CoD:MW2 Suggestions

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SargeantSarcasm, Mar 17, 2009.

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  1. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    maybe system link and if you didn't mention it, a guest system.

    EDIT: After thinking and sleeping, I think they should make a guest sytem just like halo has. For the normal playlists, you could just gain experience like the norm, although I prefer leveling but oh well. Then they could have 4 or 5 other playlists of just play for fun for if you have a guest in your party. Also, having more than one person on a screen would be nice, at least make it so two people can play on the same screen.

    For system link, it doesn't really need explaining. its 1v1 basically and one person on each tv. I LAN at a friends house almost every weekend and we rarely play any cod game because we only have 4 tvs and 8 people. Basically, make it so more than one person can be on a screen.
    #41 DimmestBread, Mar 19, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2009
  2. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    did you read my post?
  3. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    @ Grenade restocks - I think that maybe you should get one grenade every time you kill someone, grenade launch thing on three? (debatable) anyway, ammo & grenades etc. could be replenished upon match progress, depending on how well you're doing..

    @ Anti killstreak - They had a similar thing on WAW.. 'reconnaissance', but you had to unlock it at level 64. This was good though. And I agree with the RPG being useless, It couldn't kill my nan if it was halfway 'inside her.'...

    @ Vehicles - I think that it could be acceptable, if they were easier to kill. The reasons they were game-breaking on WAW is because nobody used anti - vehicle perks. As they're all crap without fireworks. I think that they should bring back the jeeps from COD3, but obviously change them a bit, so there's more armour, and they're easier to drive. And the gunner shouldn't be as exposed.

    @ Campaign customization - I've got a great idea. COD Currency. Doing missions, playing matchmaking, hosting parties, every little thing should give 'cash' instead of XP. With this, you could buy new perks and weapons of your choice as you progress, still keeping ranks and challenges. Rank ups mean it's a little easier to get the money, say (x1.2) multipliers for getting certain kills or whatever every 5 ranks.. You could also buy perks and everything, and to restrict the better weapons and stuff to higher ranks, they could simply make them cost a lot more. This could also buy vehicle and / or weapon upgrades and camouflage, maybe armour..
    And yes, you should get a little more choice with campaign starting weapons, maybe give us two different classes to choose from at the start of each level.

    @ Mile High Club - Yes, yes, yes. Definitely more arcadey style mini games, and more online options for them. Customizability as a whole could just be greatly improved. You could also buy these mini-games / arcadey bits with the COD currency, and hosting options, such as buying more weapons for a random weapon box, and buying abilities to host six players in private games..

    COD Currency would just be FTW.

    We're developing ideas for.. just, the ULTIMATE shooter, ever.

    Also, Kill streak bonus;
    x3 kills, = UAV and x2 exp/COD Currency
    x5 kills = Air strike and x3 exp/COD Currency?

    Eventually, ultimate epicness will be achieved, and reality will dissolve.
  4. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    I actually really like that idea.
  5. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    I was going to edit it in more detail but I fell asleep. Give me a bit.

    EDIT: Wait, I just re read your post for the 5th time making sure I didn't miss anything and there isn't anything about system link and a guest system.

    EDIT2: updated original post
    #45 DimmestBread, Mar 19, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2009
  6. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
    Senior Member

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    ****ing **** ****.

    my mistake.

    /eats words.

    This is an older version of the post that I put on IW. Shortly after first posting it I made minor edits in certain sections, and I assumed that was the copy I put here.

    One of the edits was in the online co-op section and it deals with an anecdote about my disappointment in the lack of co-op when I had hyped it up to my sister who REALLY wanted to play.

    My bad lol.
  7. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    Ooooh, alternate endings?
  8. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
    Senior Member

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    Eh, I'm not going to suggest that.

    I rather liked the definitiveness of the rigid story line and its juxtaposition with

    Captain Price's life hanging in the balance
    #48 SargeantSarcasm, Mar 19, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2009
  9. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
    Senior Member

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    oh ok, its cool, and i updated my first post with some ideas if you want to see those.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    In the campaign, for enemies to be more organised, as in they would be squads with weapons just as good as yours. The problem with CoD4's campaign really was unit variety.
  11. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    Buy upgrades, like faster running speeds, smaller reticule, higher jumps, faster prone position, faster weapon changes and reloads, less recoil, faster melee etc.

