Halo Wars = fail

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Yevah, Mar 24, 2009.

  1. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
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    ok so halo wars is pretty fun, but it just doesn't seem to be halo. and its really boring playing the same match for 45 mins-1/2hrs. dont get me wrong its ok but it can be very boring and just like a hole different game. when i saw trailers of halowars i knew it would be a stradegy game, and a game were you control an army, but just think if they would have made another hand to hand combat like halo1,2,and 3. because of the amazing graphics, i mean the graphics were truley outstanding, now my question is, how do you think they could make halowars more exciting.

    (many people think the same way about it as me, because every once in a while ill get on and theres only about 5000 people on.)
  2. XDAO SoX

    XDAO SoX Ancient
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    Everytime I get on, theres 30,000+ people on. And I enjoy the long games. I don't like it when the other people rush because theres no fun in that. And yeah, Halo wars has one of the best graphics I have seen on the xbox 360. Too bad it only stood out on the videos
  3. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
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    oh 30,00+ wow, well than agian i havent been on forever though, and when do they not rush, i guess thats why i dont find it fun, everytime i play there rushing me and i dont even get enough time to support myself. i just wish i new how they got there stuff so fast.
  4. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    I found it rather bland. Here is how a game goes. Step 1 make warthogs. Step 2 once able to afford tanks buy them. Step 3 win. Rinse Repeat.
  5. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    It lacks depth and has a few crappy missions, and some of the cutscenes/voice acting suck, but generally I like it.
  6. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    Er, your grammar = fail.

    But onto your arguments, I will admit that Halo Wars, to the typical fan of the franchise, will represent a completely boring and headache-inducing campaign and method of gameplay. Considering RTS (real time strategy) by definition is slower than FPS (first person shooter), it makes sense that most fans of the Halo franchise will have their delusions of grandeur shattered once they get to the second mission. The minute they have to enter the tedium of waiting for supplies, building up armies, and then sending those armies to wreak havoc on other armies, their thirty second attention span from the Halo games will be exhausted and they'll have spent $80 on nothing more than a nifty patch, some worthless cards, a mediocre graphic novel, and the mythic map pack.

    But, assuming the ones who pick up Halo Wars actually are RTS fans, there are some things that could have been improved upon. For one, the campaign is incredibly short. Blasting through the missions, you can have the entire game beaten in probably under three hours. There are only fifteen missions and the story feels underdeveloped. I for one would have liked to see a longer game for my money, and a bit more character development through the cut scenes. A bit more variety in the gameplay would have been nice, as well, as mindlessly selecting all units and commanding them to go place and attack thing(s) can only keep a person entertained for so long. There is an element of strategy to it, but when you have to select either local units or your entire army, your options are incredibly limited as to what you can actually do. The difficulty curve also could have used some tweaking; I expected the last level to take me four or five tries to complete, when I actually had it done well under time on the second attempt. This is in contrast to a mission before it (mission 12, I believe), where I was consistently having my ass handed to me by the flood, and had to actually lower the difficulty a notch to get by the level.

    Actually, Fish Fingers, I found the cut scenes and voice acting to match one another rather well. It's a lot better than most games I've seen recently (e.g. Infinite Undiscovery), and I thought the sequence with the Spartans owning the Elite Honor Guard more than made up for any inadequacies in the gameplay.
    #6 Jpec07, Mar 24, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2009
  7. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    Also for almost every single mission you can just use the spartans to get through the level because they kill almost everything and when one goes down just slap down regeneration and they'll be back up in a second.
  8. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Anybody who buys an RTS for story is no true RTS fan or a lover of Strategy games. RTS game stories, Blizzard games unincluded, are just there because they have to.

    RTS is multiplayer. FPS is a slight mix while RPG is Single Player only.

