(Click to view larger image) Link to Multi Sandbox V2 This is Multi Sandbox, a Multi Team based map placed in the SkyBubble in SandBox. There are Four Bases on this map: The Blue Base, The Purple Base, The Red Base, and the Dark Base or Black Base. The Map is set up for the Following GameTypes: - Team Slayer (Two teams of 4) - Multi Team Slayer (Four teams of 2) - Team CTF (Two teams of 4) - Team Odd Ball (Two teams of 4) - Multi Team Odd Ball (Four teams of 2) - Multi Team Mosh Pit (KotH) (Four teams of 2) - Mosh Pit (KotH) (No teams 8 Player FFA) Even thought the map is set up for these GameTypes, I have not been able to test any of them... If you would like to help test the map, then tell me. I do not have to be there but I would like to know how the game plays (problems with too many people for certain game types and things like that). The reason why I can't test the maps myself is because I don't have very many people who log on, on my Friends list anymore... Weapons on Map: - 4 Brs - 4 Carbines - 1 Mauler (Drop Spawn 120 seconds) - 4 Plasma Grenades Here is a horribly created over view of what the map looks like: (Same Image but without the weapon images placed on map.) As you probably saw from the over view, the Map is completely symmetrical (it has four lines of symmetry) so... I am only going to be showing you one base (because they all look the same ...) What the Bases look like (Example used was Blue Base): Overview of one of the Bases: Carbine Side of Base: Br Side of Base: Back of the Base: Inside the Base Tube (Plasma spawn): Main View of the Base: Entrance to the Tunnels of the Bases/map (also Br and Carbine spawn): Walking into the first part of the Tunnels: View of the Left side of the Tunnels (Entrance to the Tunnels is on the Left): View from the corner of the Tunnels (Entrance to the Tunnels is on the Right): Okay, enough of the pictures of the base and now for pictures of the center (not many though...) Overview of the center: A closer picture of the Center (Mauler spawn): Map created by Cyan Laser Download Link This map only took me 3 hours to make ... and there was no rush ... on some parts... so V2 with better merging in some areas will be coming soon... The only reason this map was created was because I was taking a break from my other map (MLG Ancient) and started to randomly forge and that basically was the start of this map! Thank You for reading my post!
Ok dood this map looks AMAZING! I dont have sandbox, but i will bookmark this page and then DL when i get the map..the setup looks wonderful...Great job! I will give more input when i play on it From looks its a 5/5
this map is a great start for the new maps but sandbox is like foundry never ending ideas maps on sandbox will just get better and better, your map needs something, i would suggest on the outsides of the map make a road and have a ghost or wartog at each base then i think it would be a great map. 3/5 for now i know it's pretty hard to build with no ground lol but the bases need to be a bit straighter.
it does look messy in some places but I understand since you only took 3 hours. I dont like how people make it look dark. I see how it has that nice effect but it doesnt help with gameplay one bit. But nice map, Im not that into sandbox.
This is absolutely mental! From the screenshots, i expected a hell of a lot more interlocking than you've put in it, but its a good thing! You've made a very playable map and i'm definately going to recommend it to some mates! My only speculation is that you described the coloured bases as landmarks for the maps directional feel. Why dont you take that into a more literal sense and add the "Juicy" Camera Effect. I see you've reached the object limit, but if you were to sacrifice the "Gloomy" effect, swap it for "Juicy", the coloured bases become much more prominent.. Maybe even move the lights down a little, i did it myself just to see how it looked and the purple base becomes more pink, but its much easier to tell which base is which. At the end of the day its your map, thats just what i'd personally change but who cares about my opinion . You get my first 5/5 - gonna have to delete some game variants to make room to keep this map If people are making these kind of maps at the moment, i cant wait to think how good they are going to be in, say, a years time .
