Sandbox Lateralus

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Arvas, Mar 21, 2009.


Rate my map!

  1. 1/10 -- Wow... stop forging

    2 vote(s)
  2. 2/10 -- Very, very bad

    0 vote(s)
  3. 3/10 -- Very bad

    0 vote(s)
  4. 4/10 -- Bad

    0 vote(s)
  5. 5/10 -- Okay...

    2 vote(s)
  6. 6/10 -- Looks Alright

    3 vote(s)
  7. 7/10 -- Pretty Nice

    4 vote(s)
  8. 8/10 -- Good Map!

    3 vote(s)
  9. 9/10 -- Wow this is Awesome!

    1 vote(s)
  10. 10/10 -- MARRY ME!

    2 vote(s)
  1. Arvas

    Arvas Ancient
    Senior Member

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    After a long vacation from forging and even Halo 3 itself... with the of Halo Wars, I found myself exploring a whole new set of maps... and along with new maps, a new forge experience. Sure Foundry is still great, but Sandbox opens our possibilities to a whole new range of maps. Ones with actual holes... not just teleporters leading to insta-death.

    With that I introduce: Trifecta

    Trifecta is a map built for 4v4 Slayer Gametypes in the Skybox. Its a small 2 base scenario. Each team has a base, (duh) and between the bases there are 3 paths for easy access to the other base. Before I go any further lets see some Overview screenies!

    Overview 1:

    Overview 2:

    Overview w/ Grid:


    Now, let's look at these bases in closer detail...

    Red Base:

    Blue Base:

    The bases are fairly plain other than the two rooms, to each side of the base where 1 BR spawns and is a great vantage point of the other base. On top of each base there's a shotgun and in front of each ramp a set of grenades... 2 Frag and 2 Plasma. At the back of each base is a teleporter that takes you to the sniper-hole asociated with that base. These Sniper-Holes are little rooms inside the side pathways, illistrated here:

    Red Path:

    Blue Path:

    You can see these Sniper-Holes in the center of the walkway where the Sniper spawns. On top of these walkways there's a mauler and a spiker.

    Now on to the Center Path.

    Center Path:

    Not much on the center path other than 4 SMGs 2 Magnums and 1 Sword.

    Full Weapons List:
    Battle Rifle x4
    Sniper Rifle x2
    Mauler x2
    Spiker x2
    Plasma Grenade x4
    Frag Grendade x4
    Shotgun x2
    SMG x4
    Magnum x2
    Sword x1

    Thats pretty much the whole map... I only set it up for Slayer, and I wouldn't recommend anything larger than a 4v4...

    QUICK NOTE: I changed name of thread and all that jazz but the DL is still called Lateralus, I haven't had time to switch this yet... sorry.

    #1 Arvas, Mar 21, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2009
  2. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Tool fan eh?

    Looks good though, 8.5/10
    Good forging, I'll have to download it tomorrow though - can't play Xbox today.
  3. Arvas

    Arvas Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yup, Tool FTW? I try to fins cool names for my maps and end up naming them after tool songs half the time lol... thanks for the rating!
  4. bamblakopz

    bamblakopz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like it!
    Wish I could DL it... :D
  5. Arvas

    Arvas Ancient
    Senior Member

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    cool, thanks? I guess? If your basing it off the screenies you can't really say anything
  6. bamblakopz

    bamblakopz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yea, but I can't DL it anyway, I don't have the maps... but it looks good is what I am saying
  7. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
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    I'm not going to give you a full review but I have a quick little suggestion. Since this is a team map, it would help if you grouped the spawns together in a group of two so that people can easily spawn by their teammates. I'm just guessing off of the pictures though.

    And I don't know a ton about spawns, so don't flame me if I don't know what I'm talking about :)
  8. Arvas

    Arvas Ancient
    Senior Member

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    well, all the spawns toward red base are 1 teams spawn, and vice versa... the spawns towards the middle are neutral, so they are pretty grouped...
  9. Julenissen666

    Julenissen666 Ancient
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    Seems like a good arena map for team play. im not going to rate or something thou, i dont have sandbox.
    but how high can you go up in the air when your using the air on sandbox? higher than sand trap?
  10. Arvas

    Arvas Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ...there is no specific amount you can go up to make maps... theres a teleporter that takes you to a "plane" where players can fall through but objects can't...
  11. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The name Lateralus has already been used by Adelyss.

    The map looks very good for a 2v2 game. I would suggest making paths from the center structure to the side walkways. Good forging though. 4/5
  12. C0RRUPTl0N

    C0RRUPTl0N Ancient
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    Looks pretty cool, I think that some stuff could have been merged together better to make for better gameplay. I like the amount of pictures that you added especially the ground shot. I am so inthused that every one has the ability to float maps with such ease now. Just wait till you see what the forgers that are pros. at floating maps come up with. hint.hint.
  13. Arvas

    Arvas Ancient
    Senior Member

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    @AceOfSpades: Oops... didnt know someone had already named a map lateralus... people really need to stop using my trick for naming maps... ya know, listening to tool and naming it after a song by them lol. Also, I didn't want pathways from the side paths to the center, this would make it to easy to get to the other teams base... besides I have play tested this with 5 other people and it seems to work fine...
  14. Skarrow

    Skarrow Ancient
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    Nice map Arvas! I think it's decently laid out and the symmetry is perfect but I dunno, this is like the 100000th symmetrical map I've seen made for sandbox so far. It's not that your map sucks... it's just that the idea is already getting old and I know that we are going to see a lot more maps like this, better or worse. I'll give you the DL though. 4/5
  15. Arvas

    Arvas Ancient
    Senior Member

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    TY! and yes I know symmetrical maps are getting old, but they are my favorite to make, I hate how bungie makes all of their maps just slightly not symmetrical, it bugs me, so IM BRINGIN' 'EM BACK BABY! lol
  16. Skarrow

    Skarrow Ancient
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    After playing this map though, I need to say a few things about it. In the pictures the map looked like it was pretty big, but it's really not, so I think that you should take out the shotguns on each side and make it so that the energy swod doesn't spawn as often. Also, the little sniper nooks aren't very useful! I was playing this map with my friend and I was trying to snipe through that area, but it just wasn't working out, snipers are meant to be above the map, not below. I also think that you should add some railings to the map so that you won't fall off as much. Perhaps you should make a 2nd version! It's a decent map and all, but I just found some things about it... frusterating.
  17. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey man would you mind changing the name of your map? Me and adelyss have already used it in one of our maps.

    Thanks dude
  18. Arvas

    Arvas Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ya i've been trying to come up with a new name... sorry
  19. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    Woah, this is cool. The map looks great! It seems like it would play out really well in team CTF games, methinks. But I'll download this, because the replay factor seems great. 7/10.
  20. Arvas

    Arvas Ancient
    Senior Member

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    well, this map is not set up for objective games... only slaye, i didnt bother setting it up for objectives because its a little too small to play objective games correctly. my next map is going to be purely objective thought... SWAT objective be specfic... (and if your wondering why this post looks horrible, im posting from my cell phone right now... lol

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