Now, clearly you guys are aware that I'm conducting my party a bit differently for the sake of helping maps gain notice and helpful comments so I'll just clarify some of the rules. General Requirements How to join the Party Find two maps from different subforums of the map section that adhere to the following specifications: not a featured map made by a member who does not have a colored name must be from legendary DLC or prior (at least two) you MAY post additional maps (such as those on sandbox, those that dont fit guidelines) but we will only play them if everyone has the DLC required and there is enough time or I have the will to during breaks Download them to your hard drive Post here with the following Your Gamertag FH links to the two maps you've chosen Information on the DLC you have Downloaded. Heroic, Legendary, Mythic. What gameplay you prefer (racing, MLG, etc). I will use this to choose maps for our play between the scheduled maps posted in here. Wait expectantly for an invite on Friday the 20th of March. What to do after the Party Post any comments (constructive criticism too) on this new system and whether or not you'd like to see it employed more often. Post a comment in each of the map threads you downloaded and brought to the party (extra credit if you post in others). I will be monitoring this. Like I said in the front page announcement, its an experiment. I'm trying to help the community interact more as well as leave a plethora of helpful comments for maps that would normally go unnoticed. There's really no reward, so if you're expecting one, shame on you, if you aren't, you're a good person : P Anywho, that is all. -Sarge
1:The Texan83 2: The Maps: Facility by xBladeM6x The Doog by Doog Nit 3: All DLC 4: Whatever is fun and keeps me entertained for a couple hours.
1. crazy zebu 2. The maps Quincunx: by me =) Concourse: by goatnuts420 I have all maps except mythic. I love all maps except mlg ones, soooo boring =( Also: Has there been any consideration of people living on the west coast. I get home after school and theres only 45 minutes of TGIF left. =(
I thought long and hard when making the OP if I should allow people to bring in their own maps. I'll allow it once since I never put down you couldn't, but after this, no more.
1: Vodka Fountain 2: Maps : Somniphobia Gametypes that work best are KOTH or MLG flag. Slayer is hot too, so we'll see what gametype people are intetested in. If this continues I'll definitely have a map by someone else to play next time. Second map: Sky Pyramid(race) by Masta Blastr. Not the cleanest forged race map on Sandbox, nor the most ambitious, but it is the most fun, and that's what I care about. To keep with the rules, new and overlooked, my new map selections. 1: Endangerment v3 by fatalityz. This map is an excellent FFA slayer map, with standard Lone Wolves gametype, 6 players or less. 2: Second Salberd, by iTz Flair. It's a well forged Foundry race track, with a really nice elevator that hasn't failed me yet. I'd still prefer to play my first choices, if that isn't a problem with anyone, but these are great maps as well. 3: All DLC 4: I prefer competitive and MLG, specifically objective games if the map supports the gametype well. Mini games and races I like as well, but I just can't enjoy them in large doses, unless there's a huge variety. I haven't yet met a regular Infection game that I like, but I'm not opposed to the idea of one if its done well.
1. stickmanmeyhem 2. -Antiquity by Doog Nit -MLG Escape by scatman92 3. All 4. Team games, Shottie Snipers, MLG, basically whatever you throw at me...
1. HunT3dMeat 2. Maps: Excavation by OctoDeath (competitive) Second Map: Paramount by AnF Knight (race) 3. Heroic, Legendary, Mythic 4. Everything is fine with me EXCEPT MLG cause it just ain't as fun. Edit: OK new maps Quincunx Transsiberian
1. Gunnergrunt 2. Exult Valley Forge v2 3. Heroic, Legendary, Mythic 4. I prefer CTF EDIT: I will try and find other maps besides my own. If i do not find any that interest me by tomorrow, I am willing to comment in five map posts (i will probaby end up posting in more anyways). Also, there is a possibility that i will be traveling (spring break) during part of the TGIF so my attendance is iffy.
