Hi everyone. I joined ForgeHub.com about 2 days ago and I'm already impressed with the professionalism in which you run this site. I'm constantly finding new, interesting maps that are fun to play and it inspires me to see how much I can do. I cant wait to get to work on some maps and sharing them with you guys. =) I don't exactly know how the friend system works, but if anyone wants to, you can add me if you want lol. THANKS!
Welcome to forgehub, home of... idk eh So, makes sure you read the rules and you should be fine. Nice to have you here, "Hero"
Hello Hero. I'd like to welcome you to Forgehub. It's quite the friendly site and since you stated that you'd like to know how the friend system works, I'll explain it to you. Pretty much the main purpose of having Friends on Forgehub is to simply have an easy way of contacting your friends without having to look for them. First of all you need to know how to send a Friend Request. Now there are two ways of doing so. You can either click on the person's user name when they post on a thread and then click on "Add (name) to your contacts". Following that click on the box to the left of the statement that says "Also send a friend request to (name)" and click Yes. Or you can click on there name anywhere else on the site and you can possibly be linked to their profile. Then, under the category of "Friends" click on "Befriend (name)". Now on your profile you can click on your friends in the friend category and when you have more than six friends simply click view all friends. I hope this helped, any other questions or concerns feel free to ask me or any other member on Forgehub.
inb4... o shi- lol it's nice to see you here we are definitely a site with a degree of professionalism, so just watch what you do and say, not so much say
Hello welcome to Forgehub, this site is very fun and you will find a lot of good maps and friends on here, hope to see you around
Do you know what spaces and Puncutation are? Actually, you know. Screw Grammar. 1llt4lkl13kth1s4ndy0uw0ntb34bl3t0und3rst4ndm3. Now, that I win... Welcome to ForgeHub!