Every headlong I have seen is on foundry and all suck because the map is too small could someone make a good one on sandbox PLZ!?!?!?!?!? Headlong was my 2nd fav halo 2 map and I really want it back P.S. I hate Blood Gulch but the sandbox remakes are awesome, but avalanche remakes suck:cry::cry::cry: So if you want to... GET TO IT!!!!!!!!!!
Headlong is way to big for Sandbox. You can make like....one building form it, or a super-mini version that sucks, but for a whole remake, you'd hit limits. I remade Foundation and hit both limits, Headlong is much bigger.
I agree i think that it will be too big, maybe try making it without the whole buildings, like maybe the street would be good that goes through headlong, but for the whole map you would definetly run out of items sorry.....
Why would anyone waste their time building you a map? Why don't you give it a try? Besides, it's impossible to creat such a thing on sandbox. Headlong's textures were smooth and clean cut, Sandbox's are just decaying, hideous, and unusable.
Headlong is wayy to big! Not to mention the millions of building and the big ass ramp. Please also don't spam the monitor icons, they get very annoying. If anything why can't you remake it instead of coming on hear complaining about the Foundry remakes.
Like everyone already said.. Headlong is much bigger than you think. If Sandbox was all flat ground, then maybe you could make it. It's not all falt ground and you would have to make a scaled down version. It probably would not even be worth it.
Every Headlong remake I've seen has used Foundry, and none have been good enough because the map is just too small. Is it possible for someone to remake Headlong on Sandbox? Headlong was one of my favourite maps from Halo 2 and I'd love to see what you guys can do!