Foundry Playground

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by Dragondude, Mar 2, 2009.

  1. Dragondude

    Dragondude Ancient
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    This is an aesthetic map, mostly, but it can be used in Team Slayer.
    Comes complete with:
    -two see-saws
    -a slide
    -a maze
    -a little hill to climb

    The weapons:
    -Gravity Hammer
    -Rocket Launcher
    -Sentinel Beam

    The Vehicles:
    -two Mongooses
    -Guass Warthog
    -normal Warthog
    -two Choppers

    Some pics!


    The maze and its reward

    Hope you all like it and, if you download, please rate and comment.
  2. Plasma Napkin

    Plasma Napkin Ancient
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    The weapons:
    -Gravity Hammer
    -Rocket Launcher
    -Sentinel Beam

    uhm... you should learn something about weapons... Dont just put super-strong weapons only on a map and expect it to be good. And... HOW do you want to play team slayer on this thing? There is almost no cover, but many vehicles. I also would not call this aesthetic, because objects are not eveen straight, and what here looks good/special? Or somehow like something... ye, something. You put some objects on top of each other... some kind of floating path without an end... spawns in the middle of the map without cover (gauss warthog--death)...

    -a little hill to climb

    wtf?!. takes two seconds to jump onto a few boxes... very original.

    So, I wont rate. My suggestion: Start a completely new map, use more of the map itself, this one is really open. Do not use power weapons only. Put BRs, magnums, whatever in therem but not only the strong ones.

    There are somehow too many vehicles for foundry here. As long as you do not need them for a minigame or something like that, do not use too much. (other maps may work fine... but definitely not Foundry)

    Objects on your map should have a reason to be there.

    Straighten the objects. Looks way better.

    Spawn points should be positioned better, so people who spawn have cover and can not get spawn killed immeaditely.

    Think creative! What makes your map special? Try to think of something that is really interesting.
  3. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    uhmm, creative map, i can tell you that. your forging isn't that great, you need to go to forging 101 in the forums here and learn how to interlock. i'm not sure how team slayer would work on this... but a good start forgewise. for now, 2/5. believe me, you will get better.
  4. Joen@thanishere

    Joen@thanishere Ancient
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    so what is the point of the map? no aesthetics besides a few stacked boxes and dumpsters, but this map isnt grabbing me. its a gigantic open field with a building and a few floating walls and bridges, im not trying to be rude but this map doesnt really seen like a fun map to me
  5. Dragondude

    Dragondude Ancient
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    I know how to interlock and have done so on many maps I have made. I also used it on this one. In the walkway and the corner maze portion.

    As for the power weapon issue, it is supposed to be a map where you can just screw around in. It is not meant to be a competitive map, it is a place for you to get some friends and just run around, blowing the crap out of each other.
  6. Plasma Napkin

    Plasma Napkin Ancient
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    Does not really sound fun though. People who get killed/ have no power weapon and get killed all the time while be really pissed.
  7. Wolverine

    Wolverine Ancient
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    Well, creative idea but not pulled off well. The slide is messed up and crooked. The sesaws are just ugly. The maze is sloppy. The boxes have no use. You really need to interlock and geomerg on most of the things. Next time make the walls straight. Make swings and make sure to interlock and geomerge to make things even and straight. Take this advice and be sure to use it. 2/5
  8. Sworn Shadow

    Sworn Shadow Ancient
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    Hello I love people who want to Forge but you should check up on our Forging 101 articles. It will give you many different techniques to make your map look nice and play nice as well. Remember everyone that started in forge started as beginners.
  9. Firestalk

    Firestalk Ancient
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    Great Aesthetic map!!! Perfect scene for machinimas!!!
  10. Fenian Bhoy

    Fenian Bhoy Ancient
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    this looks very sloppy u should fix it up
  11. Skarrow

    Skarrow Ancient
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    This map looks really pathetic, no offense.
  12. Silva Sniper

    Silva Sniper Ancient
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    Agreed.And where is the merges.Come on dude,try harder.This sucks at being asethic.What kind of weirdo puts a weapon list on an asethic map.Horrible.2/5
  13. Dragondude

    Dragondude Ancient
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    Well, due to the overwhelming negativity toward this, I am going to try and make a second version and make it on Sandbox. I will probably take most, if not all, of your suggestions and try to make a better map. I already have an idea of the improvements I could make.
  14. Gkidsinc

    Gkidsinc Ancient
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  15. CD95 v2

    CD95 v2 Ancient
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    Well to be honest, nasty interlocking and looks TOO open needs to be closed up more, with like fillers- Box, dumpster, ect.
  16. Yyzyyz

    Yyzyyz Ancient
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    This would be horrible for machinima or about anything else

    1.Either interlock a hill or do not make one, plus its just a couple dumpsters on top of each other
    2.Seesaw isn't much of a seesaw AND IS PURE UGLINESS!!!
    3.Umm... is that a slide or floating chunks of wood
    4.Design is terrible
    5.No aesthetics, just stuff around a map
    7.Maze is sloppy and pointless, and proboably so easy that it is not even a maze
    8.Come on, a football for a prize, might as well put it in the map with the rest of the stuff
    9.It is like an open field with stuff chucked around
    10.Weapons are overpowered
    11.No actual cool stuff like shield doors and footballs (in the map)
    *comes up with 988 other reasons*
    999.How can you play things like slayer and KOTH in this abomination
    1000.No fun :(

    This map overall is very boring and can burn the eyes of even chuck norris, jesus, muhammed, god etc

    So here is my rating

    Creativity: 0.5/10 (O.K. this is kinda creative)
    Interlocking + Geomerging: 0/10
    Aesthetics: -10/10
    Playability: -100/10
    Fun: -10/10
    People Who Like It: 0.1/10 (grr, you like it)

    Final Score: Gizmondo/Xbox 360 (means bad just to let you know)

    Now please enjoy watching the banhammer (IN ALL ITS GLORY XD) hitting your xbox 360 hard on the memory, so that no one has to see this horrible thumbnail again :D

    Have a nice day now

    Yyzyyz, Map Critic XD
  17. Dragondude

    Dragondude Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Okay. Well, I am making a second version on Sandobx, so that will be better than this one. Nice rant, by the way.

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