Sandbox MLG FlipSide v6

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by On The Flip Side, Mar 19, 2009.


what u think

  1. Not my style

  2. u want to be my forge partner

  3. ok

  4. better than average

  5. good

  6. great

  7. exelent

  8. perfect

  9. amazing

  10. best sandbox MLG Map i have ever seen

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. On The Flip Side

    Senior Member

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    the best sandbox map made so far in MLG Its called MLG Flip Side v6 its fun two big bases u can fall off best played with flag the towers are a little small two snipers invis mauler stickies its fun pics will be up in like an hour or two
    3.Red hall
    4.bottom mid mid tower
    7.purple tower hall
    10.B2 mancannon mancannon corner corner shortcut shortcut
    17.rg arch arch
    19.rp arch
    20.bp arch
    download here Yshlaw
    pics here
    hole map
    bottom mid getting invis
    gold tower
    red hall
    blue hall
    red base
    blue base
    If u See the same thing in another thread thats closed that was mine they closed i still dont really no why but yeah so i re did it so i hope u people enjoy the map
    #1 On The Flip Side, Mar 19, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2009
  2. s3anz2

    s3anz2 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map looks great. I really like the tunnels and how the lighting of the team markers look. They seemed to make a really cool aesthetic scene. You might want to interlock all the objects before you submit it to MLG (if you are going to).

    This is a double post, i would delete it and put it in the description.
  3. Wailingjam

    Wailingjam Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sweet map. The layout seems nice the design looks great and the interlocking looks okay, although if it were me I would have interlocked a lot more to make it seem smoother and to prevent 'nade spam. You could have interlocked the ramp that is located on both base sides in pics 6 and 7 so that when someone threw a 'nade it won't go through the cracks, but that's my opinion. Anyways it seems great so Nice job.
  4. On The Flip Side

    Senior Member

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    thanks for telling me about that i think thats how my other thing got closed but yeah any way r u good at forging cause if ud want we could be forge partners
  5. PulseKiller

    PulseKiller Ancient
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    I have done a forge through with friends, and I found many problems. Here are a few:

    Once down low, it is not only much too hard to get back up to the top level, but it is only able to be done by jumping.

    The side towers are WAY too seperated from the rest of the map and really take away from flow.

    Bottom is way too enclosed with no teamshooting, LOS, or any teamwork whatsoever going on. There are only 4 ways in, and it is just a giant maze of tunnels.

    Mancannons are extremely inconsistent and do not even take you to a useful place, just seem thrown in.

    Top is WAY too open with little to no cover. The only option is to drop down which then you have to backtract way too much to find a way back up top.

    It seems as if you remade Narrows without the slope to the center and with blocking off all bottom mid LOS. I personally find the layout poor as well as the forging. Now, I know you cant take criticism, so you will 100% attack me for this (since that is what you do), but I am saying all of it anyway.

    Edit: and also... no option in the poll to say that your map isnt good? thats boring.
    #5 PulseKiller, Mar 19, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2009
  6. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i don't really see the point of the map... i mean, sure, it's a pretty good mlg map, but compared to other mlg maps, this lacks something unique and special to it. in fact... it doesn't really have a unique trait to it at all... it's too similar compared to others. 3/5
  7. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
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    Holy **** dude calm down. Everyone here is on FlipSide's Side (lol). You just need to realize that he actually says what he knows and doesn't just say "Oh wow this is great 5/5 i luv u!!1!" He actually helps people out with CONSTRUCTIVE critisism. So don't get so defensive bro
  8. Solo

    Solo Ancient
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    The design of this map is actually very nice. But how sloppy it is tremendously decreases it's prestige. There are just tons of holes everywhere causing grenades to get caught, and sometimes even projected outside of the map.

    If you choose to clean up these glitches in the geometry you will have yourself a great map.
  9. DoTTii

    DoTTii Ancient
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    lol of course you are. I bet you feel awesome cuz of your huge e-peen. Thing is though i have never even heard of you before on the MLG forums or anything. Never seen you on gamebattles. Your not in the pro bracket or even in the Open bracket team list. You probably dont have a team pass or even know what that is.

    This is so true. He is also right about the map as well. As in terms of map design, the gold and pink towers are terribly implemented into the map. The One pathway towards them pretty much makes no one want to even go there because if you go up there, with the lack of cover you are pretty much asking to die. Oh an putting v6 on your map doesn't make it look cool. There is no way you went through 6 real versions on this map and your basically just putting that there to make it look cool or like the pro circuit maps. Your maps just aren't good at all. You got boosted to your 45 in MLG. At this point you are just making yourself look worse on these forums. I have actually been thinking of posting some of the **** you say onto the MLG forums and linking you to the responsed you would get. They would definitely put you in your place and bring you back down to earth and off your insanely high pedastool you and ONLY you put yourself on.
    #9 DoTTii, Mar 20, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2009
  10. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey kid, SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY!!! No one gives a **** about your bullshit lies. Pulse and dotti are right, your map design sucks, your forging sucks, and youre NOT gonna be pro. End of story.
  11. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Pulse and flipside, leave each other alone.

    Every time you see each other you go out of your way to start an argument. I don't care if you don't like each other and don't agree, don't comment.

    Flipside, pulse had very genuine points in his original post. Take the suggestions or leave them. It's not always a personal attack.

