Sandbox The Flaming Ninja Challenge 3!

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by petetheduck, Mar 22, 2009.

  1. petetheduck

    petetheduck Cartographer Emeritus
    Forge Critic

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    I am happy to present the third and final obstacle course in the Flaming Ninja Challenge series:

    The Flaming Ninja Challenge 3!

    Refining the best elements from its predecessors and exploiting the possibilities of Sandbox, this is the culmination of the original concept behind the Flaming Ninja Challenge. You must crouch-jump, ball-balance, mongoose-maneuver, and otherwise make your way through a series of varingly difficult obstacles to claim the title of Flaming Ninja!*

    The map variant can be played with any party size
    using Halo 3's default slayer gametype.
    : : : : Click HERE to download the map : : : :​

    The Rules (Should you choose to obey them):
    0. Use Halo 3's default slayer gametype.
    1. Don't use any weapons or grenades, only melee.
    2. Don't use the assistance of other players.
    3. Obstacles must be navigated as design dictates.​

    Scroll down to preview the layout of the course and some of the obstacles you will face!

    I've uploaded a video to youtube demonstrating the majority of the course (the final challenge is again omitted). You can view it here.

    This is the spawn/starting area. Directly ahead, the red arch marks the entrance to the obstacle course. To the right are checkpoint teleporters which are initially locked. Once unlocked, you will be able to use these to quickly return to later sections of the course. They are in order from right to left.


    Turning around, you will notice the blue arch. This marks the conclusion of the obstacle course. Reaching here will have required you to navigate the full circumference of the sky bubble. Good luck!


    The first section of the course has basic obstacles: a series of simple jumps, balance beams, a climbing wall, and the teleslide (slide down the ramp while avoiding the teleporters which return you to the top).


    Having completed these obstacles, you will reach the first checkpoint. Destroy the fusion coil atop the receiving node to unlock it, enabling you to return to this point by using the corrosponding teleporter at the spawn area. The fusion coils do not respawn, so each checkpoint will remain unlocked for the duration of the game.


    The original ball challenge has been completely reimagined. You must navigate several obstacles while standing on top of a golf ball. The platform that the ball rests on is actually in a kill zone, so falling off the ball will result in instant death. You MUST remain on the golf ball for the duration of this obstacle.


    Tips: Standing on the golf ball, face the direction you want to go and walk backwards slowly. As you back up, the ball will roll forward. Just remember, walk in the opposite direction that you want the ball to go!
    If the ball gets stuck on a seam, melee the forward edge of it.
    You'll have more control over the ball if you crouch, a technique that is especially useful in the last section of this obstacle.




    Next, drive a mongoose across this tilted wall. Be careful in adjusting your speed, or you'll slide off! At the end, drive the mongoose through the teleporters before dismounting to continue on.


    Next you will face the teleporters! These teleporters hover ominously over the expanse. You must build up sufficient momentum before attempting to cross, or you will fall both short and very far at the same time!


    Another series of jumps will conclude this section of the obstacle course.


    Next, you will face the final quarter of the course, and the final challenges of the Flaming Ninja. First, you must pass through the seven columns.


    This structure houses the final obstacle. You'll need ingenuity and a little luck to defeat this final challenge. No preview here.. download the map variant to find out what awaits you!


    If you defeat the final obstacle, you'll notice a teleporter node tucked behind the blue arch. It brings you to a platform in the middle of the sky bubble where you'll have a great panoramic view of the obstacle course.



    Thanks for checking it out. I hope you enjoy this conclusion to the Flaming Ninja Challenge series!


    -- *There is no prize or recognition given for completing the Flaming Ninja Challenge. The statement "claim the title of Flaming Ninja!" is in jest and no actual title will be bestowed upon anyone. You can totally brag to your friends, though!

    -- Although it probably goes without saying, the Flaming Ninja Challenge was inspired by the Ninja Warrior television show and some infamous words by Jason Jones regarding Halo 2.
    #1 petetheduck, Mar 22, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2009
  2. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
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    This map looks fun to try... and I've never seen a map like this one. 4/5 for originality, but doesn't looks like somebody will try it more than once.
  3. PRS

    PRS Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow... great map. i have flamin ninjas on blackout and it was a blast. def. dl when i get the maps! 5/5 :D
  4. exploreTheGore

    exploreTheGore Ancient
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    This looks like a lot of fun. I am horrible at challange maps. I probably couldn't stand on the top of the soccer ball without it falling. I don't think this is a download from me because I stink at theses maps and I probably would fall off at the first jumping section. The map does look really nice for a challenge map which is something you don't normally see. I will give it a 4.7/5 because I haven't tested it but I am not going to because I suck at these maps.
  5. Deathhawk7

    Deathhawk7 Ancient
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    This looks great.

