Sandbox Hectic Highway

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by TheGreatBrownie, Mar 22, 2009.

  1. TheGreatBrownie

    TheGreatBrownie Ancient
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    "Although this road may look simple at first glance, your eyes often lie. Made by TGB. 6 - 8 players"

    Download Hectic Highway
    Download Joy Ride

    *Keep in mind, this is my first post, but is most definitely not my first map!

    What is "Hectic Highway"?
    Hectic Highway is a fun infection mini-game based on Fuel Rods and Mongooses. One life for all. Two minutes. Ten rounds. Pure fun. Blocks prevent people from falling off, then ten seconds in to the game, ramps spawn. The ramps push the blocks under the map, keeping the ride up smooth. The ramps bring the players up to their specified tracks, where the drive. For the Zombies, one drives, the other shoots with the Fuel Rod. Their goal: prevent the Humans from reaching the end.
    Of course, every game has cheaters. Thanks to "No Cheater Technology"™, if you try staying at the spawn, a Kill Ball will spawn. If you want to take the track on foot, either Zombies will get you, or your slowness wont beat the two minutes. Even if you do make it all the way, teleporters at the end of the road will send you to your death. And, if you are a Zombie, and you purposely jump off the edge, you will lose ten points.
    I had a few goals for myself while creating the game:
    -A game fun for Humans & Zombies
    -An orginal concept
    -Teamwork is a necessity
    And I think I reached all of these.

    Gametype Info:
    "Joy Ride" is fitted for the map, "Hectic Highway". Joy Ride is required for proper play of Hectic Highway. One life for all, 25% speed, 200% gravity. Magnums for all, but Zombies will pick up the Fuel Rod, though.
    -10 points for suicide, -10 points for betrayal, 1 point for a kill. Humans deal no damage. All players can drive vehicles. Custom Power-Up settings include, but is not limited to: Instant Kill, 100% speed and gravity, and black in color.

    Pictures below:

    Human spawn

    Zombie spawn


    These blocks prevent people from falling of the map at spawn. Once the ramps spawn, these blocks slide under the ramps, keeping the ride smooth.

    Ten seconds in, the ramps have spawned. This keeps the Humans & Zombies departure synced.

    If you aren't playing... or if you're trying to cheat, you're dead twenty seconds in.

    Choke-point #1, the middle of the track

    Choke-point #2, the end of the track

    Congratulations! It's either you dodged well, or the Zombies suck at shooting. This is the end of the track. As you enter, you are forced left, being that the Shield Door shifted your Mongoose. This makes the ending space neat, Mongooses stored to the left, Humans to the right. Take the Teleporter.

    The Teleporter takes you here, the Hornet Tower. Here, you get in the Hornet, and begin to shoot down the Zombies.

    Zombies, if you failed at preventing, and you continue to drive, become familiar with "The Spider Web". Stored at the end of the Zombie track, this "Web" sucks you in, and awaits your death.

    Action Shots

    Shooting down 'dem Humans.

    Hornet + Mongoose = PROFIT $$$ (for Humans)

    Dodging the explosion.

    Maybe not.

    Hm... that looks like a missed shot.

    Recon means explosions don't effect you.

    A story told before.

    Special Thanks:
    FuzzyMcDoodle: An AMAZING guy who helped make the map, and take the Action Shots. Without him, this map would be impossible to make.
    TheGreatSharkie, TheGreatWaffles, Boss of METAL: Help test the map.

    Thank you for reading and I will gladly appreciate criticism and positive comments.

    #1 TheGreatBrownie, Mar 22, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2009
  2. Rated Dirty

    Rated Dirty Ancient
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    No DL for me. It looks way to plain, just 2 big lines that opposing teams cross. It isn't horrible but something that I wont download.

    Good forging skills though I just don't like the map.

  3. Darkness Seeping

    Senior Member

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    Looks like alot of fun, and a new original idea too, can't wait to try. I'll post again once i have tried it out. some thing, try some interlocking, for if there are bumps, it will smallen them. Also see if you can make it wider, like two blocks wide instead of one. Just my advice, dont need to do
  4. Boss of OWNAGE

    Boss of OWNAGE Ancient
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    Finally got it posted, This is a great map, really fun to test and play. I recommend this game highly it's a lot of fun. DL'ing now. 5/5 Nice job Brownie.

    P.S...... He actually does have recon! 0_o
  5. FuzzyMcDoodles

    FuzzyMcDoodles Ancient
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    You know how graphics aren't important in games, and gameplay is...

    You are ignorant for basing your opinion on something you didn't even play, and only on ascetics. Just because it looks plain doesn't mean it is. Brownie has tested the map tons of times with me and every single time people want to play more, and are laughing all because it is a great game.

