Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen trailers and video clips on Yahoo! Movies Looks pretty awesome. Really looking forward for this to come out.
That looks really sweet. But the first one was cool and funny and all, but way too much was put into it... they shouldn't have had that huge ass fighting scene at the end that was like 20 minutes straight... I hope they bring it down a little bit and have more funny/MEGAN FOX parts. or wait, they should just have it on megan fox the whole time, that'd work too. but srsly, it looks perty shweet, but probably won't come out for another year or two.
I thought the action was the best part. Writing < directing with most Michael Bay films. Every funny part was crude 10-year-old humor. The fight scenes are what people pay to see. I can't wait for this to come out though.
You know it would be pretty cool if they made a game out of transformers that becomes very successful. Like if bungie tried making on it would be incredible. I cant wait to see this movie, it makes me want to watch the original again
To parrot what Tex said, monumental truth in the above quote. I'm not shelling out money to see how funny or witty Shia LaBeouf can be (which is the same in every movie he's in), I'm paying to see giant muthafuckin robots kickin' the **** out of each other and satisfying my childhood dreams. Devastator looks pretty cool, even though he seems to have a giant wheel on his head.
ZOMFG LINU!!! Use teh search button lawlz... Same Trailer, posted by me 3 weeks ago, which means its still technically postable in... GOSH! lolz /pwnd but besides the duplicate thread thar, and how old this trailer is, it still looks as awesome as it did when the trailer came out.
Transformers isn't supposed to be a comedy. It's an action flick, there's supposed to be 20 minutes of epic fighting.
Everyone I know that saw the first movie came for 2 things, the giant robot fights and Megan Fox. Also, some girls I know saw it for Shia McSomething-I-Forgot-How-To-Spell