Foundry pest control

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Running Chron, Mar 17, 2009.

  1. Running Chron

    Running Chron Ancient
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    Updated to v2


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    Finally it’s released. The tremor and mouse to end every tremor and mouse! No I kid, that’s a little over dramatic, but this is my favorite, probably because I made it but that’s beside the fact. I’m not going to go into great detail about some phony made up story plot, but let’s just say the mice pissed of the tremors and now it’s an all out war. Thanks to Mastar for setting the precedent and providing the game-type, and I’m really only releasing this because there are a lot of people playing the wrong version. So I present to you "pest control", my failed tremor blast map that magically turned into tremor and mouse.

    This is a photo of where most of the game-play takes place, an easy to navigate two story flat that will provide an easy getaway, hopefully.

    This is where the mice will spawn, not much use to you later in the game, but don't worry because you'll have plenty of time to scatter before the tremor gets released.

    The far back corner is probably the second hot-spot on the map. A good tremor will have no trouble here, but some of the less experienced ones will have a little trouble.

    After 20 seconds or so the tremor will be set free and anyone below him will be in danger of being landed on, which will not be good for that mouse. You can also get tricky and go under the A sign where the tremor cannot.


    #1 Running Chron, Mar 17, 2009
    Last edited: May 9, 2009
  2. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    This map was a load of fun playing the other day, I remember this ****.

    Epic tremor launch thing btw, that was one of the coolest parts how the tremor comes flying out of the place where it starts. The entire game was filled with good times and hilarious moments, and the quality forging and merging made gameplay smooth and without interruption.

    Plenty of cool structures and trick driving elements to help more skilled drivers better evade the tremors, all in all a great time and the first type of map like this that I've played and I liked it.
  3. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Wow! I didn't know this was your LOL. I have played it already with about 3-4 other people but they didn't say anything that this was from Running Chron!

    Since I have played it already, I might as well give some feedback. The fence walls and the bridge banks work pretty well for the mice but it extremely frustrates the tremore because he has to pass the bridges in order to ram them.

    The wall structure in the 3rd picture also benefited the mice a lot because there are multiple pathways to get in and get out not to mention an underground passageway directly below it. This also frustrates an inexperienced tremor because the mice can tease him a lot and confuse him on which way they are going.

    Nice job, but IMO, I like the original one better.
  4. Zanitor

    Zanitor Ancient
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    Wow Chron, it really looks you worked on this really hard! I like that huge structure in the middle, you have done a really great job man.
    I like how you have like levels to this map, like the really cool fence wall things. YOu have done a great job man!
  5. Jay Rockn Weezy

    Jay Rockn Weezy Ancient
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    I played this fun map and man, it is the craziest and funnest mouse and tremor yet. I recomend this to people who like mouse and tremor. 5/5
  6. cakeChart

    cakeChart Ancient
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    I played this with my friends last night, and, you sir, have made a beautiful and complimenting map for a wonderful gametype. There were no hiding spots, and everywhere the mice could go the tremor could go. You sir, are win.
  7. Running Chron

    Running Chron Ancient
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    Thanks titmar, your a prince.

    Yeah, there were a lot of people playing an old breakable version. So therefor I released the map so anyone could have the right version that wanted it.
    Also I wanted to make it kind of hard for the tremor, a good tremor will still wipe the field pretty fast, but I thought the original was a little too easy, so therefor I wanted to make it a little bigger so you weren't just going in a circle the whole time.

    Thanks, I put a lot of time in it, and I didn't release it for a long time. So it had time to get tested by a lot of people before it actually got released.

    Thanks zanitor, and everyone else that bothered to comment, <3

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