Debate God

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Dec 17, 2008.

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  1. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Well existence must be infinite otherwise it would not have gotten here. Infinity in how we envision it today is good but I think the wisdom of the ancients is so much more fitting.

    They described the universe as a fractal-a mathematical equation capable of replicating itself into infinity depending on the equation and its interactions. To them life was a repeating cycle. They believed the cycle begins where it ends but it never ends because it never began.
  2. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Oh, Kent Hovind, you've inspired a generation of fallacy.

    To spin you must have a space to spin in, correct? If the big bang contains space then spin and mass is irrelevant if not impossible. The idea of the singularity spinning or even existing in the colloquial sense is absurd. It is best described as an illusion; a stubbornly persistent illusion, but just because its an illusion doesn't mean it didn't happen.

    Actually, though, if you wanted to use the conservation of angular momentum as an arguement you should have used stellar formation but I digress. According to angular momentum Venus should spin like the earth but it doesn't, in fact, it has a very very slow rotation (almost as long as its year!). Venus goes backwards because an outside force acted upon it. According to angular momentum it would have indeed been spinning clockwise after formation but because energy was added to it, it was able to overcome the conservation of angular momentum.

    I hate this arguement more than the arguement using entropy. You don't hear it as much but its annoying and its so common-sense that a four year old could identify problems with it.
  3. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
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    Listen,I am a christion and i am not just saying this because i believe in God. but science is really just thoughts put together to make since. Everything about it is just theorys or some made up thought that some people found evidense of and they call it true. Nobody knows how the Earth was made or anything like that, i mean, how could we,we wern't there. It was 4 billion years ago as scientists say. To believe in God is to have faith. I mean in life,you have to have faith and not just base everything on science. That will just make your life misreble. I mean looking up to God is like looking forward to something great. If there is no God or no heaven then were do we go when we die. Thats why i believe in God, it makes me feel good thinking about him and it makes me a better person

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    So he's a crutch that makes you happier about dieing?
  5. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Were you there when god created the earth? Therefore, god didn't create the earth.

    To be honest, when you die, you die. It's over. The less time you spend pretending them more time you can spend living your life to the fullest. You only get one, don't waste it, please. Don't do it for me, do it for yourself.

    Theories are not "just theories." It's like a murder saying in a court case, "It's just video tape proof that I did it." It's nonsensical. "Theories aren't facts!" Is just idiotic. Theory is a collection of evidence, principles, and predictions based on those evidences. Evidence is a collection of facts. Theories are therefore collections of collection of facts.
  6. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    For the record, I've never heard about the idea that the little ball of mass that exploded was spinning, which leads me to believe it is an old discredited theory, a current theory that just isn't supported very well, or it is unimportant whether or not the thing was spinning.

    Now, assuming you're right about all that with angular momentum and the spinning, the answer to your riddle me this is: we don't know for sure.

    Are you implying that one detail in the theory being possibly wrong means that the big bang never happened? Please. All evidence points toward the universe expanding rapidly from one point, the individual details of conditions before that happened are unknowns that are still being studied. Not knowing all of the details does not mean the big bang never happened, and it absolutely does not make any religion correct.

    That is the beauty of science, science can be wrong at times and still move on and correct itself. Religion, on the other hand, is based on a book. Books don't change, and when you have a story like Genesis in a book that is completely absurd and unsupported by reality(and even disagrees with itself), you can't judge that book to be a good source of facts.

    You posted this while I was writing this response to the other guy so I'll answer you too. You're right, science is a collection of theories put together to explain evidence in a way that makes sense. I'm really not sure where you're finding fault with that, because the key words are evidence and sense. Evidence because you can't just make stuff up and claim it is true based on inability to disprove it, you have to present solid falsifiable evidence in support of your theory. And sense because if the theory fails to explain all of the evidence, or new evidence is found that disproves the theory, the theory doesn't make sense and is thrown away.

    Science is the opposite if faith, and that is why science is good. Faith is accepting things based on the premise of "just take my word for it" or "because I said so." The only people who demand such unquestioning acceptance of their claims are people who know their claims are wrong and don't stand up to questioning. Religious leaders have done a very good job over the years of presenting faith as a virtue, when faith really amounts to nothing more than unquestioning obedience. Dictators also demand faith, dictators that all around the world can have you killed for questioning them. Religion threatens worse, religion enforces faith with blatant threats of eternal torture.
  7. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Can't you be a good person without religion? Is that what gets you out of bed in the morning? The hopes that your God will come and save you from this entirely evil and sinful existence?

    When I brought up the fallacies of religion to my family today, my brother became enraged and thought yelling at the top of his lungs and swearing at me would somehow decrease the credibility of my points. As you probably guessed, it didn't.

    What I'm trying to say is that religion can make you believe you are doing the right thing, but from a third person view, you're not any different from the thousands of **** followers obeying the propaganda that consumes their lives.

