What I played was awesome, because we were fascinated by the map, and mainly the random weapon box. I died in the help room door once, and the upstairs is camp-a-geddon against the zombies, but seriously, this was amazing. 5/5 all the way.
sweet your finally posting it, well ill probably have to dl it before i review, im planning a good review for this one, your guys next project needs to be trying to get this in the bungie atlas.
oh ok, well it could defietly be a big hit if you would but it you dont want to its your choice. edit: r u settin up the post right now?
Actually you could make a moving box if you had it go like everytime it moved perks i cant help with and just a little idea for you even though its too late... instead of having the staris spawn like 180 into the game and needing man cannons or what ever your using to keep ppl out of where the staris spawn you could have movable stuff fall down at the start of the game that blocks it and then have a wall or a small ledge spawn at 160 and have the movable thing at 180 so at 160 something spawns to catch it and then at 180 it respawns up top but doesnt fall and the path is unblocked... and about the comments of not enough movable objects for on on sandbox what movable objects do you need... as far as the new **** zombie map i can see how somethings would be impossible to do like perks and laser doors and the other stuff
yep =] congratz guys that your finished, will it be up and ready to post today or 2morrow? edit: yeah could you go ahead and send it to me, ive been so anxious to play but you wouldnt let me test.
hang on hang on are you still testing? if not can you just send me the map so me and a few friends can give it a try? anyways looking forward to it and good job keeping the community interested!
I loved this map when I played it! I never thought the mongoose entrance idea would work, but it did! Nice one master! It's a shame about the people who copied your idea, but it's only two maps, one of which will be quickly forgotten. Only one problem: It's spelt Judgment, not "Judgement". If you don't believe me, look up Terminator 2.
It's spelled both way, I checked myself. So I'm keeping the name. Also, half of the post is done. I can't work on it until after my HW tonight though but ti should be done around 5-6 PM EST but if things get delayed it won't be until 8 PM EST.
well master debayter, i just played some games on it and let me say, its a hell of a creation, its was so fun and enjoyable, especially with 6 people, and its harder than it looks great job
Though I have yet to play a match of this, I am sure that this will be an insane map to play on. Early congratulations on what's sure to be an epic map. BTW, would you mind explaining how your random weapon box works?
Finally, i got my account to work. anyway, i downloaded the map from your file share to test it out. i havent tried the fallen, but the judgement variant was phenomenal. i only had 2 people at first, so it was boring, but soon 2 others joined and we had a blast. never seen a forged map like it. congrats. i cant wait to see the final post and good luck on getting this featured! 10/10, one of the few.
The random weapon box is... different, but is useful when you know how to use it. u hit a propane tank and random weapons fall out. hold rb to grab one REALLY quick and u have a random weapon. BTW, the weapon choice is RANDOM so you may see a good weapon, but miss it and get another. still, it works well with gameplay
Posted. I'll discuss more as soon as I can. Thanks by the way, you can has screaming fangirls. (me)(sexchangenotincluded)
I posted and i didnt help you test but before you posted it i tested it with 4 and 6 players, and so i commented on your job well done, great work finally posted!!!!!!!!!!