Legendary DLC Legitafall

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by RK The Beast, Mar 20, 2009.


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  1. RK The Beast

    RK The Beast Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Created By:
    AnF Ryan
    Special Thanks:
    iTz Flair meleemaster246
    AnF Racing

    Ascend the lift to the top of the mountain and fall with the water to the deep depths of the grove. Fly to the top of the hill, grab the jimmy then make your way to the second drop; make sure you either do a slow down right turn or use the jimmy to your advantage! Then make your way around the outskirts of the map, flow into the drop point and make your way through the pass. Hit the bounce doors and fly over the cliff then under the track back to the begining :D

    If you are a big AnF fan then you should have known that I have had this map for a while, and that I released the video about a week ago. Well during that time, I have tested this map with various gametypes and all of them are great :D I would have to say that this map is an almost skill map, so you must need some prior racing experience to complete this and have lots of fun! The waterfall drop is still fun for everyone :D

    This map is a battle tracks 'inspired' map... :)p) ...it is complete with rocket launcher, flair, powerdrain, sniper, firebomb, needler, fuelrod, and everyones favorite, trip mine :D Also if that isn't enought, this map features four, thats right, four warthogs for your battle tracks experience!



    Download The Map:
    Presented By:
    #1 RK The Beast, Mar 20, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2009
  2. Torque66

    Torque66 Ancient
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    whoa! that shield door slide looks sweet! are you sure that they end up being a good asset to your map, they seem like it would cause an uncessary risk in the race. Whatever, i will download to answer my curiosity and will let you know what i think of it
  3. C0RRUPTl0N

    C0RRUPTl0N Ancient
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    Well, I love the fact that it's on Avalanche, but racing tracks are not my thing. But it looks real clean and nice, hey I always wanted to do this: you should make a track extending outside the barriers of Avalanche. I think that you could use one of my maps and just erase everything but a teleporter, then you could make it go over the ark and it would look flame. I dont think anyones did that yet, but as far as the map not gonna DL cause I'm not a track guy, but by the pics, and the cleaness for a race map:4.5/5, nice job.
  4. AssassinChao

    AssassinChao Ancient
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    ummm all im gonna say is WOW this looks like an amazing race track especially since it added something original! (shield door slide)

    i rly would like to no... did u have to freehand those shield doors to get them level and at the same angle? or is there a method for this cuz ive kind of always wondered...

    anyway great map and a definite DL

    EDIT: wow... i played (by myself for now) and i have to say i love the particular area u used for the flatland cuz it added another jump in there :) although... another question... y r the floatin crates there? do the serve a purpose or r they just there to be there?
    #4 AssassinChao, Mar 20, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2009
  5. Asthetik

    Asthetik Ancient
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    I enjoy the "waterfall" part. Me & my friends nicknamed it.
  6. RK The Beast

    RK The Beast Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have spotters that help me.


    I downloaded all your maps dude! Thanks for the comment :D

    #6 RK The Beast, Mar 20, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 21, 2009
  7. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    hahaha that video was intense one car almost get effed by the waterfall. cuz im guessin if you hit it you go flyin off the side.
    this course looks very sweet and it actually looks very original! great job!
  8. Leeumm

    Leeumm Ancient
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    Woww. This is gorgeous, I'm surprised no one has done the shield door slide up until now.

    Definite download from me, keep it up.
  9. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    lovin the map. the waterfall technique you used is very unique, too bad it isn't used as much as it should be [i saw the video, it looked like you just bounced off of it one time at the very end, so i guess it is mainly for aesthetics].

    my overall favorite part of the map is the sorta banked turn with the boxes. the way it curves is unique and adds to the flow of the map [speaking of flow, the bridge part looks flawless]. also, using part of avalanche's main ground is something i don't see much anymore. great job, 5/5.
  10. Sirant

    Sirant Ancient
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    nice job ryan I enjoyed helping you out and the map is magnificent. I love the drop and the gameplay 5/5
  11. AnF Knight

    AnF Knight Ancient
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    OMFG Ryan!!! I love it. I wasnt even aware you were making this until one day you were all like check this out. And then I almsot pooped myself.
  12. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    We havn't had a race map featured in a while, and personally I think this should be the one that should be featured. This map has what other race maps don't. ORIGINALITY. I think that shield door slide is just genius, and I dont even have to play it to know that it plays well. I will download this because, it looks like a lot of fun though. Nice job
  13. RK The Beast

