Top one's text is hard to read. Middle and bottom one have too much negative space. What effect did you use for the bottom one?
first one, focal is kind of hard to find through all those different effects and such. not sure how to put it. second, the light source looks unreal and the flow is in a very general direction third, the depth could use some work, and it is just a tad overcontrasted. otherwise, it has a real cool style and not just c4d effects and filters
Just wanna say, on the middle one the c4d on the right of the face seems cut off abruptly, and spoils a nice sig just a bit. Fix it up and it will look really good.
Alright thank you guys. I'm still tweaking the last one here and there. The second I just scrapped. Yeah, originally, a piece of that light painting stock went onto her face, under her eye. But I ended up clone stampin it out cause it was too sharp. Thank you though.
second one, the effects to the left of her left eye (her left, not ours), where it looks like a c4d, it looks a little cut off.. oh now im reading that drax already mentioned this.. alright now im reading the rest of them and they are saying the same stuff im seeing.. Negative space in the middle one Pentool could use some work in the first one, but its my favourite. For the third one, work on its depth