so after long months of sleeping in my den i have emerged with new maps for you to play. Halo Karttm Halo Kart is not just one map but a whole set of maps for your play. i have tryed to make maps on all maps, but i could not do a few sorry. some of these are; Isolation, The Pit, Snowbound, Narrows, Highground, Guardian, Cold Storage, and Blackout. i was not able to put any on some maps because i need a new Halo 3 disk. Halo Kart games uses 4 teams, no more, thats red, blue, green, and orange. teams are made of 2-3 players, there are exceptions to this, such as ghost town is 1-2. On most maps there will be warthogs as a primary(save Ghost Town), but there are also hidden mongeese and prowlers on some. If you find one, feel free to use it, but they have their faults. players start with, assult rifle and shotgun, while neddler for the VIP 1) rats nest Halo 3 File Details ramps and a small door make this map harder than you would think. 2) Avalanche Halo 3 File Details watch out, that chasm is a dosy... 3) standoff Halo 3 File Details if your lucky, you'll be the one raming teams off the edge and not the other way around. 4) Valhalla Halo 3 File Details And around the bend they go, reds jumping, oh my lord blue just pushed them, blue point. whats this? reds rolling their on their wheels, and red just got the rebound of the ram. 5) Last Resort Halo 3 File Details ahhh, spining blade of death, ahhh door, ahh we got more points. 6) Ghost Town Halo 3 File Details yes, you did just go color blind, suck it up, some people live like this their whole life. And next is the first part of my new section of Halo Kart, Frequent Dieing Miles, and if you can't guess what that is, it's the flying in Hornets/Banshess. I built it because I was board and needed something to do. So this is the Beta for it. If there is something you dont like please PM me and tell me what I should change and how you think i should change it. FDM uses 2 teams of 1-3, that is red and blue. please do not use any other color. This version uses mainly Hornets, why, because there are a lot of them. but like on the normal version, you can get hidden Banshess. But you must find them. Players start with brute shots and battle rifles, while VIP starts with a neddler. 7) Avalanche Halo 3 File Details yes, that is a flying box that holds a ball. And these are the game types (normal) Halo 3 File Details (FDM) Halo 3 File Details p.s. yes I know I should have a lot of pictures, but i really dont have many pictures because its hard to get really good pics of this game. So if you get any really cool pics, post them and we will marvel in awe at your coolness. Halo Kart is not responsable for injurys or horse voice's, please play at your own risk, side effects include but are not limited to:lust to play more, anger, want to blow things up, body damage, and or temporary total color blindness. again, please play at your own risk. also please note that tm means "This-is-Mine" thank you, have a nice race.
yes i know, like i said, its hard to get pics. the games i wanted to get pics on i waited for like two days and when i went to get pics the film had expired. lol. oh well. if you get any good pics then post them.
Unfortunately, pictures are required on FH map threads. Bungie don't liek linking from Bnet, so save the images to your PC, and upload them to an image host. I use Tinypic, because you can keep track of your images. Or, there's a site called Haloscreenshots. There's somethign about ito n the announcements I believe, haven't used that yet.
hes not talking about amount of pictures your pics just arn't working. You cannot just link to the bungie screenshot you have to upload them to photobucket/haloscreenshots/other stuff like that.
wha, oro. when they change that, like last... never mind. i shall fix this, i am sorry about my stupididy. once i figer out how to work photobucket then i shall put those back. sorry. ='(
Fox, if you don't include pictures, the post is not up to FH standards. I'll give you a few more days, but if you don't even have overview shots, I'll lock this thread.