Hero's Domain - Get your Screenshot Professionally Rated

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Screenshots' started by Hero, Mar 20, 2009.

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  1. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    i'm not sure if it matters or not but i'm not on the waiting list on the front page.
  2. Hero

    Hero Ancient
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    Sorry you've been added.
  3. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    This is pretty funny. First off, it doesn't matter how a screenshot was made. Many great screenshots can be made without use of effects. Second, there's nothing to rate. It's an image. You like it, you kind of like it, or you don't like it. How can you decline somebody for something as minuscule as a 0-5 star rating because they didn't use an effect, on a service that is unnecessary in the first place?

    EDIT: Oh, and by the way, you're not a "professional." A "professional" is someone who makes money off of their service. Like a professional basketball player or web designer. I'll certainly be impressed if you make money off of this.
    #43 H3C x Nevz, Mar 22, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2009
  4. Hero

    Hero Ancient
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    I give MY OPINION on screenshots. I got sick and tired of everyone saying "OMG THATS THE BEST SCREENSHOT EVER 5/5!!" to every screenshot on the forum. I decided to make this in attempts to clear the air. If you don't get why I'm doing this then I'm sorry.
  5. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    But that IS what you're doing! You're just dragging it out more and replacing other people's opinions with yours! It's just like the maps forums - while some people say "Looks great, I like the map", I would easily go and overanalyze screenshots and say "Well, the spawns might be an issue, and the gameplay might have some bad flow, but the structures are good." Both ways, although yours sounds more advanced, don't do any purpose.
  6. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    So, you think the review hub is a joke then, correct, because this thread is like the review hub for screenshots.
  7. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Have you actually looked at his reviews though? He doesn't just post one sentence and a "5/5". He actually takes apart the screenshot and says something about all the details of the screenshots.
  8. Blue Pariot

    Blue Pariot Ancient
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    Now shut the **** up and get the hell out of this thread. If you are not contributing and are only here to criticize without saying anything constructive, then you are not welcome in this thread. It's Hero's personal opinion and we all want to hear it. If you don't want to hear it then don't visit this thread.
    #48 Blue Pariot, Mar 22, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2009
  9. Hero

    Hero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the defense guys, I appreciate it.

    Hero's Domain Review for: DC killa

    Screenshot name: "The Infection" on page 2.

    Originality: Usually sillouette screenshots form just a simple outline of a character and maybe his surroundings. These are fine and dandy, but you went a step further and made it so there was epic scene taking place behind the grass. I thought this was genius on your part. Never before have I seen the use of a figure and a sillouette the way you did it.

    Effects used: From what I can see from the explosion in the backround, you probably used a gernade and/or a trip mine to acheive that effect. I can discern few things just by looking at it though, and I would love an explaination on how you got the coloration. Anyway, the effects molded perfectly with the figure, which should be the main purpose of all effects.

    Camera Angle: The one flaw of sillouette shots. Because you need to be at a certain angle for a sillouette to form, it basically blocks your camara angle into place. However, you certainly made the best out of a bad situation.

    Style: I simply love how you portrayed the figure. Although he is he main focal point, you can't look anywhere on the picture without finding an area that doesn't fit back in with him. For instance, the goldish waves around him gives the figure a sense of urgency, while the grass gives him depth. Well done.

    Lighting: I starred at your picture for the longest time trying to find some weakness in the armor (a metaphor, not the actual armor). Finally I found something that probably couldn't have been fixed because of the angle. The bluish haze on the mid-right side of the screen is, where I'm guessing, the explosion wasn't able to reach. This blue clashes with the whole "Red, black, and yellow" theme of the shot. The fact it took me a while to find it however shows how well the rest of the lighting is.

    Blending: Depth kills blending, but that isn't nessessarily a bad thing. The fact that I can tell that there are 3 distinct and distant layers are proof enough that blending isn't required. There's the grass, which only blends with itself. Then there's the figure with a soft glow on his helmet; a slight blend. Finally the exlosion which shatters more than blends the air around it.

    Overall Presentation: Fantastic - a true screenshot. Masterfully staged, spot-on effects, and an epic hero. That sense of drama and action is what draws people to screenshots. I would love to see more screenshots by you as your skill is apparent thorugh your work.

    I give your screenshot a rating of: 9/10
    #49 Hero, Mar 22, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2009
  10. Letol

    Letol Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Screenshot title: Pastel
    Map: Ghost Town
    Date screenshot was taken (not required): February 26, 2009
    Was your screenshot staged: Yes
    Are you the sole creater of this screenshot: Yes
    Do you agree not to flame my rating: Yes
    Will you be patient with me to rate you: Yes
    Gamtertag: Letol

    (I thought this looked similar to drawings made with pastels, so that's kind of what I'm going off of here)
  11. Hero

    Hero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sorry but the waiting list is full. Come back at a later time please and I'd be happy to review your screenshot.
  12. DC

    DC Ancient
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    Wow, thanks hero, you just made the screenshot look better with your review lol. Woohoo im the highest rating yet.
  13. Hero

    Hero Ancient
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    You doubt your own abilities. =)

    Hero's Domain Review for: Blue Pariot

    Screenshot name: "The Final Countdown" and can be found on page 2.

    Originality: I've seen many silhouette pictures containing things from figures and objects to weapons. I've yet to see one done on campaign to the scale you have. It was a nice break from the norm. Also, few screenshots on the campaign require skill, meaning luck has to be with you. It seems it was.

