Foundry Broken Down

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by bamblakopz, Mar 19, 2009.

  1. bamblakopz

    bamblakopz Ancient
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    I love custom games, I have played a bunch of them and I love trying out forged maps. I haven't been able to find the time to make a map but finally I have made my first map.
    It seems that everyone either makes a Slayer map or a Infection map so I made this map just for 1-bomb, or my little changes to make it be called: Search&Destroy.

    Here is the link for the map: Broken Down
    And here is the game variant: Search&Destroy

    Broken Down is a fun map that is played with the 'Search&Destroy' variant.
    It is a 1-bomb variant with a twist. Players must stay alive and stick together because if you die, you are out that round.
    There are 2 bases to plant the bomb in, 'A' or 'B'...
    Each team starts with an Assault Rifle. If a player dies, that player is dead until the 2 minute round is over.

    Defense- The Defense starts out near some weapons and close to either A or B. They can pick up equipment like the bubble shield, power drainer, trip mine, and others. But, once picked used, they do not respond that round. So use each weapon and equipment wisely. Their is a Rocket Launcher, Mauler, Needler, Brute Shot, and 2 Battle Rifles to use, but don't run out of ammo or you will be in trouble!

    Offense- Take the high road to the bridge and the 'B' base, or the tunnels to the 'A' base.
    The offense starts out next to a bunch of goodies including a Sniper Rifle, a Rocket Launcher, a Shotgun, 2 Battle Rifles, and a Needler. The bomb is right next to all of these things, as well as a Grav Lift, Bubble Shield, and more.


    The road to 'B' is quite literally a road. Take the steps up to a bridge and walk the long bridges to the base to plant the bomb. Or, you can take the mongoose and attempt a daring jump over a massive wall and also where you can pick up an overshield. The path to the 'B' base is quick, but you can easily be seen and shot down if you are not careful.

    The tunnels to 'A' are close quarters combat, so if you would like to take this path, bring the shotgun! This path weaves up and down and left and right through a dark tunnel. If you bring the grav lift, you can take a HUGE short cut over top of part of the tunnel. You also use this hidden shortcut to pick up the invisibility which can help you greatly to get through the tunnel unseen.

    Whichever path you choose, make sure your whole team takes the same path, it will help you to bring a large group and teamwork.


    Where the Attackers start


    Where the defenders start


    You can choose to plant the bomb at base 'A'


    You can plant the bomb at base 'B'


    The tunnel on the way to the way to base 'A'

    The high road on the way to the 'B' base

    You can try a daring jump to get the overshield which is very useful since you only have 1 life.
  2. blahinator180

    blahinator180 Ancient
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    well i admire your creativity but ur forging sucks, and i dont get a good idea of what your map looks like from your pics i think it is preatty complex in design u look like you have some paths going and an interesting concept for your map but i culdnt tell.

    Basicly i like what your map was supposed to be but i dontl ike how it came out you shouild make a cleaner v2 but keep forging i think u may have some potential

    you should also keep away from armories no one likes them
  3. bamblakopz

    bamblakopz Ancient
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    Ok... I'm confused... How could you say my forging sucks? All you see is a few screens...

    about the pics, you don't expect me to take a screen that shows the whole map do you? The objects nearly touch the roof so I can't take an overhead screen... And the whole map is basically used so I can't fit the whole thing in a screen... How about you download it, take a look, and then tell me what you think...
    #3 bamblakopz, Mar 19, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2009
  4. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    True dat. Also, it looks like the defenders spawn a little far and the attackers could actually beat them to their own base whent h defense goes back to get weapons.
  5. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Let's keep this civil and constructive shall we, and attempt to write in full, unbroken sentences.
  6. bamblakopz

    bamblakopz Ancient
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    What? All you see are a few pictures, DL it and then tell me it sucks please...

    Also, about the spawns, you are wrong...
    The fastest it took me to get to base A was about 20 seconds using the shortcut and about 30 seconds without it...
    The fastest it took me to get to base B was about 13 seconds using the mongoose... On foot it was about 20 seconds...

    The defense can get to base B in less then 5 seconds if they just run to it...
    They can get to A in even less time then that... So guess again, try the map, and THEN comment if you think it sucks!

    Thanks! :D
  7. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    Good luck. :p

    You've got a good grasp on how to create maps with different layouts, but cleanliness is unfortunately a big factor here. I'd definitely step over to Forging 101 and learn how to interlock (fuse items with each other) and geomerge (fuse items into the ground) seeing as that can make maps much neater, which is definitely a standard here. I hate it too...
  8. bamblakopz

    bamblakopz Ancient
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    Well I will look at the tips and use them no doubt, thanks! But I am not changing this one at all, It's a bit messy yes, but it is my first map and I think it looks great! Not just because I made it... :D
  9. Jay Rockn Weezy

    Jay Rockn Weezy Ancient
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    Ok you need interlocking and merging because this map is the worst i'v seen. But if you try harder it might be better.
  10. bamblakopz

    bamblakopz Ancient
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    Really... the worst you've ever seen... That's pretty darn harsh...
    First off, it is my first map, so yea, it's gonna be messy, but I have had SO much fun in messy maps before, they don't always have to be extra clean to be fun... Yea, I need interlocking and I guess I will work on that... but I don't NEED merging do I?

