I would have to say E.T. for the Atari 2600 is the worst piece of crap game ever. Featuring an alien, a rapist, a doctor, and a kid that can resurrect you from the dead. It sucks, and it has no directions, or even any storyline whatsoever.
the worst game I've ever played is C&C: tiberium sun; i just didn't like the play of the game. It was weird to me. By the way, im talking about the first 2 tiberium sun games not the recent 3rd one. [didnt like that one either, the style looked like too much of a nock off of starcraft, the gameplay was good though]
Call Of Duty: World At War. Mix a game that's meant to be modernished fighting with fantasy um no thanks.
The worst game that i have played is two worlds i played it for only like ten minutes then i am like this game SUCKS.
Oldschool Suckage: ET, Superman 64, and others I can't seem to think of right now. Newage Suckage: That game in the OP, Two Worlds, most movie games, and more I can't think of right now. The most reliable thing in the gaming company is that there will ALWAYS be sucky games to bash and talk about. =p
Actually, I don't really know. I always read reviews several times over before buying something. However, if it's a game that sucks, it will always be WiiPlay. The game turned out so horrible.
I try not to play bad games on purpose, if i hear something has a terrible review I usually don't play it. And so far thats the worst one I have played
150 NEW ones. Looking at my national poxedex, there are well over 450 pokemon total now. Worst game I ever played? Lego Island II for the Gameboy color. I beat it in under 10 minutes.
About the video: Ha, a game where you can go wherever you want without worrying about invisible barriers. If only halo was like that. The worst game I have probably played would have to be some of the sonic games for the gameboy advance.
I would have to say that Halo Wars is the worst modern day game. I expected more from Bungie, but they didnt't have as much as I did expect.