This map is fairly good for infection and can be good for other games like slayer too. This map is all about getting away from these zombies that flee from the tunnels. The humans have to make their way to get to safety but if they go the wrong way they are screwed. There is weapons on the map so if the humans run out of ammo there is nothing to worry about but finding it. Hope you enjoy here are some screenshots. Overview of hill and several tunnels( will see better l8er) Human spawn points 1 and 2 Both geomerged with the corners Invis spawn Tunnels 1(right) and 2(left) Tunnel 1 dead end with mauler Inside tunnel 2 is the beggining of a cave Zombie spawn and water fall at the end of tunnel 2(railing geomerged with the ground) Little rock type thing hangin out of waterfall secret shotgun spawn from rock in waterfalls and door switch Tunnel 3 end of tunnel 3 with br spawn in middle Cave/ tunnel 4 far left on the hill needler spawn at the bottom move to the top secret hiding spot at the top Another overview from a different angle Here is the download and I hope you enjoyHalo 3 File DetailsThank you guys again and i will have more maps for you l8er k.
The pics aren't up to forgehub standards, go to and search your gamertag then click on the pictures you want in your post and copy and paste the BB code EDIT: This looks pretty good. I like the tunnels you probally shouldn't of told which one was the dead end though. I like it a lot but I will not download it becuz of limited space on tee hardrive ***** tee 100 custom stuff or whatever limit*
this looks pretty intense... but with that "secret hiding spot" at the top of the hill wouldnt humans just camp there? the tunnels look a LITTLE bit messy ill say 3.5/5 i havent played yet but i wil go try it
Very impressive, you have proved your worthiness and talent in forging. but my i perhaps refer you to a thread about thread templates: Just to help organize your work better. Welcome to Forgehub! ~Orange~
Meh, not all that interesting, tunnel rats did this a lot better and it came out a long time ago. It's sloppy, there's very little cover and it looks like the humans could easily just camp until they ran out of ammo, which can take a long time if your good. 2/5 because you made pretty sweet tunnels.
I kno this isnt one of my best maps and yes it is sloppy but trust me ive made better before i was on this site and i delete them by accident so ill try harder next time.
welcome to forgehub! nice forging, you have great potential. the forging looks great but some of it looks a little sloppy. ea, the tunnels look a little off, and the geomerging looks sorta off [the geomerged staircase, but then again, that's pretty difficult- better than i can do haha]. but, if you have the budget, you should add some cover. it's basically leaving half of the map basically untouched. either way, excellent job. 4/5
i like the idea of it, im a big fan of building/tunnel type maps, with a bunch of hiding spots. just not for zombies, really easy to camp with the humans. if i were you id turn it into a S.W.A.T V.2 map, and if you got any more items to use, fill the outside a little. Other then that ill give ya a 4/5 :]
I was actually goin to build a whole other building outside for the zombie spawn but ran out of money so instead i had to do what i did and put the zobies in the waterfall tunnel. I personally think it would have been way better if i had been able to get the building outside because it would have made it have more cover but the swat thing is a good idea. It is hard for it to be swat though because there is no cover outside but i can try it out with my testers. Thanks.
You would have to redesign the map a little for better lines of sight and cover/structuring of it to give it good gameplay. In it's current state it might not be at its best for S.W.A.T. but you can try. ~Orange~
I really like these kinds of maps. The kind that looks normal on the outside, but on the inside is a battling zone. 4/5.
Hey guys i am back from florida and i have like 4 maps comin and they are all S.W.A.T. maps and theyre lookin pretty good so again i will post sometime soon. Thnx.