Take it it's too late for more testers? Another thing, will this still be fun for say, four players? Because if you're after more testers, then send me a XBL message, GT:CAMEL CARCASS include details. Also congrats on map completion, Map in B.Favs. and askar rank.
Since this is on the topic of **** Zombies, I downloaded the new map and it is really fun! But for some reason, a feeling tells me not to make one like it. It seems that the courtyard for zombies will be a basic slaughter house of them. I say be creative and make your own ideas and new maps not on CoD 5. @ Camel Carcass: This honestly will not be too much fun unless you had at least 8 people I would say. Two zombies going after you cant be that exciting...
I have not downloaded this map, I am just stating that it probably won't be too much fun with four people.
oh yeah i agree it probalby wont, you will need at least 6, an maybe 5 (odd #) but i thought you said that you have already dl it.
You need at least 6 players to make this a fun game. From there, the more the merrier, and it's even fine with an odd number of people, because then the teams switch around a little bit and there are more zombies than humans.
I think he meant the new cod5 one, in the new map pack. He was simply stating it would not be a good map to remake like this one.
Honestly, if you havn't downloaded or played it, don't say you did. It isn't, because it isn't that big. This is not a problem, so don't say it is unless you have actually played it. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Is this going to be released soon? If it is, please fix that flame thrower carriers can go up the help room stairs.
Wow, this looks amazing! I am a major fan of infection and find it one of my favorite game types. I cannot wait for this to be released, if it's tomorrow like the person above me said then I will be right on it for the download! wooot.
The person who posted above you just happens to be the creator. lol It's great that it's being released tomorrow, after all that work, and all the other attempts at the remake, the wait will be worth it.
wow dude thats a rush, hes still posting this one, and its taken about 3 months for him to perfect it, i think that the new **** zombies needs to be known more, and get more popular before there's any great remakes like this one.
Plus you would need a map with Sanbox's item limit and Foundry's movable object pallet, which basically means that it's impossible to remake.
hobo he was talking about zombie veruckt(spelt wrong their) in the new cod 5 map pack so he isnt lying.