I'm requesting 'Icecikle' as my teacher. But seeing the above posts, I'm unsure if he is available or not. If he is not, it's perfectly fine. I'll wait for him, or until another teacher who uses GIMP is approachable. I also have some minor suggestions, possibly broadening pupil's knowledge of teacher's work. Under each teacher, there will be spoiler with the 3 signatures the teacher wishes to be put on display. I feel it would give the student a wider perspective as in to what they're being taught. Another one would be revamping the rating system. To be honest, I can't give harsh criticism. If my teacher was actually bad, I'd still probably hand out a 4/5. It's basically the same fundamentals of the Map Forums epidemic. I suggest you let the students give comments on what they liked and disliked about their teacher. That's my opinion.
I can take you on now, but your going to have to share, k? If I can't handle two students, I'll tell you to wait, because idk if I can and still give quality advice and lessons. Even with my massive free time at the moment
Only twenty pictures allowed in each post. I would run out of room. Some of the comments aren't really well thought out. Most people here can be biased.
Hey, I asked for some teaching a few days ago, but no one replied =(. I understand though if you guys are busy.
I could download Gimp and try that or do you think I should just stick with PS. Because i downloaded it before, but deleted it for some reason.
Stick with PS. It has the basics and more. You need to get comfortable with a program. Since PS has more options, that would be better for you to stick with it.
I know this is kind of random but I am definitely willing to help as an instructor whenever I have time.
hey iceikle you have been a boss theacher could you give me a link to stock images i will rate iceikle 5/5
Hello, I want to learn. Obviously. I am right now downloading GIMP so its the latest version. For my teacher I really want LOCKdown. If he is unavalible I am willing to take anyone as long as they are good at using Halo characters in signatures. I'm really willing to learn and can't wait. I can use AIM and whoever my teacher is I will PM them with my AIM name. That is about all. Thanks!
Hey i need a teacher to teach me smudging skills. Please someone that knows more about smudging than me