In my opinion L4D Because i just didnt like how you cant move and shoot in RE5 But thats only my opinion im sure others will dissagree
Left 4 Dead. Demo of RE5 was okay, but the setting is crap. Africa? Doesn't have the creepy vibe from 4. L4D, every place is creepy.
LEFT 4 DEAD. Here's why. See video, impressions of Left 4 Dead's Survival mode + Resi is too slow. Edit.S... Yeah, seriously this game is amazing. You've not lived until you've played this game.
How can you love DS so much and hate RE. They are pretty similar games. The only difference I can see is that you can't move and shoot in RE5 at the same time, and while it seems like it would make it slow, it is anything but slow-paced.
left 4 dead. if you want to play a fun co-op game where the other players actually matter, this is the game for you. I play all the time i love that game
Left 4 Dead if you want a repetitive multiplayer, teamwork game. Resident Evil 5 if you want a kickass campaign.
Hahahaha actually I said that L4D wins but I did not buy it yet the time I said it. You really have good timing...because I just bought it today! LOL! It's extremely awesome. Very fun and exciting. Requesting a LOCK.
If he still hasn't got it... I'd say go for RE5. I was sketchy when I bought it but it turned out to be the best game I played in a LONG time. The game is so well paced from one exploding tenticle moster to a frakking Battarpillar bossfight that you are on the edge of your seat on the first playthrough.
This thread needs to end, since he already bought L4D several days ago. I will report for a lock, once again.
thats disappointing to hear... L4D is cool and all, but RE5 is my new favorite game of the moment. It just brings me such joy, and the new online multiplayer modes coming only sweeten my love for it.