Welcome to Cnc hub! What is Cnc hub? - Cnc hub is hopefully going to be a new way for members to recieve Cnc on their sig. - Instead of a simple, one sentence comment; you will recieve a full and in-depth review of sig. How does Cnc hub work? - Cnc hub will be a community run "Cnc shop." - Any member of FH in good standing (Not warned, uses good grammer, didn't join yesterday) can become a juge or have the sig Cnc'd. - When you make a sig, post it here along with the Cnc request form found below. Why make a Cnc hub? - Lately, iv'e noticed a problematic thing in GnA forum. Everytime I go into a Cnc thread, almost all the comments are simplistic and not really in depth. - I want Cnc hub to act like a review hub for sigs; alowing members to recieve a serious critical review in order to improve every aspect of the sig. ___________________ RULES (Read before posting): 1. You may request a specific judge 2. You may enter a sig as many times as you want 3. DO NOT flame a review on you sig if you do not agree with it, people are doing this out of the kindness in their heart. 4. DO NOT spam or post useless comments 5. Please be respectful and curteous when rating a sig, no one should feel bad after getting Cnc. 6. Please wait patientaly to be rated. 7. All FH general rules apply, of course 8. Break a rule and you will no longer be able to get Cnc on your sig here or be able to give Cnc. When a general concensus is reached that you may post again, you will be notified via PM. 9. Your art does not have to be a sig. 10. Ratings are not required. 1. Actually cool 2. 3. Pigglez 4. Juggernaut448 5. M. Jelleh 6. eguitarplaya33 7. arrrghSAM 8. Dizfunky 9. 10. (More may be added) Waiting list: 1. DCkilla 2. Askar 3. Blue Pariot 4. Catmon 5. Ameoba Sig posting format: Sig: Name: Consent to rules: Program used (optional) Other (optional) Cnc format: (NOTE: You do not need to rate a sig.) Render/stock quality: Blending: Depth: Effects: Focal: Lighting: Composition: Overall presentation: Rating (optional): (Let me know if I missed something) A list of Cnc'd sigs may be added later. REMEBER: First and foremost I want this to be the communities. This is not a universal Cnc thread, merely a place you can go to get a serious and in depth review of your art.
So is this basically like the Universal CnC thread, but since that died you made this? Alright lol, since I was mad that that ever died... although honestly, I think I don't mind individual threads for a sig...
No, this is meant to be more of a serious review. Like super in depth about every part of the sig. Not "Hi lol I r lik it!" Also read the last bit.
Oh, while being grammatical, you also spelled, "merely" incorrectly. I don't recall that 'a'. lolz And Also, I wouldn't mind helping out with judging. XD
Eh, I suck at spelling, soz. I have home work I have to do, but i'll update as soon as I get the chance. I'm going to leave the thread open for anyone to juge tonight since there only three juges as of now.
I'll join the CnC hub. I get told that I have a different perspective on signatures. So I would like to join as a judge.
I like this idea a lot. I really love using gimp to make signatures and I am trying my best to be better at it. I would like to be a judge though, do I have to be like a master at making sigs or am i not good enough, I understand that though. I just would like to do more in the Graphics and arts section Do you think i could be a judge?
Um can anyone just come in here and give out some CnC as long as it is a structured CnC and not like the CnC in the threads you see? Cause I wouldn't mind popping in every once in a while but not super often ya know
No, i'll have to add you to the list of judges. Due to lack of posting in this thread, i'm going to put my current sig up for review.