Hey cyan, im impressed that you would make a 4 base this soon after sandbox has been released. It looks pretty promising but a few things i would do would be: Add a powerup over the 4th base for callout purposes. Change the name make a different middle. The rest of the map looks great but im not feeling the tunnels at bottom mid. Good job!
cool map but make a good power gun like a 90% of teens today would die if Myspace was completely destroyed. If you are one of the 10% that would be laughing, copy and paste this to your signature. sniper rifle
This map, I must say, LOOKS AMAZING! From the first picture you had my attention. It reminds me of a Warlock/Desolation mix. 4 bases with a large center. My only problem is that some people are going to abuse places for hiding ect. Like in that pipe by the plasmas. Its a real shame you hit the limit, you could improve on this and it would be perfect. 4.5/5! EDIT: Just realised the weapons are set up for MLG...
I'm guessing you didn't read through the entire post and just looked at the pictures... well, I'm never going to add an outside part of the map for three reasons. Reason #1, I made this map so there was no outside area or other ways to get to the bases, you have to go straight to them from the front or tunnels. Reason #2 I hate vehicles on multi player maps... Reason #3 the item limit has been reached so I couldn't make it even if I wanted to... Everyone else, thank you for posting. Based off some of these ideas, I might just take off the filter and add some things... (meaning, no visual filter in V2 because of limit...) The Tunnels part were originally just a design but they made it into the map, so it is easy for me to just take out the entrance and put something else there. Yes, the weapons are set up for MLG. I really didn't know what to do with the weapons at first but decided that MLG style weapons could work (Mainly because I didn't want to have random weapons I don't normally use on the map). Even though the weapons are set up for MLG, it doesn't make it an MLG map (In my opinion...). EDIT: When I get the chance, I will go and see what each weapon's spawn time is (I'm not sure if it is correct or not but I think I changed all of the Brs and Carbines to spawn every 10 seconds and the Plasmas every 30 or so?).
Considering the fact that u made this map in three hours, it looks awsome!! this is definaetly worth a download for me. 5/5
Great In my honest opinion this map is incredible. It has amazing placement of objects which create a cool looking and very playable enviroment. In some places there is some minor mistakes, but there is always room for a V2 ! 4/5
Very well made map. Reminds me of something...almost like a wizard/foundation/midship. lol It is quite unique tho. 5/5
Looks outsanding! I really like the fact that more forgers can float separate maps now. I have got to say that I am most excited to download this one because it looks like you gave it a great amount of effort. I really like the thread as well and the diagrams. You have my download and in my opinion from the pictures could be looking at a possible feature, well done.
Hey, before I start on the V2, is there any specific changes that you people think this map needs? EDIT: Update (3-24-09) The V2 is coming along nicely, It has taken me 4 hours just to remake on of the bases (that's more time than it took me to create the map lawl) I'm trying to put as much time into this map to make it look as smooth as possible with little errors or so. I found a way to free up some space so I can make it more of a Multi team map by adding more Game Types. The only problem is that I think I may have to remake the center and use up more pieces... Thanks for reading this (even though not many people will... *SadFace*) and Please post! I want people to know me... !
Please stop making these maps, I haven't even got the map pack yet and all my enthusiasm is being destroyed by these works of art...
nice map bro, very interesting layout and use of the tunnel pieces, 8/10, will edit with more info after i download
nice. the only thing i would suggest is probably putting an extra carbine and BR for each base, and place 2 AR's for each base. other than that i think you oculd maybe place a shotgun in the middle, idk know well it plays with maulers so i wouldn't know if it would be better or worse. overall godd job 4/5
Finally! I finished the V2 for this map! It took me about 12 hours just to remake the bases! The entire map has been interlocked now and should be extremely smooth (some parts aren't though... that's because if I interlocked them there would be a gap that I couldn't fix...) Also, In the V2 I added VIP to the Game types, put a custom power up over the Black/Dark base, and still had enough items left to put the gloomy effect on (if you don't like the effect on the map tell me and I can delete it) Sorry for this post being here... I can't post the V2 tonight but it better be up tomorrow!
Your map is definetly going to get a lot of DL's And i will help with that but i have to say I love the overveiw with the weapon spawns i it. 9/10