    Effects used: Hmm... Well some explosion must have been used at a distance to cause that effect, and because it's the campaign, it's the only effect you can control. It was well placed and it shows in the picture.

    Camera Angle: This is my favorite part of the screenshot. It is the perfect distance away from the figure, while still having the player as the focal point. Normally, a shot like this would be boring because of it's simple design, but when someone views this, the first thing that's going to run through their minds are "I wonder how he did that..." Which is EXACTLY what a screenshot is suppose to do. Bravo.

    Style: The style is ok. It's a tad bland because of the simplistic color scheme and flat landscape. It is the landscape, however, that gives the picture it's unique charm. I would love to know where in the campaign you did it because the luck involved in finding a flat landscape and having a nade land in the perfect spot beat impossible odds. Usually I discourage the reliance on luck, but in the campaign that all you got, and it came out beautifully.

    Lighting: This lighting I like to call "Sponging" because of the yellow backround seems almost sponged with blots of white. This give the sky amazing texture and a bit of depth. Well lit - not too bright and not too dark. The only cut in lighting is the vertical line of white which seperates the picture. Other than that, lighting was well done.

    Blending: The only blending apparent in this screenshot is the colors of the sky, which only blends with itself. This is a flaw of silhouette figures, however you deffenatly made the best out of a bad situation.

    Overall Presentation: Well angled and incredibly lucky. However, sometimes luck can portray skill, which this shot does. The lack of more than a simple color scheme drew me away slightly, while the flat landscape drew me back. It seems you do have an advanced grasp on how to produce screenshots.

    I give you a rating of: 7/10
    #53 Hero, Mar 23, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2009
  14. Hero

    Hero Ancient
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    Hero's Domain Review for: Black Theorem

    Screenshot name: "Meteor Shower" and can be found on page 2.

    Originality: Meteor shots have been around since the beginning of halo 3. I have seen a lot of different styles of meteor showers, from raining fire to actual rocks. This screenshot is pretty standard when it comes to this type of shot.

    Effects used: I am familar with the makings of a meteor shower effect, as I have made a few myself. This one looks as if a well placed explosion was enough to do the trick. You never know how a meteor shower will come out though, because each explosion is different. The only drawback to this effect besides it's inconsistancy is the brightness it brings with it, which I will explain later.

    Camera Angle: I do like the angle you used in the picture. The top of Blackout looks to be like a rooftop, and the person ontop merely spectating the events going on. This isn't apart of the camera angle, but I would have suggested that the person would have been looking up at the shower.

    Style: As I said before, I think the person's focus should have been on the sky. I did however like the color you chose for the armor. It matches the bluish haze that dots the sky. The huge white abyss that gapes half the screen however is a total drawback.

    Lighting: Well it's obvious that the lighting in this screenshot could have used some work. However, since meteor showers need such bright explosions, theres little you could have done. The focal point of the explosion, which is in the top right sector, blocks all color around it.

    Blending: The blending was well done in this photo. The sky and clouds seem to meld with the white light coming from the white, which coincidentally helps it blend with the figure.

    Overall Presentation: It's was an okay screenshot, but I think the brightness kind of ruins it. The meteor shower itself though is wide and even dispersed, which I liked. I think you have a above average grasp on how to take screenshots.

    I give your screenshot a rating of: 5/10
  15. Letol

    Letol Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Screenshot title: Pastel
    Map: Ghost Town
    Date screenshot was taken (not required): February 26, 2009
    Was your screenshot staged: Yes
    Are you the sole creater of this screenshot: Yes
    Do you agree not to flame my rating: Yes
    Will you be patient with me to rate you: Yes
    Gamtertag: Letol

    (I thought this looked similar to drawings made with pastels, so that's kind of what I'm going off of here)

    The waiting list isn't full anymore... right?
  16. Hero

    Hero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nope, You've been accepted. I looked foward to reviewing your screenshot.
  17. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks for reviewing mine. Can we submit other screenshots (obviously one at a time?)?

    EDIT: Also i just wanna say that I'm happy that somebody else takes screenshots seriously. I think you're the first to be so formal about it, too, and I'm happy that this got stickied. :)
    #57 Black Theorem, Mar 24, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2009
  18. Leeumm

    Leeumm Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Screenshot title: Mystic
    Map: Avalanche
    Was your screenshot staged: Yes
    Are you the sole creater of this screenshot: Yep
    Do you agree not to flame my rating: Yessir
    Will you be patient with me to rate you: Yuppers
    Gamtertag: Leeumm
  19. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Screenshot title: Art
    Map: Guardian
    Date screenshot was taken (not required): June 10, 2008
    Was your screenshot staged: No
    Are you the sole creater of this screenshot: Yes
    Do you agree not to flame my rating: Yes
    Will you be patient with me to rate you: Yes
    Gamtertag: Toasted Kittuns

    (The reason it is not staged is because this was taken in a random Matchmaking game I played. If you need more info about the pic, plz click on this link, it tells about the effect and why the angle is so limited, if you don't already know why:

    Hope the waiting list isn't full...
    #59 toasted kittuns, Mar 24, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2009
  20. vitorassoBR

    vitorassoBR Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Screenshot title:
    Light of Darkeness
    Map:Ghost Town
    Date screenshot was taken (not required):3-24-2009
    Was your screenshot staged:Yes
    Are you the sole creater of this screenshot:Yes
    Do you agree not to flame my rating:Yes
    Will you be patient with me to rate you:
    Gamtertag: vitorassoBR
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