    Now, concerning what you're talking about, the game is simple but it is fun. You just need to get to the top tiers of gaming to make RTS fun, as with all other RTS games.
  9. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    are you seriously comparing halo 3 to halo wars? they are completely different games, not even made by the same company. Wars is RTS, Halo 3 is FPS. Totally different style and gameplay.
  10. Villain

    Villain Ancient
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    i personally think it would be better on the computer. when im in the intense heat of RTS battle a prefere to have a mouse and keyboard. the only problem with this is that the graphics would crash your computer's graphic card if its not pumped with steriods. still i would like it if it was for the computer
  11. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    I really just enjoy building up and army and then sending them on suicide missions to bomb a base. Which just made me now want to build an army of suicide grunts.
  12. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    not quite. you would get destroyed if you did that against a lot of people. it might work against an computer, but thats it.
    your sig is much too large. fix it.
  13. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    My friend is a little over 200th in the world on Gamebattles 1v1 for Halo Wars and he can tell you, it takes a lot of skill and strategy. He has a few "set-ups/plans" for each map. You can't simply makes some warthogs, send them to the enemy base and win. :)

    Maybe it's just how you see Halo, but the cut scenes to me are better than Halo 3 cut scenes. I love how they focus on ground combat more than huge space battles; the battles between elites and marines are awesome.
    #13 Psycho, Mar 24, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2009
  14. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    The reason Warcraft 3 and Starcraft were so good was because they both had such an amazing story for an RTS...

    You guys are acting like they're the best graphics you've seen in your life. Honestly, it already starts to blur when zooming in at max. I can run games on my 7800 GTX on High (RTS's that look almost as good as Halo Wars) and yet I still get higher framerates.
  15. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Hahahahahahahah, Oh, wow.

    A good campaign they may have had but do you honestly think that Starcraft is still alive due to the story? An amazing story they may have had but is that really a bar set that high?

    People don't replay the campaign and then talk about the awesome plot twist after it.

    BTW, didn't I say Blizzard games excluded?
  16. P1 Press Start

    P1 Press Start Ancient
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    I enjoy RTS games. So it was better to play for me. You just build an army of Warthogs and just upgrade them all the time. The Covenant seemed awesome to play at first until I figured out that they are so weak compared to their UNSC counterparts it's like an ant against my foot. Their weapons are ten times more powerful but it's more of a threat than actually doing anything. Allow me give an example.

    I built a scarab. I felt unstoppable. Then the enemy UNSC came with two Warthogs and brought me down to half health before I destroyed them. The AI seeing my weekness then launch an army of Scorpians and killed me within a minute.

    I know this is just balance issues but yeesh... This is ridiculous. I would rather have both sides with same amount of health and damage. Don't say to change the difficulty because I have it on Easy. Don't say I suck either. I have upgraded the vehicles and they seem to die with a few shots.
  17. DRiSCOLL

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    I'm going to tell you the same thing all my friends tell me. Halo wars was aimed to all halo players, first person shooters. The reAson I say this is because the game is incredibly basic. You cannot expand your structers anywhere but selected areas of the battlefield. Tactecs are pretty standard, with the odd anti air etc. I admit it gets repetetive but stillnis incredibly fun. The cutscene are outstanding, graphics and story do not disappont. The most annoying thing about the game has to be the camera, you feel so clostauphobic. You can't zoom in that much and you can barely zoom out, unable to take a look at the battlefield. It's a shame to be honest, there's such good grsphics and so much detail you cannot take a close look. Halo wars =fail? I think that's a bit excesive. It has some features other Rts' don't include. Being a big halo player, commanding the armies you once 'thought along side' In all it's a great game, the story isn't short of fantastic . The levels are creativ and each good as the next. I'm on my iPod touch so there may be some spelling mistakes, I'll correct and add more as soon as I get on my laptop.
  18. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    You do realise that the Covenent are considered overpowered by many?

    You are the first person I've heard actually say that exact reason as to why the UNSC are overpowered.
  19. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    How did 2 warthogs bring a scarabs health down halfway? And if they did, how did you feel unstoppable prior to this? What were you doing, shooting butterflies?

    And on easy, a scarab can basically take out a full army of UNSC. besides, the covenant leaders dominate when upgraded.
  20. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
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    wow you guys have looked at this game reallly diffrent from each other, im glad i started this thread, it been quite the commosion. I still stay with my statement, if it would have been a hand on combat game like the halo trilligy, this game would be a best seller for video games. I they gameplay of this game puts me tosleep. but thats my opinion

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