These are staged, fake head armor variants. They are meant for crappy humor, so try not to flame. All were done by me and a friend. (edit) And now, a short message. OMG WHUT??!? CAPSHUN KONTEST? 1. 2. 3. Think you have an epic title or caption? List which pic # or armor title, and list your caption or amusing title. I may just give you candy... Chicken armor! 1.(____) 2. (____) 3. (____) Zomg devil armor! 1.(____) 2. (____) 3. (____) Umm... Mini-fro ODST armor? 1.(____) 2. (____) 3. (____) ROFL armor. thanks dopeydan. 1.(____) 2. (____) 3. (____) rhino [thanks filup cat] 1.(____) 2. (____) 3. (____)
Those are all pretty funny. How'd you like...merge the armors though? The last one could be called something to do with a dinosaur or a rhino or something. something with a horn.
Learn two things. Interlocking, and positioning. It was done with a turret. Some of these are go- Wait, candy? did you just say candy goes to the person who finds a name? The bottom two are bill and bob.
i like the last one best, it actually looks like it could be a new helmet, but the others dont look right
k, well, for the bottom one, i think "rhino" would be pretty good... congrats filup cat, you might have won some candy.
Why so harsh?I think this is cool in a way.I like the mini fro one.I lol'd.And the others are okay,try to make a scout one or a mark IV one.Overall rating is teh 3/5 as in average.
Haha you're cool... Not. I always like to see these armor merge things. I like the last one the best. Oh and the last two's names are Tumor and Duck... respectively.
well, i chose 'rhino' for the last pic. the first one is still up for grabs. and, does anyone want the map to merge helmets on? it's not modded and pre-DLC.
awesome pics lets call it earless cat armour, do I get candy? P.S. I know a map to do this glitch, it is on forgehub somewhere
Can someone post a guide on how to do this? I'm curious. They're good, but some more armour perms, and maybe some Elite ones would be good. What would a Spartan/Elite merge look like?
it looks like total sh!t. i tried, and the elites' retarded head positioning bulges out so that you can barely even see the spartan's head. i've tried all elite variants with all spartan variants [no recon, derr] and every time you couldn't even see the spartan's head. and i will post a guide on how to do this, as well as the map itself. edit... i accidentally deleted the map a while ago, and i can't find the one my friend made either... it may be a while.
I want the last one as actual armour lol I like ODST and hayabusa but i prefer ODST so it'd be wicked haha, pretty good idea as to combining helmets not seen that tried before lol..