Hero's Domain - Get your Screenshot Professionally Rated

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Screenshots' started by Hero, Mar 20, 2009.

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  1. InfectedByFear

    InfectedByFear Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hero, i very much appreciate your ratings and i'm sure to be back

    (not bad for my first one)

    Thanks again
  2. Taco Bell

    Taco Bell Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Question, what makes you a proffesional. Just wondering. Anyways...

    Screenshot title: Water
    Map: Snowbound
    Date screenshot was taken (not required): 1 year ago I think
    Was your screenshot staged: Nope
    Are you the sole creater of this screenshot: Yep
    Do you agree not to flame my rating: ya
    Will you be patient with me to rate you: ya
    Gamertag: A Taco Bell

  3. Blue Pariot

    Blue Pariot Ancient
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    He is not a professional, he is merely giving us ratings and reviews with professionalism. By examining the various aspects of screenshots and posting them in a professional manner, he is giving us a professional rating.
  4. Hero

    Hero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks Blue Pariot, I couldn't have said it better myself.

    Therum and taco you have both been accepted and put on the waiting list.
    #24 Hero, Mar 21, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2009
  5. BAMFthesenior

    BAMFthesenior Ancient
    Senior Member

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    UNSC natural male enhancment (all done)
    Yes it was Staged, but Funnily and on accident
    I am the sole creator
    If you flame, ill just call you flamer
    Yeah ill be patient
    GT= BAMFthesenior

    P.S. Boss of OWNAGES's screen is modded, just wanted to throw that out there.
    #25 BAMFthesenior, Mar 21, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2009
  6. Hero

    Hero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hero's Domain Review for: X1BLACKOUT1X

    Screenshot name: "Resultant" on page 1.

    Originality: Blurred images and flashy lights? Even seperatly Highly unoriginal for the use of special effects (Such as juicy, pen and ink, ect.) and mere gernades are as old as Avalanche. Relying on such basic techniques rarely make a good screenshot.

    Effects used: All I can tell from the picture is 1 or more of the special effects were used, and possibly a gernade. If you used anything else, it wasn't apparent, so you might as well have not used them at all. It was so blurry and bright that it took me a few seconds to realize I was staring at a man.

    Camera Angle: I did admire the camera angle. One of the few things you did well was making sure points of interest covered the entire screenshot, leaving no empty corners or sides. However, this barely compensates for the fact that I can barely even SEE the person.

    Style: You went a bit overboard with this picture. A good screenshot is not how many different effects you can get into one shot, but how well each individual one does. Also, the effects should not have to compensate for the main focus of the screenshot: the figure(s).

    Lighting: Waaaay to bright. White on a screenshot = boredom because when it covers an entire section of the screenshot, people are drawn away from it. Now there is a difference between pure white and textured white. Textured white would include some form of other color, however slight it may be. For instance, my siggy has white on the bottom with trace ammount of lime green, allowing it to mold with the rest of the shot.

    Blending: Well the entire thing is blended well together, but that is merely a cause of the special effect you used. I don't like using that effect because it causes what I call over blending, which distorts the image to a point where the onlooker gets easily confused.

    Overall Presentation: A very basic shot that anyone probably could acomplish. I'm sure your capable of doing better, but this is not one of your best. It was sloppy and confusing.

    I give your screenshot a rating of: 3/10
  7. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is one of my first screenshots. It's getting a bit famous now...


    Screenshot title:
    Kill the Reds
    Map: Sandtrap
    Date screenshot was taken (not required): May 2008
    Was your screenshot staged: Nope. It's from matchmaking (when Ranked Big Team was still about)
    I saved the film because it was a good game and had yet to mess around with the Theatre mode, then I came across this. I am in the shot though, I'm the one with the missile pod, firing that missile that went a tad wide.
    Are you the sole creater of this screenshot: There are other people in the shot, but I took it. I am the sole creator.
    Do you agree not to flame my rating: If it's a good rating, then yes :D
    Will you be patient with me to rate you: No! Rating nao! grrrr!!! lol
    Gamertag: EpicFishFingers

    X1BLACKOUT1X Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the review. I'm just getting into taking screenshots so the feedback and criticism were nice.
  9. Master Mak X

    Master Mak X Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Here's my response of a funny screenshot I made in Campaign with my Brother

    Screenshot title: Don't Move
    Map: Crow's Nest (Campaign)
    Date screenshot was taken (not required): N/A
    Was your screenshot staged: No
    Are you the sole creater of this screenshot: Yes
    Do you agree not to flame my rating: No
    Will you be patient with me to rate you: Yes
    Gamtertag: Metal Mak Z

    #29 Master Mak X, Mar 21, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2009
  10. Halostar317

    Halostar317 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Screenshot title: Incarnate
    Map: Avalanche
    Date screenshot was taken (not required): N/A
    Was your screenshot staged: Yes
    Are you the sole creater of this screenshot: Yes
    Do you agree not to flame my rating: Yes
    Will you be patient with me to rate you: Yes
    Gamtertag: DSX Halostar
    #30 Halostar317, Mar 21, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2009
  11. Hero

    Hero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Epic and Master, I'm sorry to say your screenshots have been denied for review. I only deal with screenshots that are possible to review I.E. involving special effects, blending, lighting, and well... A screenshot.