    Pulse, I've seen multiple times where flipside has posts, and you come out of nowhere an bash him. You didn't have to post on this map, since you should have known full well what argument this would become.

    Both of you are hurting your reputations, and this is not the behavior we like to see in our premium members. I know both of you would like to see your maps become front paged, so please for your own sakes, drop it.
  12. xXTOTOXx

    xXTOTOXx Ancient
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    is this a thread on a map or an all out war jesus ohh i give the map a 2/5
  13. On The Flip Side

    Senior Member

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    u got it chris man and why do u give it a 2/5
  14. Kryticate

    Kryticate Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Just wondering, did you actually change the map 6 times, or is that just part of the name? If it is, then it's misleading.
  15. oh iTz Conker

    oh iTz Conker Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow this map looks great from the pictures im going to have to buy halo wars for these maps good job the foreging looks real clean
  16. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
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    Are you trying to say that flipside had a reputation? The only reputation he has or ever will have is not being able to take any criticism whatsoever at the rate hes going.

    Oh and kryticate, the only reason he calls it v6 is because he thinks it makes it seem like its had a lot of time put into it (multiple versions) and that its in the pro circuit. Both of which are untrue.
    #16 HezbollaHector, Mar 22, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2009
  17. On The Flip Side

    Senior Member

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    no i put it in there cause i felt like it really makes u look like a no life when u make amlified or onsluaght since they spent 700 hours on it so yeah that chris guy will u ban this kid or keep him off my posts piz
  18. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Go back and retake your entire 7th, 8th, and 9th grade English classes kid. Oh and please at least make some sense when youre trying to insult someone, it makes you look like slightly less of an idiot.

    Im done arguing, we could continue this in PMs though if you wish.
  19. On The Flip Side

    Senior Member

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    i could careless all i want is to kick ur ass in a 1v1 so i can stop talking to u ok
  20. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Flip Side, no one is going to be banned on your request, so I wouldn't go there if I were you. You can't fly off the handle every time someone criticises your map, if you don't want feedback to help you improve your map, and just want people to say "this is great", then why is it even posted? Constructive criticism is the essence of posting and improving maps on FH. Having people criticise your map in reasonable points does not give you the excuse to start arguing with others. But feedback should be given in a polite and reasonable way, whereas some people have been being overly rude in their responses to you. This does not justify you getting aggressive, so keep an eye on your own attitude as well, just bear in mind that others' actions are being noticed as well. Oh, and please drop the "I'll 1v1 you" line every single time you argue with someone, it's getting old, counts as spam and, quite frankly, no one cares. You can be great at Halo, it says absolutely nothing about how good a Forger you are or what you're like as a person.

    But to HezbollaHector, you've come in to this thread and immediately attacked Flip Side, why? If you don't like the map, then move on, if you think the criticism he's been given is being ignored, then move on, life continues. There is NO excuse for coming into a thread simply to insult and argue with another member, no matter what they are doing that makes you think it is justified. Drop it, move on, and don't go looking for fights, even with someone you think is in the wrong. I know you've said to take this to PM, and whilst we don't condone fighting in any sense here on FH, stopping the arguing in this map thread is a good thing without doubt. But just think what arguing achieves, whether you're getting through to someone and communicating your point of view or just laying into someone who annoys you even though you know they won't take any notice. And whatever happens from now on, coming in here and starting a fight was not the best way to go about things, I hope you realise this.

    But on to the map itself: The problems with Gold and Pink towers that were mentioned are true if you ask me, the open pathways and easy LOS there from many more defended points on the map makes them a bit of a no go. I'd also say that the thinner wall walkways along one side of the map lack much distinct design for an MLG map, you should consider giving them some barriers in at least some places to make them more traversable without falling off, and to be honest they just seem a little open and stuck at one side, prey to the higher vantage points which will tear players apart if they cross this way. I can see that working if it were reduced in danger a little, since more dangerous paths with quicker access is a fair play off in a strategic map. But this map seems to lack developed strategic options in that way anyway. Maps like Amp and Ons are incredibly fast past arenas, not about solid set up in the way that maps like The Pit and even Construct are, yet the build quality and, more importantly, design are still very tight. Considering the wealth of options you have open to you in Sandbox (especially the Sky Bubble), I'd try and mix up design a little more than you have with the few parallel pushes across the map. I know that's the nature of the map, comparable to Narrows in end to end combat maybe, but Narrows has the vertical curve of the hill working right the way along its length, key in stopping it being a basic end to end push and giving the center ground some leway. Narrows also has more developed bases and interesting interplay between the main curve of the hill, the under section, and the side areas on each base. You could expand the layout of the map to increase path variety and interaction between areas a little, but I do think this map could do with a little more verticality or side to side action.

    Do with this what you will, this is your baby and you probably have a clear idea of how you want it to play in game, these are just my thoughts on what I'd do. But I would advise expanding the map a little, trying to balance middle and base areas, and try to balance the paths across the map so that the more corridor like paths aren't the only bits that see any action.

    And seriously, everyone needs to stop fighting in this 'ere thread. Whatever issue you have with someone's actions or posts in here, report it if you think it breaks rules, and if not then move on. Fighting in map threads is seriously not cool, and I will be contacting Mods to deal with the situation if things get ugly again. People need to stop laying into Flip Side, and Flip Side, maybe if you were more friendly in response to criticism then people wouldn't be so ready to attack you. Let's just peace out a little OK?
    #20 Pegasi, Mar 24, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2009

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