Welcome to Forge Hub! Please read the general rules (at the top of the page) of the site and you'll make a fine addition to the site. Feel free to tell a little more about yourself so we can get to know you better. If you need any help at all then feel free to contact me via Private message and or Visitor Message and I will try to help out any way I can. If I am unable to help then I will direct you to a Moderator of the site who should be able to help you. I'll tell a little bit about myself first; then maybe you can tell about yourself. Well, I was given this special purple colored name as I have proven Loyal to the site in it's success. You get it by helping other members out, following the rules, and being a long standing member of the site. But, enough of the rank now. I'm currently 16 years old and live in Memphis, Tennessee; that just so happens to be Asian for awesomeness! And, that's really all you really need to know about me. Welcome to the site!
MATT just lied to you. He's actually 23 in a hotel with hot chicks, and works for Bill Gates. He's a super genius.