Sandbox Locked Out

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Gunnergrunt, Mar 21, 2009.



  1. Weapons

    2 vote(s)
  2. Gameplay

    5 vote(s)
  3. Looks

    4 vote(s)
  4. Spawns

    2 vote(s)
  1. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    wtf do you mean the banshee is in the same place? there's no banshee on blackout.

    i dont understand, are you saying that its good or bad.

    and how did he waste his time, do you have a better remake of anything, if so, i really want the link.

    lol, tard
    #41 R0FLninja, Mar 22, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2009
  2. Skanky Toast

    Skanky Toast Ancient
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    First of all, Why make a complete remake if there is already one? Gunnergrunt wanted to make a remake, but since the item limit was there, he couldn't finish, so, he added a new concept to the game.. a banshee! Now you are all saying the banshee is overpowered, but when I played with gunner on this map (5 mins. after he was done forging) There were plenty of weapons to counter the banshee: Laser (not really the best in this case) Plasma pistol, Plasma grenades, and power drain..
    When I played with gunner and some others, my favorite tactic was if i got boarded, I boosted straight down, so when I died, the boarder got killed by the death barrier.

    Something I noticed was the occasional bump from the 2 degree wall thingy, but those were hardly noticeable. also, since he kept the hole into the shotgun room there, many a time people fell to their deaths, because they weren't looking where we were going.. One game I played, All three of us had negatives, and it said "Gained the lead" when someone got 0 kills...

    Overall this is a GREAT map, and the old, stony appearance of sandbox really helps bring us back to the days of lockout. Bravo Gunner, Bravo.. 5/5

    EDIT: I see you moved the lazer spwn.. Why?
    #42 Skanky Toast, Mar 22, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2009
  3. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    skanky toast saves the day, Hooray!

    could not have said it better myself.

    btw is there like a posting limit that you can do on a thread? i would be screwed if there wuz.
  4. Skanky Toast

    Skanky Toast Ancient
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    you shouldn't spam post..

    Even if you like my post, you shouldn't post again just to say "yayy"

    But off topic, I want to test some more, like some team games or neutral assault or oddball of something :F

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    I was referring to the more change = better part of your post.
  6. Skanky Toast

    Skanky Toast Ancient
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    Click da link for feature NAOO
    you deserve it man!
  7. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    hey i'm glad you dropped in! Just so everyone knows, this guy followed the progress of my map from day one. Every time i got online, i got a few messages asking how the map was coming along and if he could see it. So he got the first test invite once it was finished! But You played the first version of the map that time, before many changes were made. I removed the power drain, there was more than enough to combat the banshee without it. And you're right, its a blast to board the banshee. Sometimes i would get bored and instictively boost in the opposite direction. In the case of Locked Out, i ended up get kicked out of my banshee while i was too far from the map. I had to break that habit lol.
    Haha and yes, we were all negatives. But that wasn't a very serious game either. Digital kept trying to "ghost jump" (still dont know what that is) and ended up complaining that he couldn't do it on my map. Yep there are about 3 bumps on the middle platform due to the 2 degree problem, but they are a big deal.
    Thanks again for the help testing, and the useful comments!

    And ninja, I'm support the enthuziasm, but if you have something to say to someone, take it to PM. Only comment here about the map. Thanks.
  8. Skanky Toast

    Skanky Toast Ancient
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    also, there are a few bumps in library right by the plasma rifle.. ghost jumping is this little ledge that is by each drop down point. it is invisible, but you can still jump on it.. It is commonly used by HLG for well, hiding.. Why did you move the laser?
  9. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    ah i see. I moved the laser several times but it ended up over there because i wanted to put the energy sword on the map. I tried putting it in the bottom middle but that didnt work because someone would get both the banshee and the laser at the same time. So it ended up in that bottom room where the needler was in lockout. I figured there wasnt a need for two needlers that close; we can't dual weild them now.
    #49 Gunnergrunt, Mar 22, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2009
  10. Skanky Toast

    Skanky Toast Ancient
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    Ah yes, I did think that there were too many needlers (2)
    As I said earlier, I would like to play a game of this with you soon...

    another thing that annoyed me was the ramps to top BR were just a bit too close to the BR tower, so I would get sortah stuck, or expect to fall off, but not...
  11. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Yep, its down to one needler now. I'll be sure to put you at the top of the invite list

    Well i did not mention this in my post because nobody saw the version you played. But don't worry, i fixed that. I widened the railings on the ramp to solve that problem. You may be able to tell from the pictures. But try not to comment on the map according the the first time you played it. That was not the final product. Plus it might confuse other viewers
    #51 Gunnergrunt, Mar 22, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2009
  12. C0RRUPTl0N