    Sigh...I'll work on it and get back to you guys, until then, I'll be gone and not posting here until I complete it... Thanks for your non-constructive criticism guys...
  11. exploreTheGore

    exploreTheGore Ancient
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    No map needs to be interlocked. It has become a standard here but all that map needs in order to be great is game play. I bet nine tenths of the people that looked at this map automatically ruled it out of getting downloaded just because it didn't look "pretty" like most maps here. I am going to download this map and see how the game play is. To tell you the truth, I think he is pretty good to get his pictures right on his first try. How many people do you know that got the pictures right on their first attempt. We should be embracing this newcomer and not saying he sucks because their is no way for him to improve if all he is told is that his maps suck.
  12. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    First off, I would just like to say that there are some seriously inconsiderate assholes on forgehub that actually spend their free time finding any way to say a map sucks. On topic, this map has a concept, but it's been done before lots of time. I'm not sure how 1 life would be, regardless of 2 minute rounds, simply because it will really suck. I'd just stick to infinite lives if I were you. The mongoose jump seems new, you shouldn't really give armories for these kinds of games however, and DEFINITELY not give the offensive team this many weapons.

    Question-Do we have to plant the bomb on BOTH bases? Anyways, it's not a bad map, try interlocking because it makes gameplay smoother, and looks aesthetically friendly. Right now I'll give 2/5 but try to make a better version for your next one.

    EDIT: ^^^ Guy above me. Not true at all. Lots of maps don't have to be merged at all. I made a giant obstacle course dubbed, obby and haven't gotten a single bad review...yet... and NONE of it is merged. Getting pictures on your first try isn't really an achievement, for it's on the sticky for uploading maps, they show you HOW to upload maps, so there really isn't any reason to NOT be able to get pictures up your first time-hell, it even says MANDATORY.

    Guy that the guy above me quoted on. Get a life. Seriously.
    #12 Rifte, Mar 19, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2009
  13. Kitten X

    Kitten X Ancient
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    Please try to keep the maturity level up. Bamblakopz recently joined ForgeHub so let's try to give him a warmer welcoming. It's people like you two, who don't give constructive criticism and often are discourteous, that make people want to leave ForgeHub.
  14. bamblakopz

    bamblakopz Ancient
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    I am keeping it at 1 life per round and 2 minute rounds because that is just the main point of the game... I don't know if you ever played search and destroy on COD4 but it is a lot of fun and it is basically the same rules.

    The reason I gave the offense some better weapons, example Sniper rifle and a few parts of the map where the defense could easily hide behind a wall and just kill the guy the second they pass. The defense can just camp somewhere while the offense needs to keep moving. Because each player only has one life, this is a HUGE advantage for the defense... So, to even it out a bit more, I gave the offense a bit better weapons...

    And you only need to plant it at one spot. You can choose either A or B.

    I'll be working on it I guess... It will mean I need to scrap the whole thing to make it smoother though... But if it makes the jerks on this site happier then so be it...

    By the way, are armories really that bad? Everyone is saying they suck..
    I'm not getting rid of those, they are here to stay..... If everyone truly hates them, like blahinator180 says, I will dare to be different and add them in my maps anyway...
    #14 bamblakopz, Mar 19, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2009
  15. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    You've got the right idea. I can bet anything that the guy who said it was the worse he's ever seen surely has not played it. Though the comments may say otherwise, don't lose your senses, gameplay always comes first. If you have fun playing it, that is all that matters.
  16. Powerslave

    Powerslave Ancient
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    The map is good, but could use some interlocking and could be cleaner with more reasonable weapon spawns instead of all weapons in one area.
  17. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Well, in the end, it's not really about daring to be different, it's more about game play and if it sucks or not. So wait... if EVERYONE gets only one life... wouldn't it make more sense for the offensive to kill everyone first... or how about defensive lets themselves die so they can end the round? That would be kind of unfair and destroy game play.

    EDIT: Oh, and your tags? May want to edit them.... tags like those may make people thinks your a tool.
    #17 Rifte, Mar 19, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2009
  18. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    ARMORIES SUCK!!! I have never played a map with armories that had good gameplay. And Ive played 1,300 customs. Just please get rid of armories! I'll dl and see if I'm proven wrong about armories. I doubt it though.... interesting gametype as well, I'll have to see if that works too. Well, the map seems pretty bland from lookin at the pics but I'll come back with my critisisms after playing the map. Learn how to interlock and geomerge and incorporate these techniques in this map. Interlocking and geomerging will get you dl's!
    #18 crazyzebu, Mar 19, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2009
  19. bamblakopz

    bamblakopz Ancient
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    lol, now I know you didn't download the map... Yes, the offense can try to kill the defense, but that's just a part of it and it works fine as COD4 has already proven...
    I already thought about the defense killing themselves, and if you actually downloaded my map before critiquing it you would know that this is not a problem... Player's actually have unlimited lives, it's just that when they die, they go to a jail-like cell and they can't shoot out or hit anyone at all... They are stuck there and can't really see what's going on in the battle... So is the defense killed themselves, they would be stuck here and allow the offense to easily plant the bomb without any trouble at all...
  20. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Can't download anything for a while, I've already queued it, my xbox isn't connected to anything. But I can tell you this right now. People get pissed off when that happens. Seriously. I've played games like this where they get trapped in a box after death, and it's absolutely retarded, because if you die as a defender from a rocket or sniper every time, you'll be heading straight for the leave game.

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