    And I don't run my life on faith. I base everything on what I know and what I can prove. You do not speak for everyone.
  8. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
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    Ok I am guessing forgehub is a big anti christ now. b]Because i have not met one person that actually believes in god as I do
  9. Azrius

    Azrius Ancient
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    Someone like me? Please explain that, because you may have just invalidated everything you (and possibly anyone who takes your position) have said and will say by resorting to personal attacks rather than actually formulating any sort of rebuttal to my argument. Can I PLEASE see some logic here?

    Has anyone seen Religulous? It pertains to a lot of what is being said here. All of you religious folks that are trying to counter logic by repeating the same points over and over, conveniently ignoring much of what's actually being said need to step back for a moment and realize that you will not convince me by simply telling me I'm wrong.

    I've yet to see any valid arguments against the position I set forward.

    Furthermore, I take a great deal of offense to the people who imply that atheists and agnostics do not posess morality or a concept of right and wrong- actually, I've met many atheists who have a better grasp of empathy and kindness than many people who are part of a religious institution. The argument that people seem to use is this:

    God is responsible for morality.
    Therefore, without God there is no morality.
    It is thereby proposed that all nonreligious humans are immoral.
    Therefore, a nonreligious human should have no problem committing an immoral act.

    Anyone with half a brain can see that this is pure nonsense. Need I remind everyone how many murders have been committed in the name of religion? Now, before everyone starts going "But what about the holocaust lol", I'll say this: I propose that the crusades and the Inquisition would have been just as brutal as the holocaust, if not worse, had the church the technology at that time.

    I have no problem with people having their faith. It's the institutions that make me believe that the truly enlightened are the ones that forsake the church, even if they still practise their religion.
  10. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    How so? I was kind and honest with you. If that's anti-Christian then what the hell are you doing being a Christian? That just seems immoral, considering.
  11. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    I am atheist, and I am the happiest person I know. As far as I have observed, it works like this:
    -People who are extremely religious tend to be somewhat unhappy.
    -People who are 'in the middle' (somewhat religious to agnostic) are usually very unhappy.
    -People are undoubtedly atheist are the happiest.

    This is because once you stop believing and god and take a look at the world as it is, you realize that you only have one life, and you have NO EXCUSE for being unhappy. You need to make the best of your time alive, meaning you need to do what you love. Don't make your life all about work and toil. Instead, do enough work to support yourself and spend the rest of your time doing whatever makes you happiest.

    Many arguments I hear for believe are that religion comforts the person. Is it really religion that comforts you? When you get up in the morning, is it because of God, or is it because you will be late for school if you don't? When you fail a test, does the knowledge that you will someday be with Jesus comfort you, or does the fact that you still have a good grade comfort you?
    To be honest, I doubt that anybody is actually comforted by religion. If they are, they probably haven't realized that even if there is a god, he is more likely to send them to some sort of underworld for believing the wrong religion (to suffer for eternity) than to accept them into heaven.
    #631 RabidZergling, Mar 23, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2009
  12. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    Ahhhh! Run young one, before our uncleanliness infects ye!

    Before you run though, just answer this teeny tiny question:
    How much more proof does any religion have than Bigfoot?
  13. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    Bigfoot has way more proof :)
  14. god4

    god4 Ancient
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    He's real, I'm super cerial
  15. RacoonSniper 13

    RacoonSniper 13 Ancient
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    "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."
    -Albert Einstein
  16. thorIZ

    thorIZ Ancient
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    Define God.

    Simply some higher being? or the creator of all things? or some religious idol to be worshiped?

    Thats my main problem with this question. What do people mean when they say God.
  17. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    I meant this in a nice way. You seemed like the sort of intelligent guy who would know something like that. Don't take it so quickly as a personal attack.
  18. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
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    No, for although there is no god to punish us, most of us still care what other people think of us, and also do not want to spend life in imprisonment, much less not have a life to spend, should our actions anger one to that point.

    No, it's the other way around. Agnostic people are unsure, whilst Atheists tend to be pretty die-hard non-believers, like me.

    Untrue (The matter being unable to be created part). Matter comes and goes all the time.
    #638 GoodWhaleSushi, Mar 25, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2009
  19. Azrius

    Azrius Ancient
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    Fear of retribution is not the only reason for us to be good human beings in the event that there is no supreme being. There are a number of reasons for the atheist and the agnostic to be moral that have little to do with 'caring what others think.'

    For one, human beings are social creatures- and I'm certain it did not take our ancestors long to learn that a society in which no one takes care of each other and everyone just does whatever the hell they want doesn't last long- unity is what makes a society strong, in many cases.

    For another, many of us are raised with the values that hurting another is wrong- we are able to use our logic and our reasoning minds to determine, if I don't like having A done to me, then person X would not appreciate having A done to them either. That's called empathy, and it's all human.
  20. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
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    Thank you for expanding on my point azrius.
    (I liked your "Therefore, god is not ____" post, too)
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