    C0RRUPTl0N Ancient
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    Yep. Looks crazy creative and very original. I like the lighting and the merges. I would say only about 2 out of every 10 sandbox floats are this good. Congradulations, I am going to download. 4/5
  13. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    wow im the tard its called sarcasm and im actually starting on a remake of a halo 2 map that omg isnt in halo3and doesnt have random items that affect gameplay that werent origanally there i know remakes are never like the originals
  14. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    i saw you viewing the post and hoped you would comment! You definitely know what you are talking about when it comes to floating maps. I think you are the first to mention the lighting. I'm pleased with the way the lighting worked on this map. It gave it a very lockout-ish feel to it because of the texture of the sandbox objects. And i wanted to interlock the crap out of this map because i havent seen much of that on sandbox so far. I interlocked every chance i could get, and it really helped make the map what it is. The objects on sandbox work well for this because of texture. It makes each area look like a solid piece as opposed to the variety of objects on foundry
  15. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    Meh I dont really care for the banshee platform, maybe make it a little wider, so people cant just grenade it off as soon as the game starts, and the whole platform needs some more cover
  16. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Damn. I voted on the poll and lost my post :(
    Oh well, this post will be shorter.

    I never played Lockout, unfortunately. So I do not understand why people ***** about Blackout. However, this does look like an accurate remake of [Blackout in my eyes]. I'm not liking the Banshee spawn. It's just a dead-end, and in symmetrical games, people will look at that spot and think "did the map creator lose the will to live there?". Okay it's not that bad but you could have made it not a dead-end, like in a circle or something.

    It's got its good points though. I can see you took the time to build the map above the skybubble grid for realism, and the map looks very much like [Blackout]. Well done, definitely worthy of a download.

    Just one question: why so few weapons on the map? Only two BRs? and one SMG and one Plasma Pistol? :/
  17. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Well it'll be hard to review this map without knowing what lockout is but you're right, the banshee platform dead ends. It actually makes for a great neutral objective point such as an oddball. If i had more items on the map, I would have added the elbow to connect with the banshee spawn, but i ran out of items and budget before that could happen. Either way, i'm very happen with the end results of Locked Out
    About the weapons, they are placed just like the ones on lockout, with the exception of the laser and bubble. There are actually plenty of weapons on the map, and i think adding any more would be overkill. I appreciate your comments, and i suggest you check out lockout sometime. It's a beauty.
  18. SP Dark Killer

    SP Dark Killer Ancient
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    Well correct me if I am wrong but aren't there ways to get around the OLN. If you could get around that limit then you can quite possibly make elbow, lift and shotty room.

    Edit: I think this is it.
    #58 SP Dark Killer, Mar 22, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2009
  19. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    I discovered that thread just today actually. I am not able to get online today, but I am going to try that method tomorrow. If it works, i'll take a shot at finishing the map as a complete remake. But until then, this is the final version of my map, Locked Out. If i were to get rid of the banshee section and add the lift, elbow, and shotgun room, i would post it as a completely different map. I really appreciate the help. I hope I can get around the OLN. If not, I will continue to enjoy this map for what it is. But hey, Locked Out is more fun than you think. The banshee, although intimidating, adds a fun twist to the classic lockout we know and love. So i encourage you to be brave and give it a try! ^.^

    still not sure what you're talking about, friend...
    #59 Gunnergrunt, Mar 22, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2009
  20. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    The most hilarious thing happened to my friend on this map. He though this was a remake of lockout exactly, so he made this big deal about, how he was going to get the shot gun and own me and my sword. He dropped through the hole in bottom mid and died. I loled so hard. I know it adds to the map, but could you maybe block off the "where elbow should be" at bottom BR. It's annoying. Our maybe connect it to banshee platform so there's more then one way there.

    Ok review time. i did 4 ffa on this map, since i couldn't find anyone else who had the maps to play with :( This is the greatest remake, that all ready has a remake, that has a twist to it, ever. What a prestigious title! so much competition! :p WIthout the shotgun, the sword was overpowered. Any tips for overcoming him? Thats my only gripe, well besides the doors to nowere. Anyway, you are a genius for thinking of the banshee. Most fun map ive ever played that had one, ever. It may just have been lasiness, but i love how library had no roof, i got like three splatters in there. There was one spot i flew to with sniper and owned everyone. But they didn't know about laser so IDk if that's a problem. Move laser please, it's to easy to grab it then go banshee.

    If i ignore this being a lockout remake for a second. This is one of the greatest maps in the sky bubble ever. This is gonna stay on my HD for a long time. and the next guy that calls this pointless, i'm going to have to send chuck norris to there house
    5 unlikely splatters, out of 5

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