    How about you base harsh opinions of facts and not first glances.
  6. exploreTheGore

    exploreTheGore Ancient
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    This seems like a great concept. I love how it is more then just a normal racetrack. The zombies have to try and shoot down the humans as they both are on mongoose. I guess it is sort of like Duck Hunt meets battle tracks. I am definitely going to download this.One question, how many people does the game support. I guess it could support up to 16 since their is 8 mongooses but how many infected people would their be. Also, are any of the game settings changed. Overall this is a nice map and a 4.7/5 from me. (Until I geta good game going anyway. Could Change.)
  7. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    Very interesting concept. I can't wait to play it. I'll give it a pre-play rank of 4.5/5.
  8. Boss of OWNAGE

    Boss of OWNAGE Ancient
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    There's always 2 zombies, Driver and gunner of course, but you can have as many humans as you like. So really this game is 3-16 players. Yes the setting are changed so the humans can't run away on foot. So, you will need the gametype.
  9. Yyzyyz

    Yyzyyz Ancient
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    1. OMG RECON
    2. This is not really racing, it has a link to racing but it is completely different, this should be on casual maps

    but overall, not so good map

  10. Spartan 396

    Spartan 396 Ancient
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    This map is definitely really sick. I had so much fun just testing it with you. Infact, I am in the second picture (the one without the Recon :p). This is incredibly fun and while the overall design is simple, it is executed beautifully.

    This map is really fun and I recommend this to anyone. People who say this sucks haven't played it. Easily a 5/5.
    #10 Spartan 396, Mar 22, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2009
  11. Yyzyyz

    Yyzyyz Ancient
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    It just looks so plain and does not match up to other maps
  12. TheGreatBrownie

    TheGreatBrownie Ancient
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    Well, it kind of has to be plain to fit the idea of a long road. The idea of the map, in this situation, doesn't matter if it is plain or not, all you need is a road the stretches far. I get what you are saying, but looks are not everything.
    Plus, this game is so fast paced, really, your only worry is dodging the projectiles. Of course, yet again, looks don't matter. So, try it out before you judge on "OMG IT'S SO PLAIN!!!".
    #12 TheGreatBrownie, Mar 22, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2009
  13. Boss of OWNAGE

    Boss of OWNAGE Ancient
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    Side note... Did you notice everyone who played the map instead of judging the overall enjoyment based on pictures absolutly loved the map? People have tested it so you could get the maximum experience out of it. This is still one of the greater maps I have played.
  14. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    First of all I have played this map and I agree with some of these other comments, I think this map does lack a little bit when it comes to forging. While it is an original idea... the map could use some work. Why not add some turns and bumps for the mongoose drivers to navigate? I know you have the duel wall paths but there needs to be more variety. 80% of the time you are just holding down forward on your control stick.
    #14 Morphine, Mar 22, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2009
  15. TheGreatBrownie

    TheGreatBrownie Ancient
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    Yes. The original map was straight forward, just a plain track. Boring. That's why I added some choke-points. Obviously, I think I'll add some more.
  16. Corgi18

    Corgi18 Ancient
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    This map is really fun. It looks like a a plain map and it is but the way the gametype is makes it fun to play for hours.
  17. LordVurtax

    LordVurtax Ancient
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    nah lol, cool map dude, looks like tons of fun because its probably is.
    Nice work

    But if your thinking about a V2 or just some variations to the map to make it more fun I suggest you add bumps obstacles and jump gaps to the human side

    #17 LordVurtax, Mar 28, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2009
  18. uralllame

    uralllame Ancient
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    This looks pretty good. I just DLed it, and I'll let you know what I think. From the pics, I think it would be nice to have a few turns or other obstacles, such as banked curves, jumps, and/or well placed fusion coils. I'm not so sure about the zombie web-o'-death. It's not like they are going to escape the Hornet's lock on missiles, and it would be fun to chase them down. It might also be interesting to see what happens if you give everyone plasma pistols to try and power each other down. It could be rubbish, but it might be hilarious.

    I am also very disappointed by the lack of tin cups on the map... 0/infinity just because of that :(
  19. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    WHAT?!! This map is Epic. To my knowledge noone else has done this idea before.
    suggestions for V2. Change zombie spawn settings to up to 4 or 25%, it'll be funner with more zombies and add in another zombie mongoose. Naturally this means it'd be best played with more than your recommended 3-16, more like 8 and above.
    BTW i like your recon.
  20. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!this looks amazing, this is probably the second best mini game ever created!!!!!!!!!! i love the idea, and with the skybubble in sandbox it really makes it!,...5/5

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