OK, so I've been told that one of my recent maps has a lot of spawning issues. I have found that too. The problem is, I really don't know how to set spawns up. Could someone help me set them up for a v2? I really need help.
i generally plug in a few controllers, set up snipe ffa, and run around trying to see if theres anyplace where someone anyone spawns near me or any place where they can get spawn sniped. then i fix the problem areas.
ok maybe I wasn't specific enough. Spawn killing wasn't the issue. For some reason, mainly in slayer games, people spawned outside of the map even though I deleted all spawns outside of the map and put a decent amount in the map.
change the gametype in forge then set starting points go in forge press start go down to change gametype choose gametype "round restarts" go to spawners in items menu place starting points make sure you remove original starting points
yeah that happened to me to i as playing a slayer game type with my friend and we had more than 16 in side of the map and some of use still spawned out side of the map we were sposed to be in yeah i like help on this to what would changing the game type do any way??
Well leaving spawn points outside the map is something which is vey simple but can easily be over looked or jsut forgotten about, noones calling you retarded. Which map is it? I'll have a look to see what you may have done wrong.
OK, I think I found a, if not the, problem. The is nothing wrong with your spawn points, nothing wrong with the starting points, you respawn areas are badly placed. You have 2 respawn area, 1 covers 3 spawn points and the other covers 2. To start with, thats a bad use of respawn areas. You should make them much bigger so each one covers about half the map, that way players will spawn in the half with least enemies/safer half. At the start of a Slayer game you have restricted the possible spawn points to the 5 within the respawn area and the 2 starting points. I think the game is just trying to correct your mistake by using default spawn points to avoid using any spawn points outside the respawn areas when the ones inside are all blocked. Just make the respawn areas bigger, that should solve your problem.
Ok thanks for checking that out... I have never used respawn areas in my maps before and tried to make them work in this map. I'll definitely fix those next time I get online.