If you promise not to get mad if I have to tell you to wait, I'll teach you, I have today and tomorrow at least open because, Shadows is on a trip, and Playa's computer is broken.
No. I made it for him a few days back. Also, anyone that wants help MUST have SKYPE , and to begin just send me a private message, and i will get to you shortly. Skype: lockdownn
Frag I want any teacher that uses GIMP and any teacher that can use AIM so i'm ready whenever they are
Fragman Sig Creation: 5/5 Teaching: 5/5 (thats some gangsta ass teachin') GIMP Past to present.... all I have to say....
NEW UPDATE! As some of you may or may not have noticed, there is a number in paranthesis next to the Teacher rating. Well this number just shows how many people have rated the user. The number to the left shows the average rating out of all those users. So if a teacher has a (2) beside him, then he has two ratings. If a teacher has a (3) beside him, he as three ratings. So on, and so forth. I hope you enjoy this new update.
A tutorial on the picture bubbles. I would like one. I don't care from who, but I would prefer Frag since I at least know he can do it well.
I'm teaching xpwnr kidx right now...So he can come off the waiting list...If you want a student say something k?
Hey, I still haven't even been put on the student waiting list, just giving you a heads up. Once again, I use GIMP, and am on for up to 2 hours after 3:40p.m. EST or so. Id'e like to work on anime and occasionaly realistic render based sigs. Also, Frag, I suggest you add a time component to help sync up teachers with students.