    I like the differnt structures and that you put checkpoints in, but maybe you could have put something in place of the fusion coils, you can jump into the tele if you go over the, (Put like a crate or two, then put coils behind them)
    DLing when I get Mythic :DDDD
  6. Skarrow

    Skarrow Ancient
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    This map has some incredible ideas, ones like where you have to roll on the golf ball or you will die by the barrier, terrific idea. 5/5, DL
  7. petetheduck

    petetheduck Cartographer Emeritus
    Forge Critic

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    Don't forget that you can try it in Forge, so if you fall you can just fly back up, or fly to any section of the course you want to in monitor mode. :)
  8. petetheduck

    petetheduck Cartographer Emeritus
    Forge Critic

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    At the spawn area, the checkpoints are merged into the ground so you can't jump into them. You can only walk onto them, and so the single fusion coil is sufficient to block them on the other end.
  9. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Every time i see a new Flaming Ninja Challenge i download it. Your one of the best at making these type of courses and i look forward to your future maps.
    I like the originality of all your stunts, and the ball one (looking especially hard) is nothing like i have seen before.
    It may take me a while to get the new maps, but once i do i'll remember this map.
  10. Landon Dao

    Landon Dao Ancient
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    I am a fan of you. You make some of the best obstacle maps. 5/5 Very creative.
  11. l33tmeerkatslol

    l33tmeerkatslol Ancient
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    I was big fan of theblackout one. Just earlier I was wondering when an obstacle course would come out for sandbox. Good idea of having it all the way around. It looks tough! Very clever to have it underthe killzone too. No killballs though? :(

    Looks great, 5/5.
  12. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    I will definitly download this when I get the mythic map pack. I would really love to try the balancing on the ball although it sounds like the hardest part of the map.

    Nice job on this map, I look forward to seeing these after every one. Can't wait for flaming ninja 4
  13. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Wow, great idea...The golf ball part seems like a lot of fun...But it might make me mad...
  14. Corgi18

    Corgi18 Ancient
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    Nice. I've played the one on Blackout and it was fun so i'll be sure to download this as soon as I get on Halo 3 tomorrow. 5/5
  15. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey you made a third one, good job! And you used my checkpoint idea and didn't give me credit, you dickface! Eh, just kidding, it's cool. These are always fun, thanks for making another one, hopefully this beats your other ones, we will see. Quality stuff right here!
    #15 Seaboro Kibbles, Mar 23, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2009
  16. petetheduck

    petetheduck Cartographer Emeritus
    Forge Critic

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    If you had suggested something that hadn't already occured to me, I would have given you credit. Checkpoints were something that this series needed--we both realized that, independently, and that's why they were added, and that's why you didn't get credit. They would have been there whether or not you had send me a private message several months ago.

    Sheesh. Just for the record, here is what you told me:

    "All checkpoints would have three or four spawn points with fusion coils on them set to never respawn. Say you have 20 fusion coils (five checkpoints), four at each checkpoint, set the maximum to 16 so that when a player destroys a check point, their previous checkpoint will be covered with four force spawned coils. This will mean that the players will spawn at the new checkpoint instead of the beginning.

    At the beggining, there could be starting points, and a checkpoint beside them. You could either rely on the players to destroy the coils, or you could make something fall on them and never respawn.

    A player has to have a shotgun, sword, or other short range weapon or they could just shoot the far checkpoints, this would probably require a gametype."

    I appreciated your suggestion at the time, but I had my own ideas. As you can tell by re-reading your message, the checkpoint system I built in this map is nothing like what you recommended.

    I hope you enjoy the map
  17. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i really like the originality shown in these puzzles (the whole series) i am a big fan so i will deffenetly download this one (i spelled out download because this map deserves it! great job!!)
  18. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well pete, thanks for reiterating in such detail! It's great you got a checkpoint system, and that we both came up with that idea at the same, and it was your own, that is different from what i suggested or something. Well, it really helps this map, soo.. High five! is there a high five smiley? nope, oh well...

    And btw, you should have made a 'dodge the guardian laser' section, that would be nutts.
  19. Kilr0n

    Kilr0n Ancient
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    wow this is pretty cool but i cant even get past the first part with the grav lifts :(
  20. thumtac

    thumtac Ancient
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    A great fun map, I just completed it and I have to say everything is pretty easy if you know what you're doing except for the golf ball balance. No matter how many times I do it, I never can completely master it, except once, when I beat it. The mongoose thing looks hard but is pretty easy when you figure out how to do it and the final room really requires knowledge that is only known to a few people (like me). Almost everything except for the golf balance that seems impossible has a trick to it to figure it out.

    In order of difficulty I would rate the following trials in terms of difficulty from hardest to easiest:
    1. Golf Ball Balance: Hanging off the edge
    2. Golf Ball Balance: Crossing over the Abyss
    3. Golf Ball Balance: Traversing the Maze
    4. Golf Ball Balance: Rounding the Corners
    5. Wall Climb
    6. Final Room
    7. Mongoose Slide
    8. Teleporter Slide
    8. 7 Archs
    9. Jumping Part 2
    10. Jumping Part 1
    11. Balance Beams
    12. Teleporter Trampoline

    Man, it was tough, but fun nonetheless

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