Below; Maps and Gametypes that I would like to play and will have possession of during TGIF #29. I am sorry that I provided more than two.Mini-GamesSmear the PinkieI played this once and it was pretty fun. A bit repetitive but it wouldn't hurt to play it once. It is a simple concept. One honor rule, no staying behind... A lovely Bunch of Coconuts I'm not even sure what this map is about but the innovation looks like it is there. I would love to play it. I like the way Morphine used the magnetism and would be interested in playing it. Although, I might not know a whole lot about it, I'm not clueless. The Grand Finale [IF PARTY IS SMALL ENOUGH]I have yet to play this. I just recently downloaded it but this is why I play the last level over and over again. CompetitiveSanctuary [IF PARTY IS SMALL ENOUGH]It looks and plays pretty good. Minor spawn problems in Free For All but I have not gotten a chance to test this piece of art in team games. Highway ÆThis looks like a very good map for 4v4 and maybe even 5v5. I like the map namely because who doesn't love a center choke point that determines a match? Gamertag: Furry x Furry What DLC do you possess? The Heroic, Legendary and Mythic Map Pack. What are you willing to play? I'll play anything as long as it is not a random assortment of teleporters scattered in a death barrier. Meaning, I'll do pretty much anything. I'm easily entertained. PS: Sanctuary's last post was about 2 weeks ago. It wasn't really discussed and was hidden amongst other maps. It might get necro-posted if told to "post in the thread for extra credit." Ladnil, stickmanmeyhem, HunT3dMeat, read the submission guide again. Gunnergrunt, Sarge wrote this a few posts before you.
1. AceOfSpades0707 2. Ephasus (Competitive) by Zombievillain and Spectac Swirl (Racing) by RAA2428 3. Mythic 4. Competitive Slayer or CTF, Conquest, Racing Really looking forward to this. P.S. Both of the maps are on Foundry.
FIXED GT: Pennywiez map 1: tranquilizer (avalanche) (race) map 2: smear da pinkie (foundry) (casual) map 3: crematorium (mythic) (competitive) Maps i poses: Heroic, Legendary, Mythic, Cold Storage i will be on at roughly 6:00 central and i am willing to play anything. but i prefer mini games and casual games but dont mind the odd MLG
You guys all better read my rules again. As furry pointed out, a few of you are disregarding them. I'm going to be checking this tomorrow before TGIF. If it is not fixed by then, you're getting cut from the party. If I have less than 8 people for the party, the experiment is regarded as having failed and my TGIF party is null and void. get it? got it? good. now fix your posts.
GT: EpicFishFingers Maps: Smear the Pinkie by Seaboro Kibbles (Foundry) Sky Pyramid v2 by Masta Blastr (Sandbox) The Courtyard by Shenanigans.nom (Foundry) Info about maps: Smear the Pinkie: Originally called Smear The *****, but name was a bit controversial. Mini-game that involves humans splattering pink zombies armed with Plasma Pistols. Simple, but extremely addictive! Sky Pyramid v2: A figure-8 shaped racetrack map on Sandbox in the skybubble. Based around an aesthetic pyramid that is travelled through in the race. Appears to be quite difficult, but looks fun. The Courtyard: Symmetrical competitive map on Foundry by a new member. Geomerged and interlocked, but the map's flow doesn't appear that good. Trying to get the map recognised; few newer members' maps are. Quick question: How will the maps be put on? Will you have to momentarily sacrifice party leader to allow the players to put their maps on? That might be bad if a member decides to hijack the party... oh yeah, and I have ALL THE DLC
1) D4VY JON3S 2) Emphasis by GD 27 Sh0ckWave Soccer by Sarge 525. I think this is the best soccer game variant out there. 3) ALL DLC (including Mythic) 4) Team Slayer, Team BR's, Team Snipers, Conquest, and One-Flag!
Ok in case I'm not mistaken, the one guy that signed up without mythic just dropped out because of his inability to play in TGIF. Sooooo I'm making mythic a requirement now, since its clear that more people have it than I previously thought. Now, this also brings in another requirement since I've hadta forgo one of my previous rules, do not bring your own map, this is for other people, not yourself. In hindsight, I realize that not putting that in the rules to begin with was a major flaw as it circumvented the purpose of this experiment, after all, you are all required to comment in the map threads that you brought. How is it going to be beneficial to others if you bring your own map, and as such don't need to comment in a thread? The ONLY way you guys can still have your maps in the party is if you comment on 5, thats right FIVE, maps after the party. And like the posts I expect from everyone, they need to be thorough and concise. So GunnerGrunt, either commit to commenting on 5 maps, or don't bring your map. Sorry, but it voids one of the original rules. Anywho, for those of you who adhered to the rules, or at least tried, you may substitute a map from any DLC in place of the Legendary- ones you chose. But only if you feel like doing so. That is all, PM me if you've questions P.S. Next new person to post is going to be the final sure-sign in. After that they are reserves in case someone doesnt show up (which you all should)
Well it turned out that I didn't need to drop out. I guess it's too late for me though, because I don't have mythic... Have fun... =(