    RK The Beast Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you! I have to say that my friend told me, hey ryan, no one has ever made a waterfall before, so I was like, Done! ill do it right now, so to my suprise and 45 FREAKING hours LATER! omg, legitafall arose, the jimmies, and the drops, and everything is perfect, its really fun, and i am soo glad that everyone has loved it! I would love to see this get featured, i would be totally happy if just one of my maps would be featured, to tell you the truth, i believe that forge hub is pretty biased when it comes to featuring, i am heading the feature department at www.forginggrounds.com there i made it alot less biased becuase its up to the members what maps get featured.

    Well besides all that, thank you everyone for your support and comments.
    Lova guys :D no **** lol

  14. RK The Beast

    RK The Beast Ancient
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    Hahah thanks for your comment Antony, and for your support. It's nice to hear that the gameplay is great, and thanks for the sniping gametype :D

  15. Flair iz NasTy

    Flair iz NasTy Ancient
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    I'll just copy/paste my message from forginggrounds.

    Fantastic map. I'm glad I got the chance you help you build this [​IMG] Here are my personal thoughts on Legitafall:
    -extremely long, longest double wide avalanche map out there in fact [​IMG]
    -extremely addicting and fun to drive on
    -difficult to drive on as well, but I like the challenge of not falling off!
    -box turn is very smooth I saw you build that part and it took you a long time
    -the waterfall drop is completely outstanding. However, if the fusion coils hit you while your dropping down it can be very fatal (cough)
    -not completely cheatproof, but no one knows that right...?
    -the extra man cannons on the side make Legitafall even more amazing, it adds up spice to the gameplay!
    -all original, didnt see one part of the track that was already done on another
    -very smooth, 95% of the objects are expertly interlocked
    -the watchtower base/wall/multiple object turn could have been a bit more banked and a bit higher up, but its still awsome!
    Overall, this map is a forever memory and a definate keeper. I think is deserves a 4.8/5 rating, you guys agree? Keep making maps Ryan! ^.^
  16. RK The Beast

    RK The Beast Ancient
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    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH I can tell, except here I can't edit your posts haha, I was just wondering if you saw that I put, Ryan was here, on your porfile, in the interests section on www.forginggrounds.com hahaha go and look right now!

    Thanks for the extremely long comment that really had no meaning cause I saw it already besides the first line haha :D

  17. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
    Senior Member

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    stop double posting

    k well for the map it is very creative using the terrain of avalanche to without just a floating track. I like the "waterfall" but, not everything looks completely smooth

    srsly stop double posting RK. Thats when you post twice or more in a row without anyone elses posts in between
    #17 STWOW, Mar 21, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2009
  18. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
    Senior Member

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    ^^ Multi-quote instead of doing double posts with just one quote.

    That jump is craaaaaaaaazy. You did an excellent job making it so you land perfect everytime if you hit the grav lifts. I thought the outter grav lifts should have be moved in more to provide better balance if you go between them, plus if you go that far to the outside, you don't land on the track as often. This track is very smooth and the grav lifts, shield doors, and man cannons all aid in the turns very well although the man cannons are a bit tricky at first. To reiterate a former question from this thread: what's up with the crates? In my opinion, they look tacky and take away from the natural beauty of the track. The Battletracks set-up is a nice addition, but the rocket launcher and fuel rod cannon are a huge no-no. In Battletracks, players have unlimited ammo when beside their VIP so those two weapons will way too overpowering. The design of this racetrack is it's best feature, IMO, and I'm sure I will have lots of fun on it for weeks to come.
    Aesthetics: 9/10
    Gameplay: 7/10
    Creativity: 10/10
  19. JoshRicks

    JoshRicks Ancient
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    Looks really neat and smooth to drive on. the sheild door drop looks hard as if you go into it from a funny angle and/or hit another player you will fall off! i'll dl
  20. Flair iz NasTy

    Flair iz NasTy Ancient
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    He intentionally put overpowered battletracks weapons. It was meant as a joke, but somehow the gameplay is still great with all of those. And for the crates, I agree they do stick out in a weird way but they were put in the air to provide cover since the track is incredibly open. Plus, it's AnF Ryan what are you expecting, a non original racetrack? :p

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