole creater of this screenshot: Unless you count me playing a game with some friends as not being the sole creator, yes, I'm the sole creator
    Do you agree not to flame my rating: Oooof course I won't
    Will you be patient with me to rate you: Yep
    Gamtertag: Okage4
  4. Hero

    Hero Ancient
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    Leeum, zombiez and okage, you've been accepted and put up for review.

    Vito, your second screenshot has been accepted and put up for review.

    Kittuns, your application has been rejected. Life's to short for me to waste my time on a reviewing a screenshot that has been done thousands of times.
    #64 Hero, Mar 25, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2009
  5. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    wtf, thats a little harsh. i thought it was pretty unique [i checked the community files, i only found one or two that were similar to mine], and there were plenty of screenshots that you accepted that i saw many times before. in fact, every screenshot you already rated are ones i saw dozens of times on the files. every picture on page 6 doesn't have anything unique to it, either.

    you could just say "sorry, no" instead of being such a ****ing asshole.
    #65 toasted kittuns, Mar 25, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2009
  6. Hero

    Hero Ancient
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    Hero's Domain Review for: ATacoBell

    Screenshot name: "Water" and can be found on page 3.

    Originality: The gravity hammer has been used to make halo 3 screenshots ever since Halo 3 came out. From then on, people have been trying to find new and imaginitive ways, but over the years, I can saftly say we found everything we can do with a gravity hammer.

    Effects used: It seems as you swung the gravity hammer, and the result of the dark person may just be a dark room, or maybe a combination with a gernade. However, this effect has been done several times before, and it may look cool, but it's old.

    Camera Angle: I do like the camera angle. The player is directly in the center with the blue mist swirling around it. To me, it looks like he's looking at a 3-D map of our galaxy. Nearly all the the screenshot was covered but textured color, which was also a plus.

    Style: Dark screenshots are always a source of mystery and fanaticism. For some reason, they mostly always end up good when the maker has even a basic knowledge of how to make screenshots. You did well with sticking with 3 colors: white, black, and blue. Anything more than that on dark screenshots wouldn't be a good thing. I think the shoulder pads should have been switched to one of those colors though.

    Lighting: There's not much to say when it comes to lighting. It's lit well because of the effect and the camera angle. Gravity hammer shots rarely require skill when it comes to lighting.

    Blending: The brown shoulder pads ruined the blend from black (around the player), to white (the player). Other than that, the blue blends well with the black in the backround, except in the areas where there is no blue, for obvious reasons.

    Overall Presentation: It was a pretty standard gravity hammer shot. You do demenstrate a moderate knowledge when it comes to making screenshots. If you make more, I do suggest finding new ways to make pictures so people aren't turned away from it's unoriginality.

    I give your screenshot a rating of: 5/10
  7. Hero

    Hero Ancient
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    Kittuns you have to understand, I'm not trying to be mean, but you must admit that the screenshot you presented took little skill to acomplish.

    However, when I wrote that I was tired, just recieved some bad news, and was faced with a long day at school. I probably overdid it a bit, so I'm sorry.
    #67 Hero, Mar 25, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2009
  8. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    its because the pic isn't staged. i took it in a matchmaking game. it isn't like i could take a pro picture during something that isn't staged, like almost every other pic here is.
  9. Hero

    Hero Ancient
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    I disagree, I take pride in the fact that nearly half of my screenshots aren't staged. It is quite possible to take an awesome screenshot. This is the most recent one I took on a slayers game on snowbound:


    I like the challenge of finding screenshots in matchmaking.
    #69 Hero, Mar 25, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2009
  10. Leeumm

    Leeumm Ancient
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    I agree with Hero. The picture just isn't good, mainly because of the effect. Absolutely anybody, no offense, can watch a matchmaking game in Theater and get a screenshot exactly like that.
  11. Hero

    Hero Ancient
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    Hero's Domain Review for: Halostar317

    Screenshot name: "Incarnate" and can be found on page 3.

    Originality: Hmm well the lighting is original, but that ends when it comes to the pose. Luckily, it's not the pose that makes the screenshot, it's how you portray it. You did this well.

    Effects used: Although it's obvious some effects were used, it's hard to distinguish between them. I can only guess that a frag gernade was invovled, but that doesn't explain the orange glow acompanied by the purple flair. That's a good thing that I don't know what you did, because it means others won't either, and the point of a screenshot is to make a person ask "how did he do that?"

    Camera Angle: The camera angle was pretty standard: a chest and above shot. This is common among explosion shots because of the brightness invovled with them. It's always the camera angle that decides the colors and lighting of the shot.

    Style: I do like the style of this screenshot. It has a single person armed to the teeth, ready to take on the world. This is a good basis for any screenshot.

    Lighting: The lighting around the helmet and the back of the head is different from that of the rest of the screenshot. This causes a bit of confusion and and gives it's a sloppy outlook. Also, the pink flair of light jutting out of the screen on the bottom-left was kind of weird as it doesn't fit in with anything else in the shot.

    Blending: Good blending is apparent throughout the shot. The orange glow seems to meld with the black and white of the rocket, giving it a rustic appeal. Also, the wall's blending of different colors gives the screenshot some depth.

    Overall Presentation: A good screenshot: it isn't great but deffenatly not the work of an ameteur. You did well on the blending and the use of colors. You do show an above-average knowledge of screenshots.

    I give your screenshot a rating of: 6/10

    NUKEZILLA Ancient

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    umm i dun know if this counts but boss of ownage is using the snadbox grid mod thats what the blu lines are so its a mod and that is r unfair
  13. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    well, also, you should learn to read. i took the damn picture back in june. it was before i learned any of that fancy ****. think before you act, it just makes you look like a total dipshit.

    i know i didn't say this before... but back in june, i only had live for two months. i was still rather noobish, and i didn't have much "skill".
  14. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    no, it isn't hax0rz. it's actually quite simple to do that effect: when you put a multitude of shield doors at different angles, it creates a "grid" effect in theater mode. there are many tutorials on b.net and youtube.
  15. Leeumm

    Leeumm Ancient
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    Well, if you took it so long ago and you knew it was very "skillful", why'd you post it for a review?

    And I wasn't trying to disrespect you, there's no need to get mad about it.
  16. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Yeah, i got it stickied. Only took about 4 days. oh well. I had a feeling it would be good to sticky this.
    #76 DimmestBread, Mar 25, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2009
  17. Hero

    Hero Ancient
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    I don't understand. How did you "get" this stickied? No disprect - if you did then I owe you a great deal, but did you talk to a mod or something?
  18. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    yeah, I pm'd bloodfire
  19. Hero

    Hero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Cool, thanks for the recomendation. :D
  20. Shmahogenfogen

    Shmahogenfogen Ancient
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    Professional Rating Request - Shmahogenfogen

    Screenshot title: Halo Excalibur
    Map: The Pit
    Date screenshot was taken (not required): 11/27/2008
    Was your screenshot staged: No
    Are you the sole creater of this screenshot: Yes
    Do you agree not to flame my rating: I agree to respect and learn from it. (Yes)
    Will you be patient with me to rate you: Of course.
    Gamtertag: Shmahogenfogen

    Halo Excalibur - "Beautiful in it's simplicity"

    #80 Shmahogenfogen, Mar 25, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2009
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