    Service tags?

    Unit logos?

    Plenty of new clan options, e.g. tournament compatibility and in-game date arrangements and reminders.

    And the game should tell us how close we are to achievements in a similar style to how gears 2 does.

    Maybe you could edit your colours and possibly even design your own camouflage..

    Killing helicopters / vehicles could be worth 25 exp/ codcash instead of 10?

    Let martyrdom be actually throw-backable this time.

    Some sort of guest exp system?

    I think I'm just being picky now...
  12. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    they should include some bayonets. yes, they are still used sometimes.

    add a perk where you get a minesweeper. that way you can get a beping noise whenever you're near an enemy C4 or mine.

    get vehicles like humvees and light vehicles.
  13. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Perhaps to give more customizable varity, add a new slot for kill streak abilities. For example, if you find you don't like the Helicopter you can get a full restock of ammo and upgrades instead or maybe another UAV. They'd have to be balanced by having a minimum kill streak for such and such.

    It just needs to be passive. For example, give the ghillie suit an additional ability. Immunity to Helicopters when prone in grass or simply not showing up on UAV jammer.

    It would add a hell of a lot more depth in the killstreaks.

    The vehicles weren't hard to kill. The maps were just horribly designed around them, all of them had huge wide openings between important places. For a vehicle map, you need to be in cramped sreets and have tall buildings or have limited visibility by being in a jungle. The Tank has to be a monster on the field but the field has to be the Tanks monster if you get what I'm saying. The driver has to be scared of going around the corner or going through those bushes but once he sees an enemy, that enemy is dead.

    I like the ideas you have except for buying hosting capabilities. You should be allowed to do anything you want in private games.
  14. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    They already have this perk. It's called bomb squad, and it works even better than this.
  15. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    @ Kill streaks - I like the idea of choice, and being able to reuse old streaks and ammo regains. This could be the new method of obtaining the grenade launcher..?

    @ Ghillie suits - win. I love that hiding idea, and adding a stealth aspect to the game. Maybe all sorts of different camo and armour could be upgradable and have perks and such.

    @ Vehicles - Yeah, I guess... but the tanks shouldn't take 5 rockets and 4 grenades.. My point was that no-one uses the anti - tank perks, because there is so much better options. And by the time you've wiped out the tank, the occupant has ran off, so all that = no XP for you. XP / Cash should be based on shots and hits and the like, similar to resistance 2.. Because killsteals still get annoying, especially if you're going for a positive K/D ratio.

    @ Hosting - Yeah, maybe not player numbers, but maybe buy weapons to place in preset places on arcade levels and such.. That way it could still be kept under control, and be fair..

    In general, we're all perk whores, and like unlocking stuff as we rank up.
  16. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    The real anti-tank perk is the C4. Place one on the ground, wait for a tank to pass by and detonate it. Instant kill.

    Or, if you want to stick with RPGs, make directinal armor much more powerful. Get triple damage for hitting the tank from the back and double for the front.
  17. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    C4 - It takes two, with fireworks....

    But I agree, the only reason someone might want to use something as inaccurate as the RPGs are to take out tanks, so definately change the armour hit damages.

    Two RPGs should take off an armour piece, and a grenade should finish it off, if exploded near armourless part.Tanks could be a bit faster, and a lot fairer, e.g. - Fair Hijacking system, maybe a rapidly press button minigame to decide between the people..? This is changable.
  18. oDannyKellyo

    oDannyKellyo Ancient
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    I think that a game type that they HAVE to hold out would be good.
  19. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    What?! lots of people use anti tank perks and grenades. in fact on a few of my custom classes i have an anti tank grenade and a bazooka! on others i have c4.

    in fact, just the other day i played a matchmaking game (on a map with no tanks btw) and my entire team had bazookas. and we won too.

    the fact is tanks may not be the best idea unless for maybe 1 or 2 confined city maps, but humvees would be great.imagine just running around with your gunner just shooting up everyone, and then suddenly you run over some prone sniper. epic. win.
  20. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
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    I like Sarge's idea about killstreaks, but I think that it might be easier to have it reset after 10 kills. That way you have to earn your second set with an extra three kills every time. This be useful for anyone on a good kills streak but 'noobs' wouldn't get so annoyed as they would if Sarge's example was used, because the hardcore players wouldn't get the bonus's as often.
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