Don't judge a book by its cover. Seriously, watch it until the end and tell me your thoughts.
I turned my speakers down because I was expecting some scary ass **** to fly up. I was sadly mistaken.
lol Serious punctuation issues here. It's hard to take it seriously when the person doesn't know how to capitalize the first word of the next sentence. If he wants this to be taken seriously, he should have used correct grammar and posted it on deviantart. edit: I too was hoping for some scary ass **** at the end, but obviously this guy dun get it.
OR maybe she didn't love him and pushed him off, then put the motorcycle by his body and framed the whole thing... o.0
1. Let off the accelerator, and you will eventually slow down. 2. Dont drive straight at the building. 3. dumb story is stupid. Boy was a dumbass.
this is pretty sad but heroic, but..... the first thing i thought was: well, why not just let off the gas until you came to a stop? why not drive in circles until you stopped and then go slow to a repair place? obviously this guy is stupid as hell, but maybe he was just suicidal but loved his girl?
While I'll admit there are many things he could've done rather than face certain death, do you realize how hard and dangerous it would be to turn going as fast as he was?
perhaps, but in a spiral motion he wouldve been fine. simply make a large circle, and then slowly keep going in progressively smaller circles until you come to a shop. then call a repair place.
where was this? couldn't have at least tried to get to some water, or even grass? I really doubt crashing into a building was the best option available.
thats sad. And touching. even if it is some made up bull ****, its touching. I didnt see the ending coming as how it did. Its rather sad. :'( But really, looking on it, its sad but definitely fake. Yes, motorcyclist sometimes have headsets, but how would they know this is what they said to eachother? And aas Chuck said, holes are every where. Its sad, but fake.
that was retarded. the holes in that story are all over the place, and i'm not even looking at the terrible grammar when i say this is retarded.
And that why you don't drink and ****...elst you spawn inbred idiots that create grammatically-incorrect videos for chain letters sent years ago on myspace. and wouldn't she be hugging him to begin with? she'd fall off at 100 MPH if she were sitting straight on a motorcycle. and if he was going that fast, wouldn't it be a straight road? you'd fly over the bike if you jammed the brakes at 100 MPH and newspapers have editors, who's sole job is to find inconsistencies and mistakes..."2" come on. I could literally crap out a better story: "theres the corn...and theres the brown viscous fluid that once was chorizo...."
If his brakes were broken, why didn't he just drive around until he slowed naturally instead of riding straight into a building?
Same here. I turned them down straight away lol. Even when i saw the thread title im like, yeah scary crap coming up. That vid was actually quite sad. I thought they were both just going to die in an accident, but what he did was LOVE. Even though its probaly not a true story >.>