    Halostar you've been accepted and put on the waiting list.
  12. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Screenshot title: Contrast
    Map: uhhh, the storm
    Date screenshot was taken (not required): march 09
    Was your screenshot staged: sort of (if you would like a more in depth answer, PM me)
    Are you the sole creater of this screenshot: yes
    Do you agree not to flame my rating: yes
    Will you be patient with me to rate you: surely
    Gamtertag: DimmestBread
  13. Hero

    Hero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Bread you've been accepted and put on the waiting list.

    I look forward to reviewing your screenshot.
  14. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You didn't say that you needed effects in the OP. That's not fair.
  15. Halo Orlando

    Halo Orlando Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Screenshot title:Darkened View
    Map: Snowbound
    When screenshot was taken:9.28.2008
    Was your screenshot staged:Yes
    Are you the sole creater of this screenshot:Yes
    Do you agree not to flame my rating:Yes
    Will you be patient with me to rate you:Yes
    Gamtertag:Halo Orlando
  16. NYYanks33

    NYYanks33 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Map:Cold Storage
    Date screenshot was taken (not required):12/13/2008

    Was your screenshot staged:Yes
    Are you the sole creater of this screenshot:Yes
    Do you agree not to flame my rating:Yes
    Will you be patient with me to rate you:Yes
    Gamtertag:NY Yanks 33
  17. Mero90

    Mero90 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Screenshot title:
    ODST on Guard
    Map: Blackout
    Date screenshot was taken (not required): 02.21.2009
    Was your screenshot staged: Yes
    Are you the sole creater of this screenshot: Yes
    Do you agree not to flame my rating: Yes
    Will you be patient with me to rate you: Yes
    Gamtertag: Mero90
    #37 Mero90, Mar 22, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2009
  18. Hero

    Hero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Orlando, Yanks, and Mero: You've all been accepted and put on the waiting list.
  19. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Reviewzorz plz

    Screenshot Title: Emerge
    Map: Sandbox
    Date Taken: 3-7-09
    Staged?: Yes
    Sole Creator?: Yes
    I agree not to flame your rating.
    I will be patient for you to rate the shot.
    Gamertag: AceOfSpades0707

    Thanks a lot dude... this is a great thing you got going.
  20. Hero

    Hero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hero's Domain Review for: Boss of OWNAGE

    Screenshot name: "Trapped Recon" on page 1.

    Originality: Once again, quite original because of the combination of recon and Sandbox. However, I don't like seeing two pictures having the same figure at two different angles. Also, next time might I suggest you go into a local game so you can lower your weapon? I think that would have added to the screenshot.

    Effects used: Once again, my ignorance of the map leaves me in the dark when it comes to effects. I don't know whether you used special effects or something as simple as a gernade. One thing is certain though: you did use effects. I think the effects might be a bit overdone and make the screenshot a tad to bright.

    Camera Angle: This camera angle is much better than the last, because not only are you focused on the figure, but also everything around him. This was the proper angle to use.

    Style: When it comes to the style, I actually find the other one more preferable. This one has the same pattern reflected across the whole screenshot. The same blue color tends to be a little repetitive. The one thing I did like about the style of the picture though was the fact that he really does look trapped.

    Lighting: The lighting is slightly overdone and kind of bright. I don't know if it was possible to dim it a little, but I would guess not. I favor dark screenshots over bright ones merely because I think it increases it's appeal.

    Blending: Yet another strongpoint for this picture. The figures seems to fuse with the backround which is exactly what I like to see. However, the brightness causes a bit overblending in the areas around the figure.

    Overall Presentation: This is a good screenshot, but in my opinion not as good as the last. Once again you have impressed me, but you still have a lot to learn about lighting and blending.

    I give your screenshot a rating of: 6/10

    AceOfSpades, you've been accepted and put on the waiting list. Thanks for the compliment, and I look forward to reviewing your screenshot. ^_^
    #40 Hero, Mar 22, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2009
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