Dawning Dusk This evening I took a walk with my camera. After crossing streets, jumping barbwire, and avoiding cow pies, I've come to show your what I got. Pendulum Borderline Blooming Onion Knotted String Rusted Helix Looming Sunset Dusty Twilight Receding Treeline Colorblind Sunset Branching Out A Bump On The Log Petrified Stepping Stone (Color) Stepping Stone (B&W) Skyscraper Concrete Close Up Storm Sanitary Burnt Rubber In The Gutter Dawning Dusk (Set)
Whoa, thanks. You just made what's left of my day. Unless your being sarcastic, because then I'll have to punch you in the throat.
Wow you definitely have talent with a camera. You have a wide immagination and you have the ability to make the ugliest things the most beautiful things. Nice job man they all look great
meeeehhhhhh. Im guessing you like using macro? hah. There okay. Try messing around with the lighting more and dont use the same angle over and over. It gets repetitive and unpleasing. Tranquil names, Not good pictures. (dont want to sound mean there) Try experimenting more with angles.
I see where your coming from with the angling. I didn't even notice they were all going in the same direction until you pointed it out. When I was out and about, I was just having fun taking random shots, not really thinking about the direction the pictures were going. Next time I'll be sure to make a mental note of that, and spice it up a bit. I think maybe, there wouldn't be such a problem with the angles if each picture was viewed individually. Fortunately they're all in one thread, so I could see something previously unknown to me. And yes I was in a macro mood, I like the depth you can get from an object that is so close to the lens.
A little repititive for the angle like Huntar said but you have found some cool things ,that I personally would never look at and say I should take a pic of that, and made them look awesome! Good job
Hey, do you mind if I use one of those pics in a sig? They're really cool, and I've been looking for some good, not overly used photography to make a sig/photomanip out of
No, not all. I'm flattered you'd want to make a sig out of one. May I ask though, which one were you thinking of? Because I've been thinking about it myself actually. Fuji Film - FinePix S700 Not very expensive, but it works. If you want better quality just follow the link to the Flickr set I put at the bottom of the page.
Idk, I might try out a few, I was thinking maybe some sort of coalition between a couple colored ones. I'll be sure to either post it in this thread or show it to you. EDIT: I made a sig out of them, its my current one. I could make you [Krazy] one if you'd like. I think the divided sections worked best, especially with the ones I chose. I'll probably revise it though
That looks really cool, I hadn't even thought of that for the one I was going to make. Very creative, keep up the good work
This is some very good photography. I think your nature shots are considerably better than your urban shots though. My favorite shot is 'A Bump on the Log.' You should really keep this up though. You're really good.
Thanks, bump on a log is one of my favorites. I'm going to take some of the advice given, and keep doing what I do. Next time, I think I'll try out some night shots, might even head out tonight...