Hi, im new to forgehub, and would like to post some of my maps on the website. The thing is i dont really know what to do, so could somebody give me a little help on what to do before posting my maps, and how a should do this? Please tell me exactly what to do so i do it right...Please reply!
The best way to learn to post would be to read the rules and post using that template. The other way is to just read everyone else's thread and copy them.
Here ya go... this should help you out - http://http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-forge-maps/announcements.html And here's how to embed your pics -
ok go ahead and infract me for this , cause im using language, but i dont care im tired of this ****, apparently you;ve been here awhile your a demon. but for gods sake dude theres a madatory reading before you register, theres a rules navigation, and when you look at the map category its says "madatory before reading" im tired of giving links and showing unnessesary picture guides, if you would read the ****ing rules you would get it, an the mods are strict about this. yeah i know your just asking a simple question and im being rude, but ive been here for a long time, and im really getting aggervated over this, its time people started paying attention and reading the rules. Yeah i know your asking because you dont know, but there was just a front page topic on a new way to post pics. every 1/5 maps, there is someone showing how to post pics. and theres even a guide of the map category, just start reading the rules everybody!!
Ok 1) he's only a graduate 2) you haven't been here that long compared to some of the other members (not including me) Calm down
i know and ive been here long enough to see people need help with this at least twice a day i bet ive linked over 70 people or showed them guides on how to post pics
i know and i know im sounding like a asshole, but im so sick to the point i cant talk and i guess im just in a bad mood today, sorry guys, its just i really wish people would atleast look at the huge navigation sign that says rules
Ok...Well im sorry, but im new, and i know i should be reading the rules which i do. But sometimes i dont completly understand it so i need a bit more help. I have had enough help now thanks to you guys